Making it yourself: the simplest models of electric cultivator

Making it yourself: the simplest models of electric cultivator

Any owner of a garden plot knows how tedious and painstaking the work associated with cultivating various crops can be. That...
How to make a simple moonshine still with your own hands

How to make a simple moonshine still with your own hands

Your assessment Nowadays, given the large amount of counterfeit alcohol in stores, more and more of our compatriots are leaning towards making...
How you can make a super-long-burning solid fuel boiler yourself - real experience

How you can make a super-long-burning solid fuel boiler yourself - real experience

After building a country cottage on a site where there is no main gas pipeline, the issue of heating arises. The ideal option would be to collect...
Barbecue from a gas cylinder: we make it ourselves

Barbecue from a gas cylinder: we make it ourselves

Holidays outside the city, be it a dacha or a picturesque clearing in the forest or near a pond, very often involve cooking barbecue. Of course, this can be done...
We create a smoke generator with our own hands: details on how the main element of the smokehouse is made + 95 photos

We create a smoke generator with our own hands: details on how the main element of the smokehouse is made + 95 photos

Simple and traditionally used in all culinary cultures of the world, cold smoking technology is designed to produce appetizing snacks from fish and...
Do-it-yourself long-burning solid fuel boiler: drawings and assembly procedure

Do-it-yourself long-burning solid fuel boiler: drawings and assembly procedure

Long-burning boilers have high heat transfer and produce a softer, more even temperature. But they also have a significant drawback - high price....
Do-it-yourself smoke generator for cold smoking: purpose, operating principle, manufacturing

Do-it-yourself smoke generator for cold smoking: purpose, operating principle, manufacturing

The unforgettable taste of many fish and meat delicacies is given by their processing with the smoke of smoldering sawdust (chips). For better preservation of food, it is ideal...
How to make a long-burning solid fuel boiler with your own hands: drawings, diagrams and instructions

How to make a long-burning solid fuel boiler with your own hands: drawings, diagrams and instructions

Boiler diagram In recent years, issues of ensuring the energy efficiency of houses have left the realm of theoretical calculations and have become a practical task for everyone...
A simple smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands

A simple smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands

Smoking as a method of food preservation has been known for a very long time. Today it has not lost its relevance, not so much because of its long shelf life, but...
Cyclones for air purification from dust

Cyclones for air purification from dust

Owners of small workshops and just home craftsmen often have to deal with the problem of air purification after intensive processing work...