The nickname is "snowdrop". What flowers are hidden under one name


There is no bad time of the year, so it is impossible to unambiguously single out any one of the four in the first place. But spring gives almost everyone a feeling of joy and enthusiasm - the world is awakening. And of course, after the endless whiteness of the snows, we wait and always meet with amazement the first flowers - snowdrops. As a child, I was sure that the snowdrops were blue - they grew in a small flower bed, in a neighbor's garden. The garden was tiny: a small round flower bed with a bench next to it, surrounded by lilacs and May bushes - as the adults called us spirea. And on this flower bed after the snow, several green-burgundy sprouts appeared on their lands and, opening, blue drops-buds crawled out of them, opening into blue stars. Spring has come, snowdrops have grown from under the snow. Now I know that it was a Siberian Scylla, but this is now, and then for everyone on Ivanovskaya 19 it was snowdrops. The snowdrop fallacy is ubiquitous. Everything that grows after the snow melts is called snowdrops by the people. I met the caption under the photograph of a lumbago, a dream-grass, as it is often called - a snowdrop, And the lumbago even blooms later, at the end of April, in early May.
Real snowdrops appeared with us much later. In the late 1980s, we bought a house in the Meshchera village and began buying flowers for the plot. And at that time they were sold only in the markets, at the flower-girls' grannies. Here, in the Leningrad market, I bought a bunch of different bulbs, with a bunch of useful tips, half of which that hour forgot. But all the bulbs turned out to be viable, multiplied and every year they please with abundant flowering, for which I am very grateful to that unnamed old woman. Of course, after that we got a lot of flowers, but the first purchases in our own garden will be remembered for a lifetime. So, after the autumn planting, the bulbs began to bloom in the spring. And the first to appear were white drops-earrings - snowdrops, or in a scientific way - galanthus nivalis. You can read how and why Galanthus manages to stitch through a layer of snow and proudly raise above it a flower that is as white as snow. But you never cease to amaze the ability of the little onion to be the first to announce from under the snow the arrival of spring, to be the first snowdrop. Over time, a whole curtain of snowdrops is obtained from one bulb and, if they are not planted, the overall flowering decreases. Following the Galanthus, almost parallel there are screech, white flower, chionodoxa, muscari, each of which is worthy of our attention, its own little stop.
Siberian scrub can be blue, and blue, and white. In my opinion, the blue and blue color somehow suits her better: from the leaf bed, heavenly droplets appear, then decaying into stars.
For a long time I was looking for one spring primrose. Somehow in the early 90s I saw a plucked flower in a glass at the entrance of VILAR: petals descend from a green ball with a white lampshade and a yellow dot on each. Just beautiful. At that time, I did not receive clear explanations about the flower from the watchman, and the acquisition of this treasure lasted for several years.
Spring white flower, as it is called, unpretentious plant, grows well and is a decoration of the spring garden.
But I was imbued with some special love for Chionodox - a snowy beauty. Very dense compact clumps are permeated with greenish-reddish arrows of leaves between which for a long, long time you see bluish-lilac fully open flowers-stars. These are the descendants of the onion flower of the flower grower grandmother from the Leningrad market. I then bought a lot of Chionodox, but they did not have such a compact and long flowering, as in the first ones. Muscari. Mouse hyacinth. Viper bow. The names of the same plant. From the center of the rosette of leaves, a bunch of grapes growing upward appears. After a while, it rises rather high above the ground on a thin peduncle, and the "grapes" begin to bloom starting from the lower ones. And if you look closely, each blue flower has a white fringe - a feast for the eyes. There is a pure white Muscari variety, but it is not very impressive, but the tricolor looks great:
It is impossible not to mention the noble liverwort with its cute, bluish-lilac flowers.
This is a common, natural form, but you can't take your eyes off it: very joyful flowers are looking at you from the withered foliage of last year. But to the right of the path is Pushkinia, a not very common plant, similar in appearance to a small hyacinth. But the colors of Pushkinia are much more modest - only white and blue tones. After winter, these snowdrops are the first to delight us and, although all of them cannot be attributed to large plants, rather miniature ones, they leave a deep blissful mark in our souls, carried by flower growers until next spring. Find some time in your fast-paced life in the spring and admire the blooming of snowdrops.
In chapter

PRIMARY FLOWERS after a long and cold winter, they inevitably attract our attention, even if they are small and dim and wherever the primroses grow, they always delight us in the first days of spring.

The name "snowdrop" is associated with the early flowering of plants - flowers appear immediately from under the snow. The earliest of them are already awakening in late February - early March. It unites their belonging mainly to one family of liliaceae, a group of small-bulbous (bulbous).

The main representatives of primroses are galanthus, scrub, corydalis, chionodox, goose onions, pushkinia, spring primrose, muscari, liverwort. In the spring, snowdrops - primroses will fill the empty spaces of flower beds, rabatok, decorate roller coasters and rockeries, create an amazing contrast with cold, lifeless stones, and turn over spring paths.

Many snowdrops-primroses need state protection, and some rare species are on the verge of extinction, they can be saved by growing them in culture. Let's protect the NATURE !!! Don't pick snowdrops in the forest!

  • Spring flowers - primroses
    As soon as the spring sun warms up and the snow melts, the first spring flowers - snowdrops appear in the garden, followed by crocuses and woodlands, muscari, daffodils, tulips, primroses and other flower plants ... See photo small-bulbous and bulbous ...
  • Galanthus, or Snowdrop
    Very quivering and tender snowdrops joyfully announce the beginning of spring. We traditionally call all the first flowers "snowdrops", although in fact the galanthus is a snowdrop - only one of the many primroses. And all other spring-blooming ones are usually called primroses, including hellebores, primroses, etc.
  • Goose onion, or yellow snowdrop
    The yellow snowdrop is a small-bulbous early plant. Flowers - yellow graceful stars - appear almost simultaneously with the snowdrop. Abundant flowering, completely covering the lawn, meadow, forest edge. WITH therapeutic purpose bulbs are used, which are harvested in spring - before flowering and in autumn. Popular names: yellow gooseberry, yellow snowdrop, viper onion, yellow flowers.
  • Spring blooming brandy (Bulbocodium)
    Blooming in early spring, the plant is suitable for growing in pots or in a sunny area of ​​an alpine slide. The low-lying goblet flowers of a relative of the columbus resemble crocus flowers at first glance. Brandushka blooms when the leaves have not yet grown, or are just beginning to grow, narrow "petals" open wide over time.
  • Primula, or spring primrose
    Bright colors of spring, when the soul yearned for flowers ... Primula means "first", "early" - one of the unique decorations of the spring garden, but meanwhile there are many species and varieties that bloom in summer. Primrose can serve as a ground cover between perennials. While other flowers rise in large bushes, our primrose will have time to bloom, and its leaves will spread in a dense fan over the soil, giving no chance to weeds.
  • Lumbago, or Dream-grass
    Lumbago belongs to the adorable primroses known as Pulsatilla and Hepatica. It blooms in early spring (before the appearance of a rosette of carved basal leaves) with single large bell flowers of purple, white or red. A special charm and touching effect is given to buds and flowers by thick silvery or golden pubescence on the outside of the petals. In many areas, it is actively destroyed by pickers of primroses. Protected, included in the Red Book ...
  • Erantis, or spring man
  • (Eranthis)
    Another messenger of spring, we call him a spring or winter buttercup. It blooms in early spring for 2-3 weeks, is not afraid of snowfall, most often it blooms before snowdrops. The name comes from the Greek words "er" - spring and "anthos" - flower, which indicates the early flowering of most species. The genus includes 7 species, common in Europe and Asia. Of 3 species of spring plants grow: long-legged (E. longistipitata) - in Central Asia, Siberian (E. sibirica) - in Western and Eastern Siberia, star (E. stellata) - in the Far East.

Blue snowdrop. Proleska, or scilla

One of the best bulbous plants for rocky gardens is the scilla or scilla, or as they are often called "blue snowdrop", belonging to the lily family (Liliaceae). As soon as the snow melts, in the forests and bushes of the black earth zone of Russia and Ukraine, blue flowers of the forest appear, which are incorrectly called "snowdrops". The name comes from the ancient Greek "skilla" - from the name "sea onion" (Urginea maritima), a plant that used to be attributed to this genus. The genus is quite extensive; more than 80 species are known. On the territory of the former USSR, 17 species are found. The widespread distribution of blueberry is explained by its good reproductive qualities, adaptability to local conditions, frost resistance, immunity to diseases and, of course, excellent decorative qualities.

Siberian spruce - Scilla sibirica Andr - the most widespread of our woods. Siberian Scylla appears on the first thawed patches. The specific epithet was given erroneously, since it is absent in Siberia. Homeland - the south of the European part of Russia, Crimea, the Caucasus, Central and Southern Europe. The plant is 10-12 cm tall, flattened peduncles with 1-5 drooping blue flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. They are actively visited by insects. The fruit is a capsule. The seeds have special appendages that are attractive to ants. Leaves are linear, 2-4 in number, bright green, 10-15 cm long, 1-2 cm wide. Bulbs are ovoid up to 2.5 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter. Blooms from the second half of April 15-20 days.

The plant is considered poisonous, there may be signs of poisoning. In large doses (a few bulbs are enough for a child), it causes nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea, hair loss, bleeding disorders and kidney damage.

Snowdrops are winter-hardy, grow well on calcareous and loamy drained soils, fertilized with leaf humus. Only they do not like an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers. A large number of nitrogen causes excessive leaf formation, which in wet weather can be an excellent substrate for the development of fungal diseases. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are useful for them: potassium contributes to the formation of healthy, well-wintering bulbs, and phosphorus provides vigorous flowering. Like all small-bulbous plants, snowdrop consumes a lot of water during active growth. If the winter was little snow or the spring was dry, it is worth spilling the plants several times. Without this, they will not die, but they will be small and less bright ... (see leaving)

Spring flowers primroses snowdrops look great as a bouquet in small vases. To help them last longer, avoid placing them in direct sunlight and be sure to add ice to the water periodically. It is enough to put the flowers in a small vase and the room will take on a spring look.

Family: amaryllids (Amaryllidaceae).

Homeland: Europe, Western Asia.

Form: herbaceous plant.


Snowdrop (galanthus) is the name of the genus of perennial bulbous plants. The types of snowdrops are quite numerous - there are about 18 in nature. Many of them are included in the Red Book. Plants of a different genus are called blue snowdrops - from the lily family.

Galanthuses (snowdrops) are perennial bulbous plants with linear leaves. The flowers are solitary, with a perianth consisting of separate leaves arranged in two circles.

(G. alpinus) is a plant with dark green broad-lanceolate leaves. Peduncle up to 9 centimeters high. The outer tepals are concave, obovate, up to 2 cm in length and up to 1 cm in width, the inner ones are two times smaller, wedge-shaped. Flowering time is in early spring.

(G. nivalis) is the most common garden snowdrop. The plant is up to 12 centimeters high with flat dark green or bluish leaves. Drooping flowers up to 3 centimeters in diameter, fragrant, white with a green speck. Snow galanthus has many garden varieties, including terry.

Snowdrop Bortkiewicz (G. bortkewitschianus) is a rare species of snowdrop. The leaves are dark green, with a bluish bloom, lanceolate, after flowering they grow up to 30 cm in length. Peduncles 4-6 cm high. The outer petals are up to 1.5 cm long and up to 1 cm wide, the inner ones are shorter.

Snowdrop Caucasian (G. caucasicus) is a fragrant snowdrop flower, rather small, white. The leaves are bluish, linear, up to 30 centimeters long. Peduncles reach a height of no more than 10 centimeters. The outer leaflets are concave, obovate, up to 2 cm in length and up to 1.2 cm in width, the inner ones are wedge-shaped, half the outer ones, with a spot around the notch at the apex. The flowering period is about 2 weeks in early April.

Snowdrop cilician (G. сilicicus) has dark green, dull, linear leaves without a bluish bloom. Peduncle up to 18 cm in height. The outer tepals are obovate, oblong-oval, narrowed towards the base, up to 2.1 cm in length and 0.8 cm in width, the inner ones are oblong, widened at the top, with a green spot around the fossa at the apex. Blooms in April.

Snowdrop Krasnova (G. krasnovii). Leaves are bright green, with shine, slightly curled, up to 18 cm long. Peduncle up to 15 cm high, after flowering stretches up to 30 cm.The outer tepals are obovate, slightly concave, up to 3 cm long and up to 1.2 cm wide , with a blunt or pointed tip. Blooms in the first half of spring.

(G. plicatus) is a plant up to 15 centimeters high, with basal, flat, linear leaves. Flowers are solitary, drooping, large in size. The color is predominantly white, with green spots on the inner petals. The flowers have a faint scent. There are 6 stamens with conical anthers. The flowering period begins in March and lasts 14-17 days. The bulb is ovoid or conical in shape, up to 3 centimeters in diameter. The fruit is a capsule.

Broadleaf snowdrop (G. platyphyllus) - snowdrop with dark green shiny broad drooping leaves. The height of the plant during flowering is about 15 cm, by the end - up to 25 cm.

Snowdrop Elveza (G. elwesii) plant with green leaves with a bluish bloom. Peduncle up to 13 cm tall. The outer tepals are broadly ovate, up to 2 cm long and up to 1.3 cm wide, the inner ones are oblong, slightly widening at the top, with a green spot around the notch at the apex and at the base.

Growing conditions

Galanthus prefers semi-shaded or shady areas. The soil is desirable nutritious, moist, well-drained. The reaction of the soil should be close to neutral. You should not plant snowdrops in open places where snow is blown off in winter and the soil dries out quickly in summer.


Snowdrops flowers are used in group and border plantings, in, as well as for cutting. In spring, snowdrops in the garden are among the first to decorate the site with delicate flowers.


During the active growing season, snowdrops should be fed with liquid mineral fertilizers. Snowdrop is a moisture-loving plant, but watering is usually necessary only if the winter was little snow.


Galanthus is propagated by seeds and bulbs. Snowdrop seeds are sown immediately after collection directly into the ground.

The best time to plant bulbs is July-August. In September, new roots appear, and by October, the shoots come out almost to the soil surface. When planted later, snowdrops can suffer from frost.

Planting depth: triple the height of the bulb. Plant galanthuses better in groups 10-15 onions. Galanthuses can grow in one place for 4-6 years.

You can learn more about growing snowdrops from the special.

Diseases and pests

Like all bulbous, snowdrops can be affected by tuber-eating insects and animals: moles, mice, slugs. In addition, pests of snowdrops are caterpillars of moths and bulbous nematodes. Snowdrops get sick with viral and fungal diseases. Affected plants must be destroyed to avoid spreading the disease.

Popular varieties

Snowdrop varieties

    "Lutescens"- the snowdrop is white, with very light leaves.

    "Viridapicis"- an early snowdrop, blooming at the end of February. Galanthus flowers of this variety are distinguished by greenish specks.

    "Lady Elphinston"- double white snowdrop with yellow spots on the perianth.

Many spring flowers are good, but I love snowdrops the most! There is no greater joy, passing in the spring through a gray, still undressed forest, to see their blue eyes among the dry foliage of last year: as if someone is smiling at you ... And smile back! And then the world around immediately transforms: the skies become bluer and higher, the Sun is brighter, the forest is more spacious

Snowdrop is modest and non-throw, its subtle delicate lemon scent is barely perceptible, but this makes it even more attractive

The village ... At night there was frost, blocking the road, puddles, small reservoirs. The water in the river was asleep, although it was already low, and you can already go into the forest on the other side ... There was no spill this year, one might say

In the meadows, the picture is unsightly: burnt black grass, on the edge - charred young pines, bushes. Silly and dark people set fire to dry grass in a meadow swamp. The wind instantly blew the fire to the forest, and the trees caught fire. The tree grows for many years, and burns down in a matter of minutes. It's good that a fire furrow has been plowed along the edge of the forest, which did not let fire into the main forest ... But such a furrow is not everywhere. The nature around the cities is very polluted. But the barbarians now penetrate into the wilderness protected places

I enter the forest: and here they are, snowdrops!

Buttercup anemone


I met many roe deer that day: they go out to the sunny forest slopes to nibble fresh green grass. But it was not possible to remove them normally: roe deer are now molting and very guards

Freshly gnawed aspen on the shore of a forest barrel

Moreover, the tree was chosen, as we can see, the thickest. The beaver comes here at night. The trampled clearing by the tree, fresh wood chips, teeth marks on the trunk are clearly visible ... The largest chip is about the size of a palm. Such is the strength and hard work of a beaver! Well, we will continue to follow his work.

There are few snowdrops in the suburban forest, but here there is expanse!
They grow in an oak grove along the entire sunny slope of the river valley.

In a meadow lake, I found a flock of outlandish ducks: until this year I had not met such
It's probably wiggles

Male and female they differ in color
They took off noisily and rushed to the river
By the way, in March all the ducks were on the river, but now they moved to meadow lakes and forest barrels, broke into pairs

The opened acorn is like an Easter egg
He is about to sprout

The starling sings on a branch: you can clearly see how the feathers on the throat bristle and flutter

The starling is dressed up in spring as never before: the black color shines with all the colors of the rainbow, especially green, and each feather on the top has a white speck. Such is the rainbow-motley starling! So who is he singing to?

Ah, here: a more modest female sits on a poplar
He flew up to her

Snowdrops struggle through the forest floor

In addition to white snowdrops, which delight us with their flowering in early spring, there are also blue snowdrops - scilly or scilla. They perfectly adapt to any conditions, they are frost-resistant enough, they reproduce easily, therefore they are suitable even for a novice florist. This one is great for rocky slides. You can also plant spines in groups on the lawn, make curbs out of them and even in the garden in near-trunk circles fruit trees... The flowers of the scilla can be not only blue, but also white and purple. Simply blue is the most common.

Pleski - breeding and planting

Spreads are propagated by baby bulbs and seeds. Seeds can be harvested and sown, but I just plant self-seeding, if there is one. For reproduction, it can be transplanted every 3-4 years, but in general, spines can grow in one place for many years.

Scyllas are not demanding to the landing site, they can grow in a sunny area, but they also tolerate shade. They prefer loose and moist soil, they do not tolerate stagnant water, like many bulbous ones.

You need to dig up the bulbs after the leaves turn yellow. You need to store so that the bulbs do not dry out. But it's better to drop them off quickly. Planting depth 4-6 cm, distance between bulbs 4-6 cm. Can be planted even during flowering.

Proleski - flower care

They do not need special care. Can be fed in spring for better flowering. You need to be careful with nitrogen fertilizers, since an excess of nitrogen fertilizers causes strong leaf growth, and fungal diseases may develop in wet weather. But phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are very useful for forest trees. If there is little moisture in the spring, then it is imperative to water the snowdrops during flowering.