Paper tulip with candy inside. A candy tulip: a perfect gift for any occasion

A tulip with candy is probably one of the easiest flowers to make in a sweet design. But despite the simplicity of production, tulips look amazing in bouquets!

Today is a detailed photo master class on how to easily make a tulip with candy for your sweet bouquets.

Everything is simple and fast! As in all the master classes published on © Vasilisa's rukodelka.


  • candy (or a lot of candy);
  • a wooden skewer or toothpick;
  • double-sided tape (if available, but you can do without it);
  • just scotch tape;
  • transparent film (mica is suitable, in which live bouquets are made out);
  • scissors (where without them));
  • glue gun (you can do with the same double-sided tape); corrugated paper in two colors (the denser the better).

Step one: hide the candy)

First, let's arrange the candy in a form suitable for us. Glue a piece of double-sided tape to the end of the skewer. "Install" the candy on top, and stick its tails to the tape. Pack the candy in mica and secure it with transparent tape on a skewer.

The candy is ready, you can put it aside. Now let's prepare the tulip petals.

Step two: preparing tulip petals

From a roll of paper across the entire width, you need to cut a strip about 2-2.5 cm wide and cut it into 6 parts - these will be petals.

Round the edges of each cut off at the top and make them thinner at the bottom.

Now we stretch the middle of each petal so that it takes the shape of a boat.

You can leave it like that - the petals are already quite similar to "tulips". Or you can slightly round off the edges with a skewer.

The petals are ready, you can start collecting the tulip with candy. If the children did not pass by, then somewhere nearby we have a previously prepared candy on a skewer) Otherwise, we will have to repeat the stage with wrapping the candy again.

Step three: Putting all the pieces into one lovely tulip with a candy inside

Gradually, in a circle, we begin to glue the tulip petals to the candy - the first row - 3 petals and the second one too 3. Try to arrange the petals evenly. The second layer must be glued, as it were, between the two petals of the first.

It remains to close the place where the petals are glued. From a roll of green corrugated paper, cut a small roll up to 1 cm thick along the length. We glue the "ugliness" - glued petals, adhesive tape and part of a skewer.

All. Tulip with candy for bouquets is ready.

Step Four: Enjoy Your Health and use this master class in creating sweet bouquets with tulips!

And here is the bouquet of tulips with sweets, which can be made according to this master class)

Or so!

Useful Tips

Candy stand - ideal sweet gifts, created with your own hands, which can be presented to anyone: a woman, a child, and a man, and for almost any occasion or even just for no reason.

The original bouquets are pleasing to the eye. Later you can disassemble them and eat the candy. A bouquet of sweets is not a simple banal gift, but a real surprise that will always be unique.

Candy bouquets for beginners

The simplest candy bouquet can be made using plastic bottle or foam, which needs to be taken as a basis. Thanks to the elongated round shape of the bottle, it can make an original "bouquet" of pineapple. There will be a video below the tutorial.

For work we need:

- Plastic bottle (better pot-bellied for 1.5 liters) or styrofoam

Glue or glue gun

Green corrugated paper

- Round candies in a golden wrapper

Let's get to work:

Prepare a suitable bottle as a base for your bouquet. The bottle should be pot-bellied, but if you can't find one, use a regular bottle. 1.5 liter plastic bottle and cut it into two parts, about 1/3 and 2/3, and insert the lower part inside the upper one. Before that, cut off the extra piece from the bottom. This will allow you to make the base less stretched and shorter:

When the base is ready glue it with candies in even rows... It is better to take large round-shaped candies, but any others are possible.

Cut out the leaves of the future pineapple from corrugated paper and insert them into the neck of the bottle, as shown in the photo. Your pineapple bouquet is ready!

A very simple flower bouquet can be made usingcorrugated paper. This type of paper is ideal for a variety of crafts as it folds and sticks easily and has a rough texture.

For work we need:


Corrugated paper

Wooden skewers


- Scotch tape

Let's get to work:

Fill the pot tightly foam... Cut the paper into squares of the desired size, in the photo approximately 10 by 10 centimeters.

Pierce the center of the square with a skewer and crush the paper to make a flower, as shown in the photo. Then secure the base of the flower with tape. Better if the adhesive tape will be the same color as the paper... You can also use green tape by wrapping the base of the flower and the skewer. Get a leg.

Put candy on the sharp end of the skewer, and then stick the skewers into the styrofoam pot.

You should end up with basket with flowers

Wrap the pot light corrugated paper and tie it up with a red ribbon.

Another simple, but cute bunch of flowers can be made usingwire and oilcloth.

For work we need:

- Small plastic flower pot

Candy with two tails

Colored oilcloth and tape for packaging flowers

Long dense wire

Scissors and nippers

Green scotch tape

-- Styrofoam

Let's get to work:

1) Prepare the base: insert a colored oilcloth into the pot, and on top lay the foam in a dense layer... You can cover the top of the foam with foil or paper so that it is not visible.

2) Prepare "twigs": for this, fasten on the wire three candies with scotch tape.

3) Each branch wrap with colored oilcloth, tie with a twisted ribbon for flowers.

4) Stick all the twigs into the base pot. The simplest a bouquet of sweets is ready!

Build candy boat not as difficult as it sounds. The algorithm is exactly the same as with ordinary bouquets: you need to prepare a base with foam, as well as candy blanks on skewers, decorated with foil or paper.

For work we need:

-- Candy

Skewers or toothpicks

Color wrapping paper for flowers

Wicker basket


Thick thread

- Glue

Let's get to work:

1) Prepare a small elongated basket and cut out a suitable piece of styrofoam, securing it well inside the basket with glue.

2) Make blanks from short skewers or toothpicks, candies and colorful paper.

3) Stick the candy skewers into the styrofoam so that the base is not visible. Elongated paper cones can be made in front and behind.

4) Make the masts of the ship out of long skewers and square or rectangular pieces of paperthat will serve as sails. Decorate the top of the mast with paper flags.

5) Tie the bow of the ship and the mast with a thread.

Bouquet of sweets: tulips

This unusual bouquet of candy tulips can be made using ordinary gingham fabric and wire... You need to be patient and use a little imagination.

For work we need:

-- Candy

Pieces of fabric about 10 by 10 centimeters in pink, red and white colors

Piece of green felt for leaflets


Green scotch tape

- Skewers

Let's get to work:

1) We wrap the candies in a cloth so that it turns out tulip bud... If the candy has a flat base, you can take two candiesas shown in the photo.

3) We stick a skewer from below and we tie the bud with scotch tapewrapping the skewer to the end.

4) Cut out the leaves from the green felt and attach them to the base of the bud with the same tape. The flower is ready.

© all in one day "s time

5) Make the desired number of flowers from fabrics of different colors and collect them into one bouquet, tying it satin ribbon.

Bouquet of sweets: poppies

Very popular bouquets are made from sweets and artificial poppies... For this, corrugated paper and wooden skewers are also used.

For work we need:

-- Candy

Long skewers

Wicker basket

Styrofoam that fits in the basket


- Scotch tape and double-sided

Let's get to work:

1) First you need to prepare the flowers. To do this, wrap the candies in foil and attach a skewer to them. Cut out a rectangle from green paper and make on one side stamen incisions.

2) We wrap green paper with incisions around the base of the bud - it turns out the inside of the flower.

3) Cut out the petals. For each flower you need 4 pieces... Then each petal must be crumpled in hands and straightened to create the effect of delicate poppy petals.

4) To the bottom of the petal glue a piece of double-sided tape, then wraps the petal around the bud. We do this with all the petals.

5) The result should be the following poppy flower:

6) Making a green leg... To do this, cut out a thin strip of paper and glue a small piece of double-sided tape on the edge, then wrap the strip around the base of the flower and down to the end of the skewer. Paper in this case can be replaced with green tape.

7) Wrap the skewer two-layer paperto make the stem thicker. At the end, using the same tape, we fix the end. You can use glue instead of tape.

You can make a whole a basket of poppies with sweets.

Bouquet of candies: roses

The most popular flowers are roses... Like other flowers for candy bouquets, they are usually made from corrugated paper, the properties of which make it possible to make the perfect flower, as close as possible to natural.

For work we need:

-- Candy

Long skewers

Colored corrugated paper: red and green

Wicker basket

Styrofoam that fits in the basket


Additional decorations for the bouquet

- Scotch tape

Let's get to work:

1) Secure the candies with tape on skewers. The number of chocolates depends on the size of your bouquet..

2) Cut out of red paper rose petals... These petals can be of different shapes, as in the photo. (You can see the size and shape of a natural flower).

3) To make the main bud, take rectangular sheet of the same red corrugated paper... Sizes may vary depending on the size of the future flower, but approximately 10 by 18 centimeters.

4) Using your fingers, stretch the middle of the sheet.

5) Wrap this sheet of candy on a skewer and secure at the base with tape.

6) Using tape, attach all the other petals to the base one at a time.

7) Spread and bend the petals down to form a rose flower, and so that you can see the candy inside the flower.

8) Wrap the base of the flower and the skewer green paper tape or green duct tape... The flower is ready. You can make roses of other colors and arrange them into a bouquet composition, adding additional details.

Another option:

Bouquet of sweets: crocuses

Delicate multi-colored crocuses can also be easy to do with paper... A delicious candy can fit in the center.

For work we need:

-- Candy

Long skewers

Colored corrugated paper


- Wire

Let's get to work:

1) Cut from corrugated paper long rectangular stripes... Size approx 5 by 20 centimeters... These are future petals.

2) Twist each of the strips in the middle and bend in half at the fold.

3) Form a petal by straightening the paper inside and pinching it from the bottom.

4) Secure the candy on a skewer with a wire.

5) Attach to the candy one at a time 3-4 petals.

6) Tie the base of the flower green paper ribbon and tie the skewer so that the wire and wood are not visible.

7) Cut the leaves out of green paper.

8) Attach 2 leaves per stem... The flower is ready.

You can read more about corrugated (crumpled) paper colors.

Bouquet of Rafaello and Ferrero Roche sweets

Candy Rafaello and Ferrero Roche - very popular, of which beautiful bouquets are often ordered. In general, you can make any of the bouquets suggested above with these sweets, But the most beautiful one will be the one in which sweets will be the main detail of the composition.

For work we need:

-- Candy

Long skewers or hard wire

Foil or gold corrugated paper

Golden ribbons


- Transparent organza material

Let's get to work:

1) Wrap each candy foil or golden corrugated paper and secure on skewers or wire.

2) Wrap the skewer or wire with the same foil or corrugated paper to form the stems.

3) Cut out squares from organza approximately 20 by 20 centimeters... Wrap each candy bud at the base, tied with shiny ribbon.

4) Tie all the stems with tape to make a bunch.

5) To complete the bouquet, wrap it color-matched corrugated paper.

Another option: wrap a bouquet organza with sewn beads... Tie the bouquet with colorful ribbons.

Bouquets of sweets master classes (video):

The most original bouquets of sweets

Hello, friends!

Today's post is about making a tulip for a candy bouquet. The flower is not complicated and is made by analogy with a crocus. Everything is the same, only the petal is made a little longer. How to make a crocus, I told in a note Crocus for a bouquet of sweets.

So, we will prepare corrugated paper, sweets, skewers, tape tape, scissors, glue gun, threads.

For the tulip, I chose a very tasty, but extremely uncomfortable candy. The candy itself is in the shape of a pyramid, but we will try to make a flower with it. First, attach the candy to the skewer. Apply hot glue to the tip of the skewer and apply it to the wrapper.

Apply a little glue to the edge of the wrapper

and attach the candy.

In my case, the candy holds tight, I will not even fix it with tape.

From corrugated paper, we prepare strips 3 cm wide, 16.5 cm long. From the width of the paper roll, three pieces are obtained, just for one bud. Next, we prepare the petals as for a crocus, you can see how to do this here.

Now attach one petal to the candy. You can apply a little glue to the joint.

We fasten with a thread.

As usual, trim the excess thickness on the leg.

We begin to make out the leg, I will do this with a tape with tape, but you can get by with green corrugated paper by cutting out a strip 1 cm wide.You also need to cut out a leaf from the green corrugation like a tulip. A sample of the leaf in the first photo.

We tap the leg, attach the leaf. If we work with tape, then just wrap the leg along with the leaf. If we do this with corrugated paper, you need to apply a little glue.

The tulip is almost ready.

It remains to shape the leaf.

Flowers are prepared,

you can collect a bouquet. Let's add some sprigs of lagurus. To prevent the bouquet from scattering, we fix it with tape below.

Recently, handmade gifts are becoming more and more popular. One of such wonderful presents is a bouquet in which there are tulips made of sweets and corrugated paper. It will not fade for a long time, and your favorite sweets hidden in the middle of the flowers will be a real surprise for a sweet tooth. This article will tell you how to make a bouquet of candy tulips with your own hands.

Required tools and materials

To make a bouquet of beautiful spring flowers - tulips, you will need:

Workshop on making a bouquet of corrugated paper and sweets

We start creating a bouquet by choosing the most important element - sweets. They should be fresh, tasty and like the person who will receive the gift. The wrappers should be comfortable to attach to the skewers.

Semicircular ones with a candy wrapper twisting on top are perfect. "Rafaello" and others like them also look good in bouquets. Thanks to their round shape, they add volume to the flowers.

Having chosen a sweet filling, we select the color of the paper. In nature, tulips are found in a wide variety of shades: from delicate pastel to the brightest. To make a bouquet, take two contrasting colors or two or three complementary colors. Compositions of flowers of the same shade look good. For example: yellow, pink or bright red tulips.

Don't forget to buy green paper. You will need it to make the leaves.

Having picked up paper and sweets, we proceed to making a sweet composition:

Corrugated paper tulips and sweets in a basket

Sweet bouquets look great in a small wicker basket. The next master class will tell you how to collect a bouquet of tulips from candies in a basket. To make such a gift, you will additionally need: a small wicker basket from a vine or other material, foam plastic or a floral oasis, double-sided tape, sisal or green mesh.

Collect the composition in the basket in the following way:

A handmade bouquet of candy tulips is a wonderful gift for March 8 and your birthday.

Or bouquets of toys.

And the master himself can only expect that in response someone will present the same original present, because, as they say, "a shoemaker without boots." We suggest correcting this misunderstanding, and each needlewoman to think about herself and decorating her home. So, for the next family holiday or just the arrival of guests, do a bouquet of sweets "Tulips". Master Classbelow will walk you through the process step by step.

  • small wicker basket,
  • styrofoam,
  • yellow corrugated paper,
  • skewers,
  • toothpicks,
  • green tape tape,
  • organza in two shades of green,
  • yellow floral mesh


1. To make one tulip from candy and corrugated paper, cut a strip 2.5-3 cm wide from a roll of corrugated paper. Cut it into 3 pieces (about 17 cm long) - these will be 3 tulip petals.

2. Fold each of these sections in the middle 180 degrees and stretch the paper near the fold so that it is concave.

3. Fold the pieces of paper in half as shown in the photo. There will be three double petals.

4. Attach a skewer to the tail of the candy wrapper and secure with tape. In this case, the candy should not violate its integrity, in other words, do not pierce the candy with a skewer.

5. Now attach corrugated paper petals to the candy on a skewer and secure with tape. This will give you both a sepal and a green stem.

6. Repeat steps 1-5 to make 6 more tulips. Wrap the styrofoam in any green paper, place it in a basket. Stick the made candy flowers into the foam, evenly distributing them throughout the composition.
Place a few candies on skewers, but do not wrap them in corrugated paper. Find your place for them in a bouquet of sweets.

7. To close the free space between the "flowers", make organza balls and glue them to toothpicks. Make the same funnels from a floral mesh, fluff the edges. Stick the yellow balls at the bottom of the composition, and the green ones between the flowers. So we got a bouquet of sweets. The master class is over.