The best birdhouses. DIY birdhouse made of wood for starlings and small useful birds

Birds are excellent helpers in the fight against insects in the country. The easiest way to attract them to your site is to build a birdhouse. A birdhouse, in addition to its direct function as a home for birds, will be a wonderful decoration for a summer cottage. In addition, if there are children in the house, then they will probably want to take part in building a birdhouse with their own hands.

Birdhouse material and features

To build a birdhouse, you can use only natural materials, i.e. only wood. Composite materials based on wood chips will release toxic substances harmful to birds. Plywood is not suitable for birdhouses due to its high thermal conductivity, i.e. the birdhouse will be cold and birds will not settle in it.

All types of wood are suitable for building a birdhouse. It is advisable not to use coniferous species, since due to the high resin content in them, the likelihood of colonizing a birdhouse is reduced.

If there are no other materials besides pine boards, then for the birdhouse parts you should choose sections of boards without knots and resin pockets. It is advisable that the boards are well dried. Birds will not settle in a birdhouse made of damp boards.

The thickness of the boards for the birdhouse should be at least 20 mm. Thick walls will provide protection from cold and heat.

Interesting fact. In birdhouses, it is customary to make a perch just below the entrance. This certainly decorates the birdhouse, but for birds it is an absolutely useless attribute. Birds do not need a perch. It is better to attach a dry branch to the back of the birdhouse.

Birdhouse drawings

There are many designs of birdhouses. Below are drawings of not the simplest, but not the most complicated birdhouse in the form of a house.


Please note that the birdhouse is very small in size. The fact is that a birdhouse is an imitation of a hollow in which birds live in their natural habitat. Therefore, a large birdhouse has less chance of being populated.


When building a birdhouse, it is important to use unplaned boards, this will make it easier for birds to move around the birdhouse. If the aesthetic side of the issue is very important, then the outer surface can be planed, but the inner surface must be left unplaned, or a notch must be made, so it will be easier for the birds to climb to the entrance.


You can connect the parts of the birdhouse with nails or self-tapping screws; this will not affect its attractiveness to birds or its strength.

How to install a birdhouse correctly

A birdhouse is a shelter for raising offspring. Since the birds settling in the birdhouse have enough enemies, it is advisable not to install the birdhouse in an open area. To increase the attractiveness of the birdhouse for settling, it is advisable to attach it to a tree.


It is not advisable to install birdhouses along paths or near the house. Close proximity to people will scare away birds. The best place for a birdhouse is in the depths of the garden or on the outskirts of the site.

The height of the birdhouse must be installed at a level of 4 - 5 meters above the ground. This will make it difficult for cats to get to it.


An important feature of installing a birdhouse is orientation to the cardinal points. In order for birds to be more willing to settle in the birdhouse, the entrance should be oriented to the south.

Birdhouse care

Decorating a birdhouse

There are a great many ways to decorate birdhouses. It is important that the appearance of the birdhouse does not scare off future residents. A birdhouse for birds is, first of all, a reliable shelter for raising offspring. Consequently, the less noticeable it is to a potential enemy, the more willingly the birds choose it.

Based on this, colors that are close to natural should be used in the decor of the birdhouse. It is advisable to use green and brown elements. Tree bark and branches are good for decoration.




With the onset of spring, a fairly large number of birds return to gardens and parks after wintering in the southern regions, including starlings, robins, and flycatchers. The main task of birds at this time of year is breeding offspring, which implies the need to create nests. In noisy and large cities, it is very difficult for birds to find a suitable place to carry out this mission. One of the options for human help in this case would be to create birdhouses made of wood with your own hands, which will also act as original decorations for local areas.

To make a reliable and durable birdhouse that can attract the attention of birds, it is advisable to use natural materials. The best option would be dry and unplaned oak or linden boards, the thickness of which is about 20–30 mm. Material of this size will provide winged residents with a sufficient level of sound insulation and will also allow them to retain heat. If the selected boards have a smooth surface, one of the sides should be covered with notches and also treated with coarse sandpaper. This will help the young chicks to get out freely in the future when the time comes to fly.

It is advisable to avoid coniferous wood, as it has a pungent odor and resinous content that repels some species of birds.

You should not use any type of plywood to make birdhouses, since due to its thinness it will not be able to provide the birds with the required conditions. In addition, fiberboard, OSB and chipboard, which contain harmful compounds and emit phenol vapors, are very dangerous materials. And when using MDF, the structure you create will quickly deteriorate from exposure to moisture.

To make birdhouses, you can choose a variety of logs from deciduous trees, the length of which should be 25–40 cm with a diameter of 15 cm. Their houses are an ideal option for most birds that prefer to nest in hollows. It is best to give preference to aspen wood, which is soft, which will greatly facilitate the processing process. In such a cozy and environmentally friendly home, the number of dead chicks will be reduced to a minimum.

As for the tools, to create a house you will need the following:

  • wood saw or jigsaw;
  • drill or electric drill with cutter;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • nails or screws;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • pencil;
  • compass;
  • brush.
  • Safety precautions

  • When starting work, it is advisable to clear the workplace of foreign objects, as well as wear comfortable work clothes.
  • When preparing the necessary carpentry tools, you should pay attention to the degree of sharpening and the reliability of attachment to the handles.
  • When working, sharp tools should be placed with the blade down.
  • You should not use a hand saw to process material located on the knee. It must be laid on special pads.
  • If a working tool suddenly falls out of your hands, under no circumstances should you catch it in flight.
  • When working with a hammer, you must ensure that you have a convenient striking pad.
  • When handling a drill, it is advisable to hold it with both hands and not to press too hard on the tool to avoid jamming.
  • There should be no nails in the material being processed.
  • After completing the work, it is necessary to clean the device from dirt using a broom.
  • Options for wooden birdhouses (with drawings, photos and videos)

    Before you start creating a birdhouse, you need to determine in advance who it will be intended for. The fact is that each bird species has its own requirements for a nesting site. The main types of birdhouses are:

  • titmouses, differing in size, as well as in the diameter of the entrance;
  • half-loops intended for nesting of flycatchers;
  • houses for pikas, equipped with two entrances;
  • wagtails with a small ladder or platform in front of the entrance.
  • The main design of the birdhouse is a cavity with a solid bottom and a removable top, as well as a bird-friendly entrance equipped with a landing platform. The size of such a wooden dwelling depends on the type of its inhabitants.

    Classic house for starlings

    A drawing of a classic birdhouse for starlings is shown in the diagram below.

    A classic birdhouse is made according to this drawing

    Before starting to assemble such a structure, it is necessary to transfer the contours of all parts onto previously prepared wooden materials. On the front wall of the future bird house you need to draw a hole using a compass. Then cut out the parts using a jigsaw, and then use a milling cutter or drill to create a tap hole of the required size.

    The home for starlings is distinguished by its size, which allows these rather large birds to feel comfortable. The height of the house for them should be from 30 to 35 cm, while the size of the bottom should be no more than 15x15 cm, since excess space is not needed. The tap hole with a diameter of 50 mm must be located at a distance of 15–20 cm from the bottom. This will provide additional safety for the chicks.

    Such a neat birdhouse will not only serve as a home for birds, but will also decorate the garden

    Assembly algorithm:

  • We prepare all the necessary details.
  • To begin with, we place two side parts of the future birdhouse in front of us and fasten the front wall, as shown in Figure 1.

    It is advisable to fasten these parts of the structure using screws or nails, which will provide it with the necessary strength

  • Then, in a similar way, we attach the back wall, as well as the bottom, to the resulting workpiece, focusing on Figure 2.

    Next, the back wall and bottom are fixed to the workpiece

    As a result of these manipulations, we will get the workpiece shown in Figure 3.

    The almost finished design without a lid looks like this

  • Before we move on to attaching the roof, we attach a small perch in front of the taphole hole, as shown in Figure 4.

    You can choose a birdhouse perch to suit your taste

  • When starting to make a removable roof, we draw 4 lines on its inside, three of which we mark at a distance of 2 cm from the edges, and the fourth at a distance of 5 cm. Then we install a bushing on the depicted square and nail it to the lid with four nails (Figure 5) .

    To install the roof you need to equip it with a sleeve

    The result is a nice design, made according to all the rules.

    The end result of the work done

  • We treat the finished birdhouse with water-based paint to protect its surface.
  • When connecting the birdhouse parts together, you need to make sure there are no gaps. To do this, it is recommended to coat the joints with clay or caulk with tow. In addition, you should pay attention to protruding nails inside the structure. They must be bent so that they do not injure the birds.

    Video: How to make a home for starlings with your own hands?


    A house intended for tits should be 50 cm deep and 14 cm wide. The optimal diameter of its entrance is 3 cm. If chickadees become the inhabitants of the titmouse, the hole should be made no more than 2.5 cm - this will save future chicks from assassination attempts by larger birds.

    It is advisable to pour sawdust on the bottom of the house, and paint the inner walls in dark colors, using an ordinary pencil. When scaring away unexpected guests, tits use the technique of demonstrating the “eyes of the monster,” which is represented by white spots on their heads. A dark space surrounding the bird will help it cope with this task most effectively.

    The resulting house should be hung at a height of no more than 2–4 meters. It is attached to deciduous trees with a dense crown.

    Such titmice will certainly be appreciated by their potential feathered inhabitants.

    A special feature of this type of birdhouse is the presence of a platform at the entrance itself, about 10 cm wide. The length of the horizontal wall of the structure should be from 25 to 30 cm, and the width should be 14 cm with a height of 10–12 cm. In this case, the opening for the entrance will be a gap, the optimal width of which is no more than 4 cm.

    Such houses can be placed not only on a tree, but also under the roof, as well as on the top of the fence.

    The wagtail is slightly different from the usual type of birdhouses


    Most bird species are especially attracted to nest boxes made from different types of wood. Such natural birdhouses can often be found in forests and parks, and their inhabitants are not only small birds, but also owls and owls. The design of the nest box is very simple, which is why this type of bird house is especially popular. To create such a dwelling you will need a suitable size log, an ax or a power saw.

    You can make a nest box using the presented drawing.

    Step-by-step instructions for making a nest box:

  • To create a nest box, you need to select a suitable log. Using a power saw, you should carefully cut two round pieces on both sides.
  • Then the prepared log must be sawed lengthwise into two equal parts, and also cuts must be made across the resulting blanks.
  • Using an ax you are supposed to remove the core of the log. In this case, the wall thickness should be 5–6 cm.
  • Having positioned the saw along the workpiece, you need to carefully plan it, moving from one edge to the other. This must be done with each of the two parts.
  • In this case, you can leave the outer sector. It will become the bottom or roof of the future bird house.
  • To create a tap hole, you need to use a compass, using it to mark a circle with a diameter of 3.5–5 cm.
  • Then you need to make a hole with a drill and cut out the tap hole with a hand jigsaw, running the tool along the marked contour.
  • To assemble the parts, you can use ordinary nails or wooden cotter pins with a diameter of 10 mm, mounted on PVA glue.
  • To protect the roof of the nest from moisture, it is advisable to cover it with roofing felt.

    Video: Making a nest box

    Nuances of designing birdhouses

    When making a birdhouse, you can provide it with an original design. Beautifully decorated houses for birds will decorate your garden, but when decorating them, you should use moderation. The birdhouse itself should not attract the attention of predators, nor should it scare away potential residents with its too bright design.

    When working on the design of a bird house, it is dangerous to overuse decorative rustling and shiny elements. They will only scare away the birds.

    In addition, bird houses need additional protection from unexpected guests who can climb up the tree and remove chicks from the nest. A variety of covers on the tree trunk will help to avoid this - for example, made from dry branches, wire, metal sheets.

    When to hang wooden bird houses?

    Traditionally, birdhouses are installed in the spring for migratory birds returning to their native lands after wintering in hot countries, and in the fall for wintering in the same place. Spring guests usually return with the onset of March, so if your birdhouse is hung on National Bird Day (March 9), it will certainly be inhabited by long-awaited residents.

    When choosing the most suitable location, you should pay attention to the location of the cardinal directions. The entrance to the house should be oriented to the southeast, this will allow the starlings to be the first to meet the rays of the morning sun. The best place for a bird's home will be trees with a dense crown and sufficient height. However, wagtails will prefer a house attached under the roof of a house or barn, while tits will happily settle on an open balcony or under the ceiling of a veranda.

    Taking a family of birds under your wing is a noble and pleasant task. And the first step towards this is the construction of a bird house. You can easily make a birdhouse familiar from childhood with your own hands, but for each type of bird there are design and placement features that must be taken into account before inviting new neighbors to the site.

    Classic wooden birdhouse

    A birdhouse of the simplest design consists of a square bottom with a side of 13-15 cm, side blanks 30-35 cm high with a slope in the upper part are cut end-to-end to the size of the bottom, the end and back parts should be 2-4 cm wider for fastening.

    The difference in length between the back and front walls of the birdhouse should be calculated so that the slopes fit tightly to the lid. Another piece is cut to size and attached to the inside of the removable roof, providing a seal and the ability to open the birdhouse for cleaning.

    Another option is a house with a pitched roof. Two identical blanks are overlapped on the trapezoidal façade and rear wall. Such a roof should not be nailed tightly to ensure access to annual cleaning and disinfection.

    A round entrance hole is made with a distance of 5-6 cm from the top edge and a diameter of 4-5 cm. There should be sufficient space (10-15 cm) for the nest in the lower part of the structure, protected from the wind.

    The birdhouse parts are fastened together using nails or self-tapping screws and wood glue.

    The roof slopes protect from excess moisture; they should protrude slightly from the sides to protect the walls as well. The joints should fit neatly, without gaps, adjacent to each other. It is necessary to avoid unnecessary decorative elements on the walls and facade, which can become a place for moisture accumulation.

    The building material used is boards of pine or deciduous trees with a thickness of 2 to 4 cm. Fibreboard and chipboard are not recommended, since the smells of the chemicals contained in their composition can scare away birds.

    For the same reason, the internal surfaces of the birdhouse are not treated with varnishes or paints. The outside can be sanded and made into a waterproof coating.

    Wooden birdhouses are a good object for realizing creative abilities. They can be painted and decorated, but it is better not to use glass or other light-reflecting materials. Photos of ready-made birdhouses of different styles will help you choose the most suitable option.


    In order to cut a birdhouse from a wooden block, it is more convenient to use a chainsaw. Brief instructions for creating such a birdhouse are as follows.

    To begin work, you need to firmly install the deck in a vertical position. The proposed cut is divided into three equal parts: the upper one for the roof slopes, the middle one for the hollow and perch, and the other third for the nest.

    First, the upper slopes for the roof are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Then, as smoothly as possible, the core is removed along its entire height and an entrance hole is cut. And only after this the birdhouse is cut off from the deck along the bottom line.

    Bird houses made from scrap materials

    Boots, bags, lamp shades, similar-sized containers with necks, dried pumpkin - can become building material for a bird house.

    Before you make a birdhouse with your own hands, you need to remember to maintain the correct proportions to accommodate the nest.

    You also need to take into account that the entrance hole should allow the inhabitants to pass through, but not be too large, for the sake of their safety. A homemade house should provide protection from moisture and wind.

    Birdhouse installation

    The ideal place for a birdhouse is a tree trunk free from branches. A wooden beam or pole of triple length is attached to the back wall, which is fixed by wrapping it with wire.

    Then you need to give the birdhouse a slight forward tilt using a small piece of wood placed between the trunk and the house. This will protect the chicks from falling and make it difficult for enemies (cats and crows) to get to them. The entrance, and as it is also called, the entrance, should face south or southeast to avoid cold winds.

    Another option is to attach it to the facade of buildings. But you should not hang or place the house on the branches; it must be stable and securely fastened. For comfortable living, you also need shade to protect from direct sunlight.

    The bird house must be mounted at a height of 2.5 to 5 meters, out of the reach of cats and other hunters. It is worth taking care that there are no steps or branches that will help them get to the nest.

    Often, a traditional perch in low-mounted birdhouses becomes a support for unwanted guests to enter.

    Photo of a birdhouse with your own hands

    All over the world there is a tradition of hanging birdhouses on Bird Day. This fashion came to us during the time of Peter the Great, who first saw bird houses in Europe. In terms of nests, starlings are unpretentious and therefore can settle in crevices of buildings, burrows or hollows.

    In fairness, it must be said that these beautiful birds are very grateful creatures that provide invaluable assistance to gardeners in pest control. Therefore, many owners of household plots specifically attract starlings by making birdhouses with their own hands. Having the appropriate drawings and studying the video instructions, anyone can make bird houses.

    The most desirable and most common inhabitants of birdhouses are common starlings. These are quite large birds, so the house for them must be extended upward, have the appropriate dimensions, a removable roof, a solid bottom, a notch (hole) and a pole.

    The size of the house for feathered friends depends on the type of birds for which it is intended. Standard birdhouse sizes:

    • 20−40 cm - height;
    • 13−15 cm - bottom width;
    • 3.8−5 cm is the diameter of the tap hole.

    It is not recommended to make a more spacious structure. Of course, a large house will accommodate many chicks, but it will be quite difficult for parents to go out and feed them. Only two or three chicks can fit in a compact birdhouse, but they will grow up healthy and capable of long-distance flights.

    Roof needed make it removable so that you can easily inspect and clean the house in the fall. Of all the birds that can settle in it, only starlings, nuthatches and tits do “spring cleaning”. The rest of the birds leave behind garbage, and no one may move into uncleaned housing next year.

    Materials for making a birdhouse

    It is advisable that the bird house be made with your own hands from natural materials. Most often, dry boards are used, prepared made of oak or birch. Coniferous trees are not recommended, as they emit resin.

    Boards should be rough at least on the inside, so there is no need to sand them. It will be difficult for birds to get out on smooth boards, so the sanded material should be scratched with a knife. The thickness of the board should be from 20 mm, in this case the birdhouse will retain heat well.

    It is not recommended to use laminated or compressed wood for construction, since it toxic and short-lived. Plywood is also not suitable for construction. It retains heat poorly and practically does not allow sounds, which are very important for birds, to pass through.

    DIY birdhouse: stages of work, video

    The design of the house depends on where it will be hung. If to a pole, balcony or under the roof of a house, then in order for feathered friends to have a place to walk, it is necessary to provide additional perches in the form of a triangular shelf or thin sticks.

    For a birdhouse hanging on a tree, such perches need not be made, so the birds will sit on the branches and delight their owners with chirping.

    To build a convenient and compact birdhouse with your own hands, the drawing of which must be prepared in advance, you will need the following materials and tools:

    • Boards.
    • Wood glue.
    • Nails or screws.
    • Two blocks and steel wire for hanging the house.
    • Chisel.
    • Hammer.
    • Wood drill.
    • Drill.
    • hacksaw for wood.
    • Ruler.
    • A simple pencil.

    Work on making a tower for starlings should be carried out in several stages.

    Stage No. 1 - preparing wooden elements with your own hands

    On the prepared boards, according to the drawing, using a simple pencil and a ruler, mark the dimensions of the walls, bottom, roof and hole. In this case, you must follow some recommendations:

    1. The roof must be made with a slope, so the front wall must be made four cm longer than the back, and the side walls on top must be cut downward.
    2. The bottom should be made in the form of a square with a side of 13 cm.
    3. The roof is made from two different elements. One of them should look like the bottom of a birdhouse, and the other should be made in the form of a large rectangle, with the help of which a canopy will be created.

    Having drawn and checked all the design details with the drawing, you can start cutting them out. To ensure that paired elements have the same dimensions, they are recommended prepare sequentially.

    To make the starling house look beautiful from the outside, the boards on one side can be additionally planed.

    Tray preferred make it round, since then it will look like a hollow; birds live in natural conditions. To protect the chicks from encroachment by cats, the entrance to the birdhouse must be located five cm from the top edge.

    Stage No. 2 - assembling a house for starlings with your own hands

    First of all it is necessary fasten the front facade and side walls designs. This is done using wood glue, and as it dries, the elements are additionally fixed with screws or nails.

    Next, using the same principle, the side ends of the birdhouse bottom are attached to the side and front walls. Lastly, it is glued to the structure and the back wall is nailed. During work, it is necessary to ensure that there are no gaps between the elements.

    If the roof is removable, then its parts are attached only to each other. There is no need to glue or nail it to the birdhouse. It is installed on the structure using rubber or door hinges. In this case the birds will protected from visits from cats.

    Stage No. 3 - installing a birdhouse

    The finished bird house can be tied with wire or nailed to the selected surface. To make it easier for the chicks to exit and provide additional protection, the design is recommended lean forward a little. If the birdhouse will be installed on a tree, then it is better to wrap it with wire.

    Basic rules for placing an “apartment” for birds:

    • the optimal height is 3−5 meters in a summer cottage or in a village and from 8 to 10 meters in the city;
    • the birdhouse should not be exposed to direct sunlight in the midday heat;
    • the entrance to the house should be turned to the side with a minimum amount of wind;
    • tilting the structure backwards is not allowed;
    • it is necessary to ensure that there are no branches near the birdhouse through which a cat can get to the birds’ home;
    • It is recommended to install houses for feathered friends in early April.

    The birdhouse was made and installed with your own hands, all that remains is to wait for the residents to move in. But what to do if there are no boards, but you want to make a house for birds? In this case, materials that are always at hand will come to the rescue.

    Birdhouse made from plastic bottles

    To make such a birdhouse you will only need one large plastic bottle, scissors, wire, paper or paint.

    You will need to make two holes in the bottle cap for the wire with which the house will be suspended. At the top it should be cut a hole for entry. To make your home comfortable and cozy, the outside of the bottle can be painted or covered with paper.

    You can make a birdhouse with your own hands in much the same way. from juice boxes or milk, the capacity of which is more than one liter. When using such materials, they must first be prepared. To do this, the container is thoroughly washed and dried.

    Having made a birdhouse with your own hands, you should keep in mind that birds may not move into it right away. It will take some time to settle into the new housing. There is no need to worry about this. Sooner or later, the starlings will appreciate your work, and after they move in, you will be able to enjoy the singing and bustle of the birds, and not worry about your harvest.

    Instead of questionable chemical compounds, you can use safe “environmentally friendly” products. To effectively combat caterpillars, beetles and other pests, it is enough to attract starlings. These and some other bird species are capable of destroying not only insects, but also larvae. The only thing you need is a high-quality, hand-made birdhouse. You will find design drawings and dimensions, manufacturing technologies and useful tips in this article.

    Read in the article

    What to make a birdhouse from: the best materials

    To clarify the dimensions of the birdhouse, a drawing for starlings must be created taking into account the characteristics of their habitat in natural conditions. It is recommended to take into account the following facts:

    • Usually these birds make nests or use a hollow hollowed out by a woodpecker in a tree. They do not need excessive space, so it is enough to create a small interior space for the home.
    • To raise chicks, you will need the absence of drafts, good heat and.
    • We should not forget about natural enemies. Sufficient protection against .
    • It is necessary to ensure ease of entry into the birdhouse and free flight.
    • Unpleasant odors and fumes harmful to biological organisms should be avoided.
    • The design should not contain sharp protrusions or defects that could injure the bird.

    This photo shows that the birds like the unsightly-looking structure. It is made from natural materials, without varnishes or paints. In terms of its parameters, the housing turned out to be close to natural conditions, which is why the corresponding structures are called “loops”. Manufacturing is not accompanied by unnecessary difficulties. In a suitable log, remove the core and cut out a hole for the tap hole. Boards are nailed from below and above.

    Birdhouse made of wood: in harmony with nature

    This material is used most often, since its parameters are well suited for bird housing. However, please be aware of the following limitations.

    • To obtain acceptable results, it is necessary to use sufficiently thick sheets (from 20 mm or more). It is permissible to create type-setting walls.
    • Moisture-resistant varieties are suitable for outdoor use. These materials are more expensive than standard ones. But products made from them will retain their shape for a long service life.
    • You should make sure that there are no adhesives or other chemical compounds that are harmful to birds or create unpleasant odors.

    Birdhouse out of the box: a ready-made solution

    This kit contains wooden blanks made using factory techniques. They are distinguished by high quality processing and precise dimensions. Paints and a special decorative overlay are useful for creating an aesthetic appearance. The assembly instructions will help you perform the necessary steps correctly.

    Important! As a rule, such kits do not include tools. They will have to be purchased separately.

    This cardboard birdhouse can be assembled in just a few minutes. Special cutouts are designed to create connections. The advantages include low cost, speed of installation operations, and the possibility of disassembly. To determine the shortcomings of such a model, it is enough to carefully study the picture:

    • Lack of an additional layer that protects against moisture.
    • The bird hole is too big.
    • Low strength of connecting nodes.
    • Overly modest appearance.

    Birdhouse dimensions: what you need to consider

    Above we discussed in detail questions about how to properly make a structure using different materials. After a comprehensive analysis, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion about the advantages of natural wood:

    • it is an environmentally friendly, inexpensive material;
    • it has high strength and good insulating characteristics;
    • it is not too difficult to process it at home with your own hands using simple tools.

    The last item on this list deserves special attention. Prudent owners make their homes attractive to certain species of birds. That is why it is necessary to take into account not only the physiological differences between starlings and tits, their special habits and preferences.

    It should be noted right away that it will not be possible to build such a miniature object according to GOST. There are no standard reference parameters developed for the birdhouse.

    Important! What dimensions of products should be are discussed below. Requirements for other parameters are also given there, taking into account the behavioral characteristics of different birds. Individual changes can be made to any drawing. But it is better if they relate only to the aesthetic parameters of the products.

    Dimensions of a birdhouse for starlings

    Typical design parameters are given in the following table:

    When the feathered neighbors have mastered the new home, this one is removed. After this, the birds will begin to destroy harmful insects.

    Titmouse: drawing and dimensions

    The dimensions of the birdhouse for tits are slightly different from the previous version:

    House for a wagtail: drawing and dimensions

    To make the birds comfortable, the following parameters must be taken into account:

    You can create drawings yourself based on the data provided in the table. But we must remember that the wagtail’s legs are better suited for running than for clinging to vertical surfaces. It is difficult for this bird to penetrate the entrance of a standard birdhouse. For this purpose, the structure is supplemented with a “threshold”, a special platform with a width of 80 to 120 mm.

    How to make a birdhouse step by step

    After familiarizing yourself with the theory, you can move on to practice. This table shows an algorithm that will help you correctly create birdhouses for birds with your own hands. Drawings, consumables, and tools must be prepared in advance.

    Photo Procedure and Important Notes

    To make a relatively simple house for birds at home with your own hands, the following drawing of a birdhouse with dimensions is suitable.

    In accordance with the design documentation data, the dimensions are transferred to .

    Wooden blanks are cut using or with an electric drive.

    To make it easier for birds to move, the internal surfaces are made rough. If necessary, special notches are applied in the taphole area.

    The hole is made using an electric drill. Use a cutter attachment of the required size.

    To simplify the assembly process, thin holes are drilled at the marked points or small recesses are made. Screws are screwed into them. With the help of such fasteners, reliable connections are obtained.

    Assembly is performed sequentially. The workpieces are installed so that during the process of fastening them they do not create additional loads on the structure. For the product in the example, three screws on one connection line are sufficient. This is not indicated in the photo, but some craftsmen install special inserts in the inner corners. With their help, the shape of the internal space is rounded, making it similar to an ordinary hollow.

    A wooden rectangle with dimensions slightly smaller than the free part of the inner contour of the walls is fixed in the central part of the lid. It is fixed with five screws.

    Check the ease of installation and removal of the cover. If necessary, use a chisel to give the optimal shape to the parts.

    If you create several birdhouses, the garden will be better protected from harmful insects. To extend its service life, the product is impregnated on the outside with specialized compounds.

    Using this video, you can find out how to make a functional and beautiful birdhouse yourself:

    Important! When creating any type of house, it is necessary to seal the cracks. You can use hemp for this. Working operations are performed using specialized tools and blades.

    How to build a birdhouse with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

    If you buy a ready-made kit, you can make your own birdhouse for birds quickly and accurately. Such kits contain precisely fitted blanks and consumables. Manufacturers' detailed instructions explain how to properly make a birdhouse. But much more interesting are the original designs.

    Detailed drawings will not be needed to implement this project. You just need to comply with the above requirements for the size of houses for different types of birds. First you need to find the necessary raw materials. Aspen works well. In this wood, the core often becomes rotten while maintaining the integrity of the outer layers.
    After the log is delivered home, it is cut to the required size. Remove rotted bark. One of the cuts is made at a slight angle. The roof will subsequently be attached to this end. The tilt will ensure automatic removal of sediment. You need to make a hole in the workpiece (along its entire length). To speed up the process, use a power tool with a long drill or chisel.
    If there is a through hole, even strong wood will not be too difficult to remove.
    Next, excess material is sampled until uniform walls with a thickness of 20 to 30 mm are formed. Chips and sharp burrs are removed from the inside. The hole for the tap hole is drilled using an electric drill equipped with a toothed bit of the appropriate diameter.
    A board (20-25 mm) is suitable for the bottom. It is cut so that the excess parts do not protrude beyond the level of the contour of the lower part.
    The roof in a stationary version, like the bottom, is secured with screws. To avoid splitting the wood, holes are first created with a small diameter drill. How to make a removable roof option is described above.

    How to decorate a birdhouse with your own hands

    Questions often arise: is it possible to paint such structures? The application of impregnations and decorative coatings protects the wood from moisture and harmful bark beetles. This treatment allows the same design to be used for many years without repair. But be sure to make sure that the paints do not contain bird-repellent odors. On the other hand, they should not be overly bright so as not to attract predators.

    With the correct application of original ideas, it will be possible to turn a functional object into an expressive design element. It’s easier to figure out how to decorate a bird’s house using photos of specific examples.

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    Unusual birdhouses (pictured) can be created using relatively complex technologies (1) and available materials (2). An unusual option is a good illustration of the broad capabilities of a creative person. Metal linings, like the stones in the previous version, perform certain protective functions. In order not to think about how to paint the walls, you can use ready-made images or photo printing for decoration
