How to distinguish goji berries from barberries. Is goji berry a barberry? What is goji

Goji berries are often called shambhala or Tibetan barberry. However, a well-known spice is also called shambhala, and a common "Caucasian" shrub is called barberry. Global confusion arises from this. More often than not, people think that the barberry we grow in our garden plots is the mysterious goji berry. In fact, plants are not "relatives." The chemical properties of berries and their use in the food industry vary. Goji are called "barberry", rather, for a similar appearance.

Why goji and barberry are not relatives

Goji belongs to the nightshade family. If we talk about family ties, these berries, rather, are not close to barberry and dogwood, but tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants. It is the belonging to the nightshade that determines the richness of essential oils and organic acids. There are so many of the latter that Chinese beauties do not take goji with their hands when collecting. A cloth or paper is simply spread near the plant and pounded on the trunk with sticks until the berries fall onto the substrate. That is why it is rather problematic to buy fresh goji - usually pragmatic Chinese leave them to "dry" right where the plantation is located.

Goji is called barberry simply because of the similarity of the berries, and it is visible only in dried form. To non-professionals, it seems that goji resemble a rose hip, and almost half of a reference book on botany. This suggests a simple thought:

  • buy goji only from trusted suppliers;
  • do not pursue extreme cheapness, and if you have already decided to save money, buy a rose hip on the market, it is cheap and also contains fiber and vitamin C.

Differences between goji and barberry in taste

All that a person with unprepared taste buds feels in both cases is acid. However, if you chew the berries longer, they will taste completely different.

Goji give the following flavors:

  • some sweetness;
  • a drop of "salt", but not the same as in ordinary rock salt, but as, for example, the salinity of natural algae;
  • if you chew the berries, they will not be sour, like lemon, but will only slightly "give" to the sourness;
  • goji berries have a rather distinct "fibrous" structure. Imagine that you are chewing the pulp of a slightly dried apple, the feeling will be similar.

Caucasian barberry is "felt" in a completely different way:

  • the first note in its taste is sweet and sour and at the same time slightly spicy. The plant, due to its essential oils, resembles ... the Soviet children's soda "Duchess", but with a less pronounced sweet taste;
  • "Fiber" and "fiber" you will feel much less;
  • some people do not feel the delicate sweetness of barberry at all, but only the acid. This taste haunts those who consume sweeteners, candies and white sugar, as do most modern foods.

Barberry berries do not taste salty, even if chewed for a long time. It is even easier to distinguish berries by brewing tea based on them. The barberry drink will be lighter and more sour in taste. It will preserve the aroma of barberry, and will only please those who, in principle, love spices. Goji tea is more like ... a mixture of rosehip decoctions and a drop of pu-erh tea or "smoked" tea, but there is less of a "fire" flavor in it. To some people, goji broth resembles miso soup. The main difference is the dark color and a very subtle, almost imperceptible smell.

In addition, berries vary greatly in how they handle transportation and storage. Many people complain that goji often clump together in a bag and do not tolerate high temperatures well. This is due to the fact that the berries contain more fiber, and simply cannot dry up to drupe, as, for example, the well-known bird cherry.

Barberry, if desired, can be dried just to the "oak" state, glossy skin and complete inability to "stick together" in a lump. It will not be soft, and the older the fruit, the drier it will appear.

In addition, natural goji often lose color during drying and transportation, and do not look as bright as in the pictures on the Internet. When touched, they are more likely to feel like white or yellow raisins. But barberry - the notorious dried bird cherry.

If you look at the shrubs, the difference will be noticeable with the naked eye, but who will show you exactly that plant when you buy?

How not to buy regular barberry instead of goji

The easiest way is to buy goji from a regular offline pharmacy. In such establishments, the quality is monitored by official organizations, and the bags with berries lie quietly in the window, and you can look at them, touch them and understand what exactly is packed there.

The method, however, does not work for many regions where goji are simply not supplied. In this case, you can advise the juice or liquid extract of berries, it is produced in China, and is supplied under fairly well-known brands. Quality is also guaranteed.

But when buying online, you will have to study the reviews in detail. An indirect sign may be that ... some people are disappointed with the taste of goji. Yes, for those who like sweet berries and the same dried fruits, goji usually do not like it. In addition, ordering a trial, a small batch will give a complete impression of what and from whom you are purchasing.

Goji (Dereza vulgaris or Tibetan barberry) is a plant cultivated in China, Tibet and the Himalayas. Dried goji berries are used as a superfood. Each piece contains a huge charge of vitamins and minerals, as well as unique polysaccharides that are found only in goji fruits. You can buy berries in food stores or on special sites.

But unscrupulous producers sell ordinary barberry or dogwood under the guise of wolfberry fruit. Let's figure out if goji berries and barberries are the same, how to distinguish a fake and choose a good product.

How shoppers are deceived

The wild popularity of goji makes scammers come up with new schemes. Outwardly, dried goji fruits are similar to barberry or dogwood, they are easy to confuse. Buyers who have not yet figured out the peculiarities of the products can be sold cheap barberry, which grows everywhere in Russia.

Wolfberry (another name for goji) is a different matter. They are cultivated in our country, but not in such large quantities as in China or Tibet. It is logical that in the process of processing, purchasing and shipping goods, the price increases greatly. It is easier for fraudsters to buy inexpensive barberry and then sell it under the guise of healing Chinese goji berries. But the magic effect promised by the manufacturer can not be expected.

Don't be tempted by the low price of goji berries! It may not be a healthy Asian product, but a completely different berry.

Similarities between goji, barberry and dogwood

All three fruits are similar to each other: they are oblong in shape, and the rind is colored bright red. There are other similarities:

  • barberry and goji - thorny shrubs;
  • all three fruits are edible and used in cooking.

Cornelian cherry grows on trees, but when fresh and dried, the berries are very similar to goji.

The similarities are quite small, but if you do not know how expensive goji berries differ from barberry or dogwood, it is difficult to understand what is on the counter.

Differences of berries

In fact, barberry, dogwood and goji have many differences:

  • the first two berries grow everywhere, and the homeland of goji is China;
  • barberry has oval leaves, and wolfberry has oblong leaves;
  • flowers differ in shades: in barberry they are yellow, in goji they are purple;
  • inside the barberry and dogwood berries there is a dense pit, and the wolfberry berries have many small seeds.

Fresh fruits are similar, but there is a difference when dried. Goji retain their original shape and red color, while barberries darken and become rounder.

The difference is in the composition and properties of the berries. Barberry is suitable for dietary nutrition, but in terms of benefits it loses to the common tree. Barberry fruits contain a lot of carbohydrates, alkaloids and tannins. These components help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove the inflammatory process in the body and get rid of muscle spasms. Barberry is similar in useful properties to dogwood, only in the latter there are more vitamins C and E.

Goji is used as a unique source of nutrients. Berries contain a lot of ascorbic acid, protein and a whole vitamin complex. They work not only on the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the entire body, helping to conserve energy during serious workouts, support general well-being and boost immunity. Goji berries are a powerful antioxidant that prevents premature aging. And the components of the Tibetan product normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels, maintain good vision, strengthen the musculoskeletal system and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Learn more about the benefits of goji in the video:

How to tell different berries from each other

To buy really high quality wolfberry fruits, follow our instructions. There are several criteria by which the three products differ greatly:

  1. Color and shape of berries... Fresh goji fruits are pear-shaped, and barberry and dogwood are elongated. But it is difficult to find Dereza in Russia (besides, undried berries are poisonous!), So let's pay attention to dry fruits. After drying, barberries darken and flatten a little, and goji retain their shape and bright red color.
  2. Taste and smell. If you are buying not a packaged product, but by weight, ask to try one thing. Quality goji berries are sweet, and the barberry has a distinct sour taste.
  3. Bones. When you bite into the fruit, you will notice another difference. If there is a large bone inside, it is a barberry or dogwood. If there are a lot of seeds and they are small, this is really a goji.
  4. Test with water. Purchased berries can be tested with hot water. Just put a few things in a glass and pour boiling water over it. Goji immediately float up and paint the water pink.

These simple methods will make it easy to determine what product you are buying.

How to buy real goji berries

In order not to doubt the quality of the supplement, be sure to follow our instructions and choose only trusted manufacturers. For example, at iHerb, the risk of running into a fake is zero: the company strictly monitors the quality of products and always tests them before selling.

Good quality goji fruits can't be too cheap... If you see berries at 50 rubles per 100 grams, be sure that this is either a fake or a very low quality product. You should not expect any benefit from it.

Where to buy quality berries

If you buy a supplement online, pay attention to the site itself. You should not place an order on suspicious internet portals. The risk is too high that an expired or bad product will arrive, or the seller will not ship it at all.

To be 100% confident in the quality of the berries, buy them on the iHerb website. It is an American online pharmacy that sells dietary supplements, dietary supplements, natural care and decorative cosmetics, herbal remedies, and more.

Take a look at the TOP-6 products:

All manufacturers are verified, their products are thoroughly tested. Each product from the iHerb assortment has a quality certificate, so it is impossible to buy a fake here. And if an expired or low-quality product arrives, technical support will return the money or send a similar product for free.

And you can save well on Ayherb. Once a week, a category of goods is selected, the price of which is reduced by 10-15%. If you want to buy whole berries or tablets with their extract, wait for the discounts on this category.

Another plus of iHerb is that parcels are sent to the CIS countries. Many foreign stores only ship to Europe or America, not Ayherb. Moreover, the Russians may not pay for the shipment. To do this, you need to choose Boxberry as your shipping company. If the total purchase price is more than $ 60, and the weight is less than 5 kg, the parcel will be brought to Russia free of charge.

If you are a new user of the site, use our promo code. He gives a discount -10% for the first order. You can activate the discount in two ways: go to or after filling the basket when placing an order, enter the promo code AGK4375 in a special line.

Goji berries are a unique product that has a complex effect on the body. But only the real fruits of the common wolfberry give such a healing effect. Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous sellers who replace them with dried barberry or dogwood. These berries are also rich in vitamins, but not as healthy as goji. Use our advice when choosing, buy supplements only from trusted manufacturers and do not order dietary supplements on questionable sites. This ensures that you are buying really good quality goji berries.

Goji berries are very healthy. They contain a large quantity of micro and macroelements, amino acids; B vitamins, vitamin C; fatty acids; antioxidants.

Goji berries have a positive effect on our body:

  • -improve eyesight
  • -increase immunity
  • -speed up metabolic processes in the body
  • - normalizes brain nutrition
  • - increases life expectancy and much more.

The use of goji berries in cooking

Goji berries are a great snack and can be consumed as dried fruits, sowing a handful of 20-30 grams per day. Also, berries will be an excellent addition to porridge for breakfast, or to fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, etc.)
Goji berries can be used to make tea, which is able to cleanse the body. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of goji berries, let it brew and the tea is ready.

Goji berries are very often confused with barberry. They are even sometimes called: "Chinese barberry" or "Tibetan barberry". But these names are incorrect, since barberry and goji are completely different berries and do not even look alike.

Differences between goji berries and barberry:

  • The barberry berries are round and the goji berries are oblong.
  • In color, the original goji berries are red-carrot, and the barberry is maroon.
  • The barberry tastes sour, and the goji berries are sweet, with a slight sourness.
  • In fact, quality barberry is more expensive than goji berries. Therefore, it is a delusion to think that in specialized places where spices are sold, you will be slipped barberry instead of goji berries.

Sometimes goji berries can be confused with dogwood. When fresh, they are similar in appearance, but it is completely different in chemical composition and is used in different ways.

Despite the fact that goji berries are grown in China and Tibet, it will not be difficult to grow them on their own in Ukraine. They honor themselves normally on our land.
Last year in Kherson, namely in Vasilyevka, a Chinese farmer sowed several hectares of land with Tibetan goji berries, for the sake of experiment. The end result exceeded all his expectations! So the yield of goji berries in Ukraine is good, and if someone wants to try, they can safely plant a tree in their garden.

How to plant goji berries?

At the beginning of planting, we must determine the most sunlit place. The soil for dereza needs enriched, which will pass water well.

You can start growing goji berries from cuttings and seeds.

If we start with seeds, then they need to be planted in the greenhouse in the spring. After the seedling appears, we carefully remove the top of its head with our hands and transplant the seedling into the open ground.

If you want to grow goji berries as soon as possible, then it is better to do it from cuttings. We take about 10 centimeter cuttings, already lignified, and plant them in the ground. We do this in the spring, so that the roots can grow stronger by the fall.

Goji berry fruits will begin to give in 2-3 years, since at first they do not bear fruit. But then, there will be no shortage of berries! You need to harvest when it's dry and clear outside.

In order for goji berries to be really useful for the body, they need to be properly dried. You need to dry the berries to such an extent that the peel of the fruit begins to peel off, and the fruit is separated from the stalk without any effort.

Since 2004, only the lazy has not been talking about goji berries. There are many show business stars, writers, politicians and athletes among the fans and propagandists of the "miracle berry". Goji berries are called "natural Viagra and antidepressant in one bottle", "matrimonial wine", "fruits of longevity", "the first tonic for the brain", "happiness berries". The popularity of goji berries in the West is so great that it's time to talk about "goji". The properties of goji berries have not yet been fully investigated, however, many nutritionists and nutritionists call them an analogue of fabulous rejuvenating apples, or even a panacea that can cure the most terrible diseases known to humanity. The thousands of years of experience of Tibetan healers proves the tremendous health benefits of goji berries.

How to grow a Goji Berry

Shrub Goji berries love rocky alkaline soils, but they can well grow on black soil. Berries can be easily grown in your own summer cottage.It is not at all difficult to care for shrubs. The plant can easily withstand prolonged rains, temperature drops and even frosts.For growing Goji Berries, it is better to choose an empty place, as shrubs grow quickly and can interfere with other plants. After overgrowing, the branches will be difficult to get rid of. Alternatively, a hedge can be made from shrubs.It is possible to grow shrubs of Goji Berries from cuttings and from fruit seeds. If you decide to grow a shrub from seeds, then you need dried Goji Berries. Before removing the seeds, the berry must be soaked for several hours in warm water. The seeds are planted in a germination substrate. At the same time, you need to ensure that there is good lighting, the soil does not dry out, and the temperature is in the range of 20 - 25 degrees Celsius.

In order to preserve moisture, it is recommended to cover the container in which the seeds are germinated with cellophane wrap.

When sowing, the seeds are sown either on the soil surface or to a depth of 2 mm to make it easier for them to germinate. When the first shoots appear, it is recommended to remove the cellophane. After about 2 - 4 weeks, 2 - 3 pairs of leaves are already formed on the shoots. At this time, the sprouts can be seated separately.

In the second year, shrubs that have grown from seeds begin to bloom, and by 3-4 years they already become fruitful.

Growing Goji Berries on your own will allow you to constantly replenish stocks of dried fruits and regularly include such a useful product in your diet. And thanks to the beneficial properties of Goji Berry, you will preserve your youth for a long time, not only improve your health, but also prevent the development of many diseases.

Beneficial features:

What is so unique about the Goji berry?

Performs antioxidant functions;

Reduces cell oxidation;

Slows down the aging process of the body;

The abundance of carotenoids in the berry improves vision;

Betaine - improves memory and keeps the brain in good shape;

Has anti-inflammatory effect;

It is a prophylactic agent for oncological diseases;

Strengthens the nervous system;

Improves health and mood;

Strengthens the immune system.

Dr. Al Mindell, who has studied these berries for a long time, published a book in which he named 33 reasons why you should eat goji every day. According to the scientist, goji berries prolong life, give energy, rejuvenate the body, normalize blood pressure, reduce the risk of cancer, lower cholesterol, normalize blood sugar, improve sexual activity, help reduce weight, improve sleep, strengthen the heart, normalize vision. increase resistance to disease, improve blood composition and treat bone marrow disorders, support liver and kidney function, restore hormonal balance, help in the treatment of infertility, strengthen muscles and bones, improve memory and relieve stress ... The list is impressive. Has humanity finally found a universal remedy for all diseases?

I must say that this is only a novelty for Europeans and Americans, but in China these berries have been known for thousands of years. Goji, also known as Tibetan barberry, Chinese Dereza, lycium barbarum and wolfberry, is a creeping shrub of the nightshade family whose soft vines hang down to 3-8 meters. The branches are covered with thin thorns. The fruits are juicy red berries.

The plant is poisonous!

It is not worth picking up fresh berries: a strong oxidative reaction immediately begins on the skin, and it turns black. In order to collect the fruits, a cloth is spread on the ground under the bush and the ripe berries are shaken off with a special stick. They are certainly dried in the shade. After drying, the berries are completely safe. Their taste is sweet-salty, sometimes sour. Nothing special in general. But goji berries aren't popular for their flavor.

Goji berries: contraindications

Certain herbs, tinctures, and medications can interact strongly with goji berries. Whatever you take, you need to consult with your doctor if you can eat goji berries. Especially if you are taking anticoagulants: there are several cases described where their interaction with goji berries led to massive bleeding.

In addition, goji berries can also interact with diabetes and blood pressure medications; dosages may need to be recalculated. Keep in mind that with constant use, the effect of goji berries accumulates.

Goji berries are gaining in popularity every year. Many manufacturers, in order to meet the growing demand, go to various tricks without worrying about the health of the end consumer: the product is often found to contain a high content of pesticides, nitrates and phosphates.

Research suggests the unique composition of the fruits of this plant. They contain 18 amino acids (of which 8 are irreplaceable), 21 minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc and others), vitamins E, C, B1, B2, B6, carotene, polysaccharides and many other biologically active substances. Among them, for example, a substance such as germanium. This mineral, in combination with other components, is effective in the treatment of cancer. There is 500 times more vitamin C in goji berries than in oranges and lemons. Iron is 15 times more than spinach. Beta-carotene - much more than carrots. The protein concentration in goji berries is higher than in royal jelly. It is believed that eating just 1 tablespoon of goji berries a day can provide a person with all the necessary vitamins.

An old Chinese proverb says, "Goji should not be eaten by someone who travels far from the hearth." This warning is not in vain: the goji berry is revered as one of the best sex tonics in all Asian medicine. Science has confirmed the ancient wisdom - goji berries increase the content of testosterone in the blood, thereby enhancing libido in both men and women. Asian doctors also treat infertility with goji berries.

Despite the huge number of useful properties, like any product, goji berries have contraindications, but there are not many of them: Chinese barberry is not recommended at elevated temperatures;People who are prone to allergic reactions should also not eat berries, since they can provoke an attack.

How to brew Goji Berries?
There are no special rules. Pour dried Goji Berries with hot water and leave for 20 minutes. You can experiment with quantity. Start with a 150 ml tablespoon of dried berries. water. By the way, the berries themselves can then be eaten. The most useful thing in them.
There is also an interesting option: brew, leave overnight and drink in the morning. During the night, a maximum of vitamins are extracted into the infusion.
Lovers of delicious food. Goji berry recipes.

Can be added to morning rice porridge, soups and other dishes. The Chinese do that. Experiment! Place at the same time when adding other spices to the dish.

How many Goji Berries do you need per day?

Try drinking Goji Berry tea every day for 10 days. You will need 250 gr. (25 grams per day). You can buy 50 gr. goji to try, if in doubt. No problem!
In China, goji berries are used not only as a medicine, but also as a seasoning for various dishes. Perhaps it was thanks to the goji berries that the Chinese super long-liver Li Qingyun lived for 256 years (!!!). Still, a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and mental balance are of no small importance.


Goji berries are the berries of the Chinese tree, a needle-like shrub of the nightshade family found throughout the world. The berries are grown in China, Mongolia, Europe and even Russia. It is believed that the most valuable berries grow in the Chinese province of Ningxia, the Himalayas and Tibet. They are of high value because they grow in the unique composition of the soil. Harvesting takes place from May to September, but berries harvested from August to September are considered especially valuable.

In China and Tibet, these berries have long been used in alternative medicine and as a useful food supplement. They are equated with a natural complex of vitamins. In Europe and Russia, the popularity of goji berries came relatively recently, and now information about the beneficial properties of these fruits is being actively disseminated. We very often call goji berries "common tree" or "wolf berry".

Goji berries have a unique chemical composition. They contain a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, namely:

  • 4 polysaccharides;
  • 21 minerals;
  • 6 monosaccharides;
  • 6 carotenoids;
  • beta carotene;
  • vitamins of group B, C and E;
  • 18 amino acids.

Differences between goji berries and barberry

In appearance, they are very similar, however, you can still distinguish them. Let's see how goji berries differ from barberry.

  1. Barberry fruits are flattened and sour in taste.
  2. Goji berries have a plump, elongated shape with pointed tips and taste sweet with a slight bitterness.
  3. Goji berries should be solid and not too bright in color, which means that the berries are not colored.
  4. The size of the berry varies from 1 to 2 centimeters. Smaller berries should generally be cheaper.
  5. There should be at least 10 small yellow seeds inside one berry.
  6. Goji berries should be dry and firm enough to the touch.
  7. When brewed, real goji berries do not sink, but float to the surface of the water.

Knowing the main differences, of course, does not give a 100% guarantee of purchasing a natural and high-quality product, but it will save you from purchasing a low-quality and cheap fake for an unjustified cost.

To purchase an original product, you should contact only trusted manufacturers and suppliers.