Annual plan 1 junior. Prospective planning in the first junior group of kindergarten by FGOS for a year by months

Prospective (approximate complex-thematic) work planning in the 1st junior group was drawn up on the basis of the educational program edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva "From birth to school." In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, such planning allows for easier adaptation of the child and creates conditions for each baby.

According to modern trends in the education system, the teacher has the opportunity to creatively organize the process of education and training. In this regard, the long-term plan of the first junior group contains a list of tasks corresponding to a specific thematic period, as well as program content implemented in the course of educational activities.

Building the educational process around one topic for 2-3 weeks allows you to maximize the potential of children and achieve the best results, as well as introduce a regional component.

Amount of educational load

According to the program "From birth to school" the volume of educational load per day does not exceed 20 minutes, the teacher has the opportunity to organize educational activities at a convenient time for him and the children, focusing on the program content and the theme of the period. Perspective planning in 1 junior group reflects the tasks of educational activities:

  • physical culture 2 times a week indoors, 1 time outdoors,
  • acquaintance with the outside world once a week (subject environment, acquaintance with nature, socialization),
  • formation of elementary mathematical concepts once a week,
  • speech development once a week,
  • drawing once a week,
  • modeling once every two weeks,
  • application once every two weeks,
  • music 2 times a week.

When planning work in 1 junior group, it is necessary to take into account that the block of interaction between an adult and children in various types of activity contains constructive-model, play, cognitive-research activities and reading fiction.

Activities aimed at consolidating the material proposed in the course of educational activities are reflected in the calendar plan for 1 junior group and correspond to five educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic, aesthetic and physical development. The topics for the weeks of the schedule correspond to the topics of the weeks and thematic periods presented in the long-term planning for.

The long-term plan is approximate and can be changed in accordance with the characteristics of the region, the preschool institution and the specifics of the educational program.

When drawing up the plan, the following literature was used:

  • Approximate general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school", edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard, ed. year 2014.
  • Komarova T.S. Classes in visual activity in the first junior group of kindergarten. Lesson notes (-M .: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2010)
  • Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten: First junior group. M .: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2014
  • Karpukhina N.A. Summaries of classes in the first junior group of kindergarten-Voronezh, 2008
  • Abramova L.V., Sleptsova I.F. Social and communicative development of preschoolers. The second junior group of early age, Moscow: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2017
  • Veraksa N.E., Galimov O.R. Cognitive research activities of preschoolers., M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2016
  • Dybina O.B. Acquaintance with the objective world and social environment. The second group of early age - M .: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2016
  • Solomennikova O. Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. First junior group (2-3). FGOS M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2015

Check out a snippet of the roadmap

Topic of the weekPeriod objectivesSoftware content implemented in the course of educational activitiesWorking with parents
September, 1 week Adapt children to kindergarten conditions.
Introduce the kindergarten as the closest
social environment of the child (room and
group equipment: personal locker,
crib, toys, etc.). Introduce
children, educator. Contribute
the formation of positive emotions for
attitude towards kindergarten, educator, children.

Learn to distinguish and name toys and their main qualities (color, size). Continue to acquaint with the location of the group room, objects and things that are in it.
Speech development
Teach children to participate in collective activities, hear and understand the teacher's suggestions, willingly carry them out (say something or do something).
Develop children's perception, enrich their sensory experience, arouse children's interest in drawing with pencils, find out what children know about how to use a pencil correctly, what pencil colors they know, draw children's attention to the fact that a trace remains on paper, encourage desire follow the movement of the pencil on the paper.
To develop in children an interest in the process and the result of modeling, to acquaint them with the properties of clay, to teach how to knead clay, roll sticks, and arouse the desire to sculpt.
To form the ability and desire to listen to music. React emotionally and answer questions about the song's content. Develop emotional responsiveness to songs of a different nature. Encourage children to impart walking and running rhythm.
Walk and run after the teacher in a flock.

To teach children to walk in different directions, at a signal in pairs, to learn to catch a ball from a teacher; exercise in crawling behind a rolling object. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements, attention. To cultivate a love for sports, interest in their results, attention, activity, expressiveness of movements.

Teach children to run lightly, rhythmically, vigorously pushing off with their toes. Improve spatial orientation. Develop children's motor skills and skills, dexterity and eye. Raise the desire to study, play together.
Acquaintance with the families of pupils,
questioning. Informing parents
on the course of the educational process: days
open doors, individual
counseling. Parent meeting,
introduction to wellness activities
in the preschool educational institution. Involving parents in drawing up
a plan of interaction between family and kindergarten.
September, 2 week Continue to adapt children to
kindergarten conditions, to acquaint
with kindergarten as closest
the child's social environment
(room and equipment of the group:
personal locker, crib, toys and
etc.). To acquaint with children, educator.
Promote positive
emotions in relation to kindergarten,
educator, children.
Familiarization with the outside world
To consolidate with children knowledge about the kindergarten they attend, to acquaint them with basic rules of behavior, ethics of communication and greetings.
Promote the development of actions with objects.
Speech development
Arouse sympathy in children for peers, help them remember the names of their comrades (including those pronounced by adults in different ways (but without lisping): Sasha - Sasha - Sashulya), overcome shyness.
Elicit an emotional response in children, teach them to draw rain drops with strokes, hold a pencil in their right hand, identify blue, develop fine motor skills.
To form an interest in sculpting, familiarize with clay objects, expand the understanding of the properties of clay and methods of sculpting, develop the ability to create shapes by rolling pieces on a board, make recesses in them.
Teach children to perform simple dance movements as shown by the teacher Introduce children to singing, encourage children to sing along with the adult repeating words.
Physical culture indoors
Teach children to throw sandbags at a horizontal target, jump in length from a spot, consolidate the ability to walk and run in a circle holding hands. Develop an eye, jumping ability, agility. Raise the desire to study, play together.
Physical culture in the air
Exercise in stepping over obstacles. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements, attention. To cultivate confidence, independence, activity, love for sports, expressive movements.
Introducing parents to events,
held in kindergarten.
Informing parents about the facts,
affecting the health of children. Attraction
to joint observations of autumn
changes in nature, to be considered
vegetables. Involvement of parents in registration
groups, holding joint competitions.
Consulting on "Features
adaptation to kindergarten ".

Complex thematic planning of the educational process is planning in accordance with the main general educational program of preschool education in all educational areas. Complex thematic planning is compiled by the methodologist and teachers of each age group together and is developed for the academic year (from September to May inclusive). This type of planning should reflect:

The name of the topic and the period of its implementation;
solved pedagogical problems;
the activities of the educator with children in regime moments;
options for final events.

Complex thematic planning is an integral part of the main general educational program of a preschool educational institution and should be developed by a methodologist and teachers before the start of the academic year. The plan is in hard copy and must have a cover page.

On this page you can download synopses of complex thematic planning of educational activities in the first junior group of kindergarten. The plans are in line with the Federal State Educational Standard. To adapt to your group and school year, you need to change the dates and days of the week in accordance with the calendar.

Synopsis of the teacher Tamara Ivanovna Jafarova. Perspective program. FGOS DO Download a comprehensive thematic plan \u003e\u003e


Zakharkina Lyubov Viktorovna. Download abstract \u003e\u003e


Valentina Zaitseva

Theme of the month: "People's Toy"

Date: 14.03.2016 Monday

Observing the care of indoor plants in a corner of nature: watering, care

Consideration of plot pictures on the theme "Spring". What happens in spring? How can you play in the spring? What are the children doing in the picture? - Teaching children to answer the adult's questions.

Board-print games "Assemble pictures" - to teach children to recreate a whole from parts.

CGN Purpose: to educate the desire for independence when performing self-service skills in washing, eating, toilet.

D / I “Collect the pyramid. Purpose: to teach how to consistently collect rings, naming a color. Polina, Cyril.

Work on sound pronunciation "A dog has come to us" Dima, Kira.

Finger game "Finger-boy" Purpose: development of fine motor skills.

Integration of educational situations and classes Acquaintance with the environment Topic: "Mother's holiday"

Physical culture Topic: "Our legs are walking on a flat path"

Program tasks: repeat crawling and crawling under the bench, consolidate the ability to throw the ball with both hands, cultivate independence, develop the ability to navigate in space.

Walk 1 Observing buds in trees - involve children in observing wildlife, foster respect for trees.

The mobile game "Engine" - to learn to move at different rates, change direction, convey the characteristic movements of animals and birds; exercise in pronunciation of sounds.

Outdoor games "Bear in the forest", "Cat and mice" - to develop the ability to respond to a signal, navigate in space, run without bumping into each other.

Work. We will remove the branches on the site - to maintain the desire to help adults.

Individual work. Recall the nursery rhyme "The cat went to the market."

Games with natural material: pebbles. Offer children laying out rounded shapes (bun, sun, ball) - to develop thinking and imagination.

Afternoon Game exercise "Let's treat the pupae to tea." Purpose: to stimulate children to perform game actions, select the necessary items, maintain interest in the game.

Staging of the tale "Turnip" - to encourage the desire of children to participate in the staging of familiar plots of fairy tales, to recall the sequence, to act according to the verbal instructions of an adult.

Independent activities of children: games by zones ("Why is the doll crying"). Purpose: to encourage activity, to stimulate the desire in children to unite in groups, to develop game interaction. Games for the development of fine motor skills (balls of different sizes and colors) develop the ability to match objects in color and volume. Polina, Dima, Nastya.

Walk 2 Walk to the orchard. Examining cherries. Purpose: development of attention, interest in wildlife.

Outdoor games "Run to me" - to develop in children the ability to maintain the necessary direction while running and change it depending on the situation, teach them to run in different directions. "Step over the stick" - teach children while walking not to shuffle their feet, to raise them, to develop the ability to step over objects on the way and at the same time not to lose balance.

Teach children to say goodbye when they go home.

Interaction with parents and social partners Consultation for parents "Children's folklore"

Date: 03/15/2016 Tuesday

Morning Reception, examination of children. Morning gymnastics complex No. 14 "Spring is outside the gates".

Game situation "Blow the pipes, beat the spoons, nesting dolls have come to visit us." Examination of nesting dolls, playing with nesting dolls. Replenishment of vocabulary: sundress, handkerchiefs. Purpose: to continue to acquaint with the folk toy-matryoshka, the development of sensory standards.

Fun games "Cheerful Clown" - creating a joyful mood and comfort in children.

Playing on onomatopoeia with Eva, Serezha “Guess who is this?”, “Who is shouting how?” - to form and expand the active and passive vocabulary of children.

Integration of educational situations and activities Development of speech Topic: "Where are the cars going?"

Program tasks: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of transport: a truck, a car; develop communication skills and foster respect for adult work.

Physical culture Topic: "My cheerful ringing ball".

Walk 1 Observing the wind - to involve children in observing the available natural phenomena, to promote the development of play activity, physical activity through games with sultans and turntables.

An outdoor game "Little gray bunny sits" - to teach to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Didactic game "One - many" - to consolidate the ability to distinguish the number of objects.

Work. We will sweep in the gazebo - to involve in the implementation of labor assignments.

Individual work with Dima, Arseny, Rita "Catch the ball" - exercise in catching the ball.

Independent games with portable material: balls, cars, strollers.

Afternoon Gradual recovery of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking on health paths. Educational games - loto "In the world of animals", "Whose baby" - the development of thinking and memory. Puzzles "Mom and baby" - the development in children of the ability to recreate a whole from parts.

Game-search situation "Where to put the nesting dolls?" - to offer to teach children to think about where they will sit, to lay down the nesting dolls; - to encourage them to build from memory, to independently select parts. Form verbal communication. To teach to distinguish the color and shape of parts, to disassemble buildings, to add parts. Games with the constructor "Build paths of different colors" with Eva, Arseny. Purpose: recognition and naming of the colors of the spectrum.

Walk 2 Continue wind observation. How do we know if the wind is blowing? Can you see the wind? What is the wind like? Purpose: to help children find answers by observing surrounding objects, to comprehend the conclusions.

A comic game "Baba sowing peas" - to stimulate to act on a signal, coordinating movements with words. Sedentary game "Flag" Purpose: to teach to stand in a circle.

Independent activity under the supervision of a teacher. Drawing with crayons on the asphalt "Sun-bucket"

Interaction with parents and social partners Memo for parents "Secrets of good appetite"

Date: 16.03.2016 Wednesday

Morning Reception, examination of children. Morning gymnastics complex No. 14 "Spring is outside the gates"

Games with folk musical instruments: spoons. Purpose: to help children master the simplest rhythmic pattern. Develop auditory perception.

Didactic game "Decompose by color" - to form the ability to group objects by color.

Developing games "Whose baby?", "Who has whom?"

CGN. With the help of nursery rhymes, stimulate children to be independent in fulfilling their natural needs, in the toilet, in caring for their hands, face. With Nastya, Kirill - playing on spoons "Quietly or loudly"

Games in the sensory corner: lacing, inserts with Eva, Serezha - the development of fine motor skills.

Integration of educational situations and activities

Music (according to the plan of the music director)

FEMP Game situation Topic: “Collecting toys for matryoshka dolls”.

Program tasks: the formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and quantity, to designate them with the words: ball, cube, brick, many - many. Formation of the ability to construct simple buildings.

Walk 1 Observing an airplane in the sky - to form an interest in the world around, to tell children about the profession of a pilot.

An outdoor game "Aircraft" - exercise in performing movements on a signal. "At the Bear in the Forest"

Didactic game "Who and where?" - to teach to navigate in space, to improve the understanding of an adult's speech.

Work. We help the janitor - to foster a desire to help adults.

Individual work with Arina, Eva, Kira "Jump over the brook"

CGN. Encourage accuracy in eating, using a napkin.

Afternoon Gradual recovery of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking on health paths.

Constructive - model activity "Ladder - slide with a long slope". Purpose: to teach the technique of superimposing homogeneous parts on top of each other. Teach to distinguish colors and name red cubes, blue cubes. To teach to understand words and expressions, to induce to say “stairs, steps, up, down, jumping”.

Examining books in the book corner. Repetition of the nursery rhyme "So people are sleeping", "Vodichka, vodichka." Purpose: to make children want to tell nursery rhymes. Didactic game "What is for what?" with Nastya, Fedor

Examination of subject pictures with hygiene items (soap, towel, comb)

Walk 2 Observing the sky. Looking at the clouds. What does a cloud look like (like cotton wool, like snow)

An outdoor game "Cat and Mice". Purpose: development of coordination of movements.

Round dance game "Bunny, bunny, dance"

Purpose: to remember, together with the children, words and actions for the game, the ability to coordinate words and actions.

Labor assignments. Collecting toys after a walk - involve them in joint work.

Individual work with Arseny, Fedor - game exercise "Jump up to the ball".

Interaction with parents and social partners Reflexive minutes: "Does the child need lullabies?"

Date: 17.03.2016 Thursday

Morning Reception, examination of children. Morning gymnastics complex No. 14 "Spring is outside the gates". Observing indoor plants

Purpose: to develop observation, a positive attitude towards indoor plants, to note why a person needs them, to repeat with children how to take care of them, to activate the vocabulary "flower", "watering can". Examination of photographs: "How we live in kindergarten" - to develop ideas about the positive aspects of the kindergarten, its community with home (warmth, comfort, love) and differences from the home environment (more friends, toys, independence). Reading A. Barto's poems to children - to form an understanding that from books you can learn a lot of interesting things, to encourage them to recite short poems by heart.

CGN. Pay attention to how children use a spoon, gradually teach them to hold it from below. With Anastasia, Dmitry, Kirill, the game "Wonderful Sack" is to develop children's perception, enrich their sensory experience by highlighting the shape of objects by touch.

Integration of educational situations and classes Development of speech Topic: "Mother's holiday"

Program tasks: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe mother's holiday in children, create a joyful mood, a desire to choose and give a gift; develop visual perception and foster love for family and friends.

Physical culture Topic: "My cheerful ringing ball"

Program tasks: repeat crawling and crawling into the hoop, introduce you to throwing the ball over the tape, exercise walking on an inclined board, develop the ability to act on a signal.

Walk 1 Observing the grass - to determine what color it is, what to touch - to attract to the observation of objects of living nature, to bring up a respectful attitude towards them.

Game situation "Mys - drivers". Purpose: using play techniques, show children ways of play interaction between peers, encourage them to unite in pairs for joint play. An outdoor game "Run to me" - exercise in a straight line. "Cat and Mouse" - the ability to respond to a signal. Didactic game "Pick up the scoops for the buckets" - learn to group objects by color.

Individual work with Serezha, Eva: crawling and climbing over the bench. Purpose: the development of physical activity.

Labor activity - cleaning toys.

CGN. Teach children to hang outerwear on a hook.

Afternoon Gradual recovery of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking on health paths.

IOS Modeling Theme: "The Sun-Bell".

Program tasks: creating a relief image of the sun from a disk (flattened ball) and several flagella. Development of spatial thinking and perception.

Developing game "Cubes-inserts" - the development of sensory standards, fine motor skills of hands and fingers. With Fedor, Kira, the game exercise “Roll the ball into the goal” is to reinforce the skills of various actions with the ball (take, hold, carry, put, throw, roll).

Walk 2 Continue observing primroses: dandelions, primroses. Tell children that the first spring flowers do not have a stem, only a flower. They are bright, attract flies and bees - continue to introduce children to the changes in nature with the onset of spring. An outdoor game "Run to me". Purpose: to train children in running. An outdoor game "Sparrows and a car". Purpose: exercise in speed and dexterity.

Individual work on physical fitness: with Nastya, Eva - tossing the ball to each other.

Independent activity with portable material: machines, cubes, balls under the supervision of a teacher.

Interaction with parents and social partners Family reflections: "What to do with a child who does not show desire for independent activity?"

Date: 18.03.2016 Friday

Morning Reception, examination of children. Morning gymnastics complex No. 14 "Spring is outside the gates".

Observation through the window - is there a wind outside (determine by the branches of the trees, is it snowing? - to form knowledge about spring, about changes in nature (it got warmer, adults and children change into lighter clothes) Why? - to teach children to answer questions Educational game "Choose by form" - development of attention, learn to recognize and correlate on a plane the color, size of objects.

CGN. Learn how to hold a spoon and a mug correctly, eat and drink without spilling it on the table.

Integration of educational situations and classes Music (according to the plan of the music director)

Drawing Theme: "The sun is a bell"

Program tasks: creating an image of the sun from a large circle and several rays - straight lines radiating from the circle radially. Development of thinking, perception.

Walk 1 Observing a living object - a cat. To draw the attention of children to behavior, habits. What the cat is doing (walking, sneaking, basking in the sun). What is she like? (soft, fluffy, kind). Game exercises: "We are kittens", "Merry dances". Purpose: the formation of safe behavior skills in a peer group - not to push, to move away from each other at a safe distance.

Game-fun "Following the ball from the hill" - the development of the ability to be organized in joint motor activity. The mobile game "We are the drivers" is to teach how to navigate in space, to enter into game interaction with each other. An outdoor game "Sparrows and a cat" - to learn to jump gently, bending your knees. CGN. To form the skill of using individual objects.

Reading N. Voronko "It's time to sleep" - acquaintance with folklore genres, encouragement to repetition

Afternoon Gradual recovery of children, air baths, invigorating gymnastics, walking on health paths.


Round dance game "Who is good, who is handsome with us"

D / and "Recognize by sound" - guess musical instruments by ear

Independent games of children in play areas under the supervision of a teacher.

“Let's show Bunny what order we have” - to teach how to clean up toys after playing, to encourage them to willingly carry out work assignments. Didactic game with Nastya, Dima “Know by touch” - to learn to identify objects by touch, to develop tactile sensations and speech.

Walk 2 Birdwatching - to draw the attention of children to changes in the behavior of birds: they chirp happily, fly in flocks, bask in the sun - to form interest in birdwatching, to note changes in nature associated with spring.

An outdoor game "Birds in their nests" - to learn to run in different directions, to run away to the nests on a signal.

Work. Collection of twigs - to involve children in joint work.

Individual work with Fedor, Kira "Catch - Throw" - to develop the ability to throw and catch the ball.

Interaction with parents and social partners

Consultation "Crisis of 3 years and its manifestations"

Complexly - thematic planning in 1 nursery group GBDOU No. 19

Educator Bardukova Yu.S.

201 6 -201 7 uch . r .





Games and gaming

Subject-developing environment

Interaction with parents

SEPTEMBER « Me and my kindergarten "

Adapt children to the conditions of the kindergarten. To acquaint with the kindergarten as the closest environment of the child (room and equipment of the group: personal locker, crib, toys, etc.). To acquaint with the children and the teacher. Contribute to the formation of emotions in relation to the kindergarten, educator, children. Expanding understanding of different types of games and toys. During the adaptation period, to acquaint children with small folklore works (pestushki, nursery rhymes, songs, songs, choruses, etc.)

1 week. Adaptation

During the adaptation period, individual lessons are carried out, conversations with children, a show of toys, fun, the organization of entertaining activities with individual children and in subgroups in accordance with the wishes of the children.

2-3 weeks.

"Let's get acquainted"

Sign. from the surroundings. "Our favorite kindergarten"(N. A. Karpukhina p. 70)

purpose: To acquaint with the kindergarten as the closest environment of the child (the room and equipment of the group: personal locker, crib, toys, etc.). Promote the formation of emotions in relation to the kindergarten, teacher, children.

Construction. "The bear is our guest." (K / z Veraksa, p. 33, 36)

Purpose: To teach to differentiate the concept of "big-small", to activate the vocabulary on the topic, to develop speech .; to acquaint children with building materials.


"What kind of sticks are these?" ( E.A. Yanushko p. 11)

purpose: To form an interest in drawing, to acquaint with paper, pencils, to teach how to hold a pencil correctly.

The game "Who is good with us, who is good for us."(V. V. Gerbova p. 28)

purpose: Arouse sympathy in children for peers, help them remember the names of their comrades, overcome shyness.

N / a "Big Feet Walking on the Road"

D / control. "Look what you came to the group"

Travel around the room.( V.V. Gerbova p. 28)

Di. "Guess who called?"(Karpukhina, 113) purpose: to develop children's auditory perception. Improve the skill of onomatopoeia. Cultivate Mindfulness).

Di. "Who lives in the house?" (Karpukhina, 113) purpose: Formation of speech hearing, development of one's own active speech. Improving your vocal power and fostering a positive interest in the activity.

Valentina Gerbova: Speech development in kindergarten. For classes with children 2-4 years old. Handout. FSES

A. Barto "Toys"

Bear Mask.

The pencils

Attributes for round dance, outdoor and pair games;

floor and table builder.

Parents' meeting "Nice to meet you!"

Consultation "Successful adaptation"

Conversation “Clothes of children in the group and on the street.

Conversation "Favorite toys of children at home."

Decoration of the parental corner "Folklore during adaptation".

Subbotnik on the improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution

4 week.


Sign. from okr .: "Favorite toys".

(K / z Veraksa, pp. 31, 40)

Purpose: To acquaint children with the name of the objects of the immediate environment: toys. Expanding the understanding of different toys.

Construction: "The bear is our guest"(K / z Veraksa p. 31 )

Purpose:To acquaint children with building materials.


"Threads for balls" (E.A. Yanushko

Purpose:Learn how to properly hold a pencil in your hand, draw sticks - straight vertical lines. Generate interest in drawing

Reading poems from the cycleA. Barto "Toys".(K. z. Veraksa, 32)

purpose: To acquaint children with the content of poems, improve the ability to listen to poetic works, provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when the teacher reads poems.

Staging game"About the girl Masha and the Bunny - Long Ear" (VV Gerbova p. 28 )

Purpose: help children understand that morning separation is experienced by all babies and mothers.

A game"Find and name » (K / z Veraksa, page 27)

A game"What did the Cockerel choose?" (T.M.Bondarenko p37)

5 week.

"Folklore for Kids"

Sign. from okr .: "Okay, okay"(N.A. Karpukhina, page 11)

Purpose: To acquaint children with the properties of sand, to develop attentiveness and motor skills of the fingers.

Construction: "House for the Cockerel"

(N.A. Karpukhina, page 176)

Purpose:Attract the attention of children to the building material. To its constructive capabilities.


"Beams for the sun"(K / z Veraksa p. 34 )

Purpose:Continue teaching children to draw lines, add details. To cultivate the ability to complete their work on their own.

R.N. song "The cat went to market"

((K / z Veraksa, page 41)

Purpose: to acquaint with the content of a folk song; teach to listen and answer the teacher's questions.

R.N. nursery rhyme "Cockerel-cockerel" (K.Z. Veraksa). Purpose: to acquaint children with the content of the song. Learn to consider illustrations, answer questions, pronounce onomatopoeic words.

N / a "At the Bear in the Forest"

Di "Guess whose voice?"

D / control. "Let's say hello to the bunny"

OCTOBER "Autumn".

To expand children's ideas about the surrounding nature, about the beauty of nature in the autumn season. To acquaint children with the main signs of autumn; to show the variety of colors of autumn, to observe the autumn changes in nature, to observe the fall of leaves, autumn rain, to develop the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (It became cold, rainy - the leaves turned yellow, insects hid, the birds flew away to warm lands) To foster a respect for nature. To form generalizing concepts "vegetables", "fruits" to consolidate the name of various vegetables and fruits.


"Gold autumn".

Familiarity with the surroundings:

"The doll is walking!" (ON. Karpukhin, page 12, L.N. Smirnov page 23)

purpose : To acquaint children with the signs of autumn: leaves are falling. Children put on jackets, developobservation.

"Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying ..." (O. A. Solomennikova p.8)

Purpose: To give elementary ideas about the autumn changes in nature. To form the ability to determine the weather by external signs and consistently, according to the season. Learn to highlight the trunk, branches and leaves of trees.

Sensory: "Find a yellow leaf" (color) (N.A. Karpukhina pp 117, 119)

Purpose: To form color perception, encourage children to participate in joint activities, repeat the words after the teacher: leaves, leaf fall, yellow, red, curl, fly.

"Stringing rings" (N.A. Karpukhina p. 115)

Purpose: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe size of objects, to form the ability to correctly navigate the words large and small.

Drawing. "Rain drip-drip-drip". (E.A. Yanushko p. 21)

Purpose: Continue to teach how to hold a pencil correctly, get acquainted with the blue color, teach to draw rain drops with strokes.

"Leaf fall". ( E.A. Yanushko p. 51)

Purpose: Teach children to draw with paints using a brush. Refine and fix yellow. Build interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.

Reading the tale "Turnip".(V.V. Gerbova

Purpose:To acquaint children with RNS, arouse the desire to tell her together with the teacher. Activate verbs.

Reading the German folk song "Three Merry Brothers" (V.V. Gerbova p. 32 )

Purpose: To form in children the ability to listen to a poetic text, pronounce onomatopoeic words, perform onomatopoeic words that are mentioned in the text.

Ecological game "Find a sheet the same as I show you" (T.M.Bondarenko p. 61)

Purpose: Learn to find a sheet by likeness

Speech game "Sun or Rain" (T.M.Bondarenko, page 63)

Purpose: develop in children the ability to switch auditory attention.

N / a "The Sun and the Rain", "Leaf Fall"

Games. ex. "Collect a bouquet of leaves" (E.E. Khomyakova p. 28)

Di. "Visit the Children" (Karpukhina, p. 10)

Purpose: to acquaint children with the elementary ethics of greeting, to develop communication skills in relation to adults and children.

Di. "What is Katya's outfit?" (Karpukhina, 142)

Purpose: improve the skill of auditory perception and naming of clothing items, develop communication skills.

Basket with leaves of different shapes and colors.

Subject pictures "autumn"

Brushes, gouache;

materials for visual activities;

ready-made forms for application.

Umbrella, sun

Flanelegraph. Heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip"


Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

Folder "Autumn", "Play with the kids."

Competition for the best bouquet of leaves.

Conversations with parents on the topic "Compliance with the regime of the day on weekends"


"Gifts of Autumn".

Sign from the surroundings: "Wonderful basket"(N.A. Karpukhina p. 14)

Purpose: Strengthen the knowledge of children in the name of vegetables. Recognizing them in the picture, fostering a love of nature.

"A package from monkeys" (L.V. Belkina p. 39)

Purpose: check. How children distinguish and name fruits.

Construction: Multi-colored track (N.A. Karpukhina page 182)

purpose: Encourage children to perform elementary actions with bricks (put bricks to each other with a narrow short edge).

Sensorics: "Let's roll the ball into the goal"(E.S.Demina p. 22)

purpose: to consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe size of the object; activate words big, small, a lot.

Drawing."Let's water the beds"

Purpose:To consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bblue, teach to draw solid vertical lines

"Let's color the turnip"(K.Z. Veraksa p. 53)

Purpose: Teach children to hold the brush correctly, dip it in paint, paint inside the contour. Fix yellow

Show of the fairy tale "Turnip" on the flannelgraph.(K.Z. Veraksa p. 52)

purpose: to interest children, teach them to closely follow the course of the tale, teach them to recognize the heroes of the tale and show them.

Reading the nursery rhyme "Cucumber, cucumber ..."

Purpose:Introduce a new nursery rhyme, conduct a game based on the text of the nursery rhyme.

D / u"Orders".

D / control "Up down". (V. V. Gerbova p. 28 )

Purpose: Improve the ability of children to understand the teacher's speech; encourage children's attempts to independently carry out actions with objects and name them; help children understand the meaning of words up down, teach them to pronounce them clearly.

N / a « Birds and Rain "

Di"Feed the bunny a carrot."

Di"Vegetables, fruits - put it right"

Di. "Bathing Alyonushka" (Aji, 38)

Purpose: Reading poem by A. Blaginina "Alyonushka". Activate the dictionary: bath, soap, towel. Introduce the properties of water.

DI."Wonderful bag" , (Aji. 53)

purpose: consolidation of knowledge by children of the names of vegetables. Give the concept of the generalizing word "vegetables".

Rubber fruits and vegetables

Riddle books about vegetables and fruits

Bricks, balls, gates

Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

Competition "Gifts of Autumn"

Conversation "" We live according to the regime. "

"How to protect your health", "Prevention of influenza", a folder with advice from parents to each other on a medical topic.

Information for parents at the Nursery, Poems stand.

NOVEMBER "Animal world".

Introduce and expand children's understanding of poultry and animals. To form generalizing concepts of domestic animals and birds ”. To acquaint with the names of pets and their cubs, features of appearance and benefits for humans, conditions of detention, how people take care of them. To develop and encourage cognitive activity in children, respect for wildlife.



Sign from the surroundings: Consideration of the picture "Poultry yard". (To / z Veraksa p. 42)

Purpose: Teach children to listen and observe carefully; exercise in onomatopoeia the voices of domestic birds.

Cockerel and his family. ( O. A. Solomennikova p.16)

Purpose: Expand children's understanding of pets and their characteristics. Build a desire to care for poultry.

Construct. "Fence for chickens"(N.A. Karpukhina p. 184; T.M. Bondarenko p. 60)

Purpose: Encourage children to place bricks on a long edge, tightly against each other. Learn to beat the building.

Sensorics: "Where is the cockerel?" (space).(Ya.A. Yanushko p. 70)

Purpose: To acquaint with the location of objects in space relative to each other.

Drawing "I'll feed the cockerel, I'll give him the seeds." (To / z Veraksa p. 43)

Purpose: Learn to draw with your finger, rhythmically print on paper. We fix the green color.

« Pips for ducks ".(To / z Veraksa p. 66)

Purpose:Improve the ability to draw with your fingers, distinguish between yellow.

Staging r.n. songs "The chicken went out for a walk" (K / z Veraksa p. 48)

purpose: To acquaint children with the concept of "family", to develop communication skills, general motor skills; teach to listen carefully to the work, to perform movements corresponding to the text.

Cockerels with a family, a fairy tale on a flannelgraph (K. Chukovsky "Chicken") (To / z Veraksa p. 62)

Purpose: teach children to listen to a fairy tale in a staged version; to acquaint with poultry, with the appearance of the rooster, its habits.

D / and "Who's come? Who left? " Reading a nursery rhyme“Our ducks in the morning.” (V.V. Gerbova

Purpose: Improve the ability of children to understand the questions of the educator, conduct a simple dialogue with peers, and develop attention. Teach children to distinguish and name the birds mentioned in the nursery rhyme.

Onomatopoeia game " In the poultry yard. "

N / a"Chickens"

Staging a nursery rhyme "The hen went out for a walk ”(K.Z. Veraksa, 65).

purpose: to acquaint children with the concept of "family", to develop communication skills. General motor skills.

"Poultry yard" - toys, illustrations, picture books



gouache and other materials for graphic activities;

ready-made forms for application.

Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

Consultation-workshop "The role of didactic games in the family and kindergarten."

Photo exhibition. Collection of photo reports in an information folder on the topic "Playing at home".


"Pets and their cubs".

Sign. from env .: Our loyal friends. (N.A. Karpukhina p. 38)

Purpose: Improve knowledge about domestic animals: a cat, a dog, compare and highlight the distinctive features: barks, meows; develop tactile perception: soft, fluffy; foster a kind, caring attitude towards animals.

"Helper Animals" (T.M.Bondarenko p. 65)

Purpose: Teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their young; exercise in sound pronunciation - quietly, in a thin voice.

Construction: "Let's build a doghouse." ( K. z. Veraksa p. 68)

Purpose: Learn to build the simplest structures from cubes; to highlight the size of objects, to correlate different objects in size.

"Horse track" (Golitsyna, 15) Purpose: to learn to lay bricks on the surface of the table with a wide edge, tightly placing others to a friend with narrow edges, to encourage them to talk about their actions.

"Houses for a kitten and a puppy" (Golitsyna. 57). Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of the names of baby pets; exercise in the construction of buildings according to the model.


"Grass in the meadow for a cow." (K. z. Veraksa p. 61)

purpose : Learn to distinguish green, draw short abrupt strokes, develop the ability to work with a pencil.

Drawing with cotton swabs. "Rain, more often, drip-drip-drip!"

(I.A.Lykova p. 32)

purpose: Learn to portray a cloud and rain with cotton swabs. Introduce blue. Raise interest in the knowledge of natural phenomena)

Reading nursery rhyme "Like our cat"(T.M.Bondarenko p. 56)

Purpose: Arouse in children the joy of listening to the nursery rhyme, the desire to participate in the story.

R.N. fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken"

Purpose:to arouse children's interest in the fairy tale, to introduce the heroes of the fairy tale; teach to consider illustrations.

Reading the story of Leo Tolstoy "The cat slept on the roof." (V.V. Gerbova p. 36; K. z. Veraksa p. 105)

Purpose: To teach children to listen to the story without visual accompaniment.

E.Charushin "Cow"(Smirnova, 32)

Purpose: to acquaint children with the work. Consider illustrations for the fairy tale.

Environmental game"Who is gone?"

Cat with kittens. A game"Find bowls for a cat and a kitten" (K. z. Veraksa p.50)

purpose: learn to answer questions, pronounce onomatopoeia, compare objects.

Games with plot pictures.

Purpose: teach children to carefully consider the pictures and name the objects depicted on it.

Di "Know by sound" (musical instruments)

P / and "Bubble"

Di. "Find Mom" Purpose: to consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bpets and their cubs. Facilitate the formation of careful handling of unfamiliar animals.

D. ex. and dice games. (V.V. Gerbova p. 44) Purpose: Exercise children in distinguishing and naming colors, performing tasks of the teacher, designed to understand speech and its activation.

Figures of pets.

Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

Making family albums "Our friendly family" and composing stories "My child is the best."

Consultations "Features of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills", "Development of speech, movements and vocal apparatus of young children"

DECEMBER "Fairy world"

Clarify and enrich children's ideas about the New Year's holiday, teach them to consider objects - a Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations - and answer questions during the examination; develop speech, fine and general motor skills, perception, creativity; to activate the dictionary on the topic "New Year's Holiday".


"Grandma's Tales".

Sign. from the environs: "Along the path to the winter forest". ( N. A. Karpukhina p. 33)purpose : To improve visual tracking along a zigzag line, coordination of finger movements; know and name verbs:jumps, jumps, develop fine motor skills of the fingers, cultivate good feelings forothers.

"Snow-white lumps". ( N. A. Karpukhina p. 35)

Purpose: To form in children elementary ideas about winter, to develop coordination of movements, visual perception, to foster friendly relationships in the process of physical activity.

"How animals cope with the cold in winter" (Adzhi, 92; Bondarenko, 107)) Purpose: To acquaint children with the nursery rhyme. Learn to correlate the names of animals in units. and many others. Number.

Sensorics:. "Threads for balls" (color) ( Ya. A. Yanushko p. 23)

Purpose: Learn to distinguish colors according to the principle "like this - not like that"; to acquaint with the names of colors.

"Collecting cones" (quantity) ( Ya.A. Yanushko p. 58)

Purpose: Teach children to distinguish the number of objects; introduce conceptsa lot, a little

Drawing. "Balls for kittens".(K.Z. Veraksa, p. 118)

purpose: to consolidate the ability to work with a pencil: to learn to hold a pencil with three fingers above the sharpened end, to draw rounded objects; learn to identify the color of an object.

Modeling. "Multicolored balls"... (K.Z. Veraksa, p. 132)

purpose: Learn to distinguish between red, yellow, blue colors; to fix the techniques of rolling plasticine between the palms.

Reading of K. Chukovsky's poem "Kota-usi and Mousei".

(V.V. Gerbova p. 59)

Purpose: To form the ability of children to pronounce the sound "k" correctly and clearly, to promote the development of the vocal apparatus; activate the dictionary. Introduce children to a new piece of art.

Reading a poem by N. Pikuleva "The cat was blowing a balloon ..."

(K. z. Veraksa p. 111)

Purpose: To acquaint with the work of N. Pikuleva "Blowing the Cat Balloon", to enrich and activate the speech of children.

Finger games: "Masha put on a mitten" M. Borisenko

Didactic games: "Paired pictures", "Assignment", "far, close" (Gerbova, p. 54)

Phys. ex. "We are Parsley!" (Karpukhina, p. 225)

"Our legs are walking along a flat path!" (Karpukhina, p. 230)

A game “Who called? (Gerbova, p. 61)

Outdoor games "Catch the ball", "Let's go for the mouse."

Round dance game "At Malanya's, at the old woman's"

Table theater and flannelegraph.


Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

Booklet for parents "My first books".

Folder "Sleep, as an important component of the preschooler's day regimen"

Consultation "The role of didactic play in the family and kindergarten".

Competition "New Year's Toy".


“Visiting Santa Claus and Snow Maiden”.

Sign. from env .: "Examining the Christmas tree". ( K.z. Veraksa p. 137)Purpose: Clarify and enrich ideas about the upcoming event - the New Year's holiday; teach to consider objects and answer questions during the examination; develop attention, speech, fine and general motor skills, perception, creativity; activate the dictionary.

"Snowman and Christmas tree". ( ... Solomennikova, 13) Purpose: Expand children's ideas about trees. Show snow properties. Form a friendly attitudeto the outside world.

Sensory: "Laying Christmas trees out of triangles" (form) (K.Z. Veraksa p. 147)purpose : To develop in children the ability to reproduce the relative position of figures in space, to develop the ability to compose an image from individual geometric figures (triangles), using the technique of superimposing each figure on its contour image.

"Find each snowman a Christmas tree" (value) ( K.z. Veraksa p. 139) Purpose: Learn to compare objects, select and arrange them by size, understand the words "big", "small".

"Matryoshkas are going to the holiday" (Golitsyna. 61) Purpose: to acquaint with the folk toy. to consolidate the ability to collect nesting dolls. Correcting the parts in size, correctly composing the image.

Drawing. " Confetti "( E.A. Yanushko p. 41,42)

Purpose: Continue learning to paint with your fingers. Fix the already familiar colors and introduce any new one.

« Let's dress up a Christmas tree "(E.A. Yanushko

p. 44, k.z. Veraksa page 135)

Purpose: Create a joyful mood in children, light lights on the branches of the Christmas tree using paints of different colors. Refine and consolidate finger painting.

R.N. nursery rhyme "Egorka Hare".

Purpose:To acquaint children with the content of the nursery rhyme, to teach to guess the animal by description, to encourage attempts to repeat the poetic text with the help of a teacher. (K.z. Veraksa p. 104)

"Adventure of the Green Herringbone".(K. z. Veraksa p.139; Accumulated material)

Purpose: Enrich the idea of \u200b\u200bthe upcoming event - the New Year's holiday, teach to consider objects (Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations) and answer questions during consideration, develop attention, speech.

V. Kudasheva "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Purpose: to acquaint with the poem, consider illustrations, create a joyful mood.

I. Tokmanov "Bear" (Bondarenko, 112). Purpose: to acquaint with a new poem, to develop speech.

Finger games: N. Lukin; "Frost", "Like snow on a hill"

Examining the picture "Santa Claus carries gifts" (Gerbova, p. 59)

Didactic games "What's gone?", "Wonderful Bag", "Collect the Pyramid"

Di. "This is winter?" (Gerbova, 59, 61). Purpose: review handouts (winter plots) with children and explain what is depicted on them.

Staging "Guys are Walking" (children in pairs pass through the group accompanied by musical accompaniment "Let's Take a Walk" (music by I. Arseev, lyrics by I. Chernitskaya)).

Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands (lacing, toys with buttons, zippers, hooks, etc.)

P / control "Little gray bunny sits"

Round dance game "Carousel"

Decorated Christmas tree.

Figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Snowman.

Display of thematic illustrations, pictures, posters ..

Lacing, buttons

Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

Preparing a group room for the New Year.

Poster “Happy New Year! ".

Conversation "About the rules of conduct at the holiday"

Entertainment "New Year's holiday".

Consultation “What will Santa Claus give? How to give New Year gifts "

JANUARY "Winter"

Expand ideas about winter, its signs. Learn to note weather conditions, distinguish seasonal clothing. Facilitate the memorization of the sequence of dressing for a walk. To learn to highlight the essential signs when compiling descriptive stories, to observe the birds arriving at the site, to arouse a desire to help them in the winter. To expand ideas about wild animals, their appearance, habits, about the color of the fur of some animals in winter, adaptation to the habitat and seasonal changes. To develop and encourage cognitive activity in children, respect for wildlife.

Week 1

New Year Holidays


a week.

"The Joys of Winter".

Sign. with env. Winter fun for parents and kids. Examination of the painting "Winter Fun".(K.Z. Veraksa p. 122)

Purpose:Clarify ideas about winter games, teach to consider a plot picture, answer questions about images, develop auditory perception, activate a dictionary on the topic "Winter".

Sensorics. "New Year".

(Khomyakova, page 59)

Purpose:To learn to compare objects in size, to denote the result of comparison with words large. small, more, less.

Drawing. " Snow falls quietly on the trees on the meadow ”. (E.A. Yanushko

p. 50; k.z. Veraksa p. 170)

Purpose:To create interest in the model of winter, the desire to draw with the teacher, rhythmically arrange strokes in certain parts of a sheet of paper (on the ground, trees).

Poem by M. Poznanskaya "It is snowing".

(K. z. Veraksa p. 170)

Purpose: To acquaint with the poem "Snow is Falling", to continue teaching to ask questions and answer them, to develop in children the ability to create a plot - game plan.

Didactic games: "Winter. Let's dress the doll for a walk ”(Khomyakova, p. 62)

Di.“Tanya is not afraid of frost” (Golitsyna, 65; Veraksa, 115). Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of the nursery rhyme "Our Masha is small", to teach to carefully consider the picture.

Didactic game"This is winter?"

"Where to find?" (space)

N / a "Where are our pens?" (Khomyakova, page 37)

Game situation " Help your comrade. "

Outdoor games with snowballs: "Who Will Throw Next", "Who Will Hit the Target"

Illustrations on the theme "Winter" "Celebration of the New Year"

Didactic games.

Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

Exhibition of handicrafts "Winter, winter"

Folder - transport "Winter in the city" and "Winter fun".

Photo newspaper with verses "Winter walk in kindergarten".

Competition of creative family works "Winter's Tale"

Transport folder "In winter we walk, observe, work, play!" (on the importance of winter walks).

Action "Help those who are near" (making bird feeders).

Short-term project on environmental education "Conquer the birds"

a week.

"Inhabitants of the forest".

Familiarity with env. " Birds in the winter ”. Game "What kind of birds are there." (K.z. Veraksa p. 116)

purpose: Carefully listen and observe, form the ability of children to dialogical speech; to learn to answer questions, to exercise onomatopoeia to the voices of birds, to enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic; cultivate a caring attitude towards birds in winter.

"Acquaintance with the wolf and the fox." (K.Z. Veraksa p. 132,144)

Purpose: To acquaint with the animals of the forest: to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe wolf and the fox; teach you to carefully consider the picture, answer questions about its content.

Konstr. "Sled for animals" (one-many). (K.Z. Veraksa page 128)

Purpose: Learn to build a structure according to a model, distinguish between a long edge and a short one. Learn to play around buildings.

"Bird feeders". (K.Z. Veraksa page 120)

purpose: encourage design, foster a desire to take care of birds.

Modeling. "Berries for birds". (K.Z. Veraksa, p. 123; Yanushko, p. 43)

Purpose: Continue teaching children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine and roll balls out of them.

Modeling. Roof sticks. (K.Z. Veraksa. Page 138)

Purpose: Strengthen the ability to work with plasticine, roll the plasticine between the palms in straight movements, admire the finished product.

Reading the fairy tale "Teremok". (V.V. Gerbova

p. 66; K. z. Veraksa p. 141)

Purpose:To acquaint children with the fairy tale "Teremok" (processed by M. Bulgakov), to arouse the desire to play the fairy tale.

Nursery "Oh, you zayushka-shooter ..." (translated from Moldavian I. Tokmakova) (K.Z. Veraksa p. 134)

Purpose: To acquaint with the nursery rhyme« Oh, you zayushka-shot ... ”, with a mystery poem; teach to guess animals by description, develop attention.

V. Zhukovsky "Bird" (Golitsyna. 75). Purpose: to form the ability to listen to poetic works, to accompany the demonstration of actions.

Di "Birds" (quantity)

Outdoor play "Birds, one, birds, two!"

Di. by sensorics "Selection of balls by color" (Novoselova, 123). purpose: teach children to select objects based on the same color; distinguish colors and understand the name of the color.

Di."Whose baby?" Purpose: teach to designate the word animals and their babies; develop observation and attention; learn to denote the difference in size with the word (large-small).

Into the forest to your friends! (Karpukhina, p. 28)

An exercise"Emotions" (Khomyakova, page 33)

Russian folk round dance game "Who is good with us?"

Illustrations of forest animals and birds, the use of volumetric figures.

Use fiction to familiarize yourself with the names of animals.

Didactic games. Collection of riddles.

Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

FEBRUARY "My house".

To form the generalizing concepts "Dishes", "Furniture". To expand the knowledge of children about various types of dishes, furniture, their purpose, the material from which they are made; Continue learning to write descriptive stories (name color, shape, size, etc.). To foster interest in the objects of the environment around us, respect for things made by the hands of people, to encourage curiosity, to develop the ability to apply the knowledge gained in games. Learn to classify clothes and shoes, distinguish these items by season; answer questions about the purpose of clothing and footwear; develop attention, memory, speech, enrich vocabulary.

1- 2


"Furniture, Dishes".

Sign. with env. “Furniture in our group. Furniture for a doll. " (K.Z. Veraksa p. 166)Purpose: Teach children to distinguish and name pieces of furniture, talk about their purpose, develop attention, speech.

“Toys and dishes. What are toys and dishes for? (K.Z. Veraksa p. 159)

Purpose: Clarify ideas about what dishes are needed for; teach to classify dishes, develop attention, memory, imagination, speech.

"Tea ware". (K.Z. Veraksa p. 77)

Purpose: Expand the idea of \u200b\u200butensils, introduce the names of tea utensils and their purpose; expand vocabulary, teach to carry out assignments, develop speech.

Konstr. Doll table. (K.Z. Veraksa p. 165).

Purpose: Exercise in the ability to build a table from building material, teach how to play with a building with toys.

Chairs for dolls. (K.Z. Veraksa p. 172).

Purpose: Exercise in the ability to build a chair from building material, teach how to play with a building with toys.

Sensorics. Choose a saucer for each cup. (color) . (K.Z. Veraksa p. 77)

Purpose: To acquaint with the names of tea utensils and their purpose. Form color perception.

Drawing. "Multi-colored carpet"

Purpose:To teach children to decorate the silhouette of a carpet with rhythmic strokes, to develop a sense of color using a brush.

"A beautiful cup with polka dots."K.z. Veraksa p. 80)

Purpose: We continue to learn to draw in an unconventional way - with a finger. Generate interest in drawing.

Modeling. "Bowls for Bears".(K.Z. Veraksa p. 174)

Purpose: consolidate the ability to roll plasticine balls with circular movements of the hands, flatten the workpiece.

Tale "Three Bears" ..(K.Z. Veraksa p. 174)

Purpose: To acquaint with the content of the fairy tale, to give the opportunity to make sure that it is interesting to look at the illustrations, to develop memory, to activate speech, to help play the fairy tale.

Poem by S. Kaputikyan "Masha is having lunch" . (K.Z. Veraksa p. 149)

Purpose: To acquaint S. Kaputikyan with the content of the poem, to develop the ability to actively pronounce simple and complex phrases; continue to learn to coordinate words into sentences.

Didactic game "What kind of furniture does a doll need?" (children are invited to choose pictures with pieces of furniture that the doll needs for her room).

A game"Find a crib for every toy" . (K.Z. Veraksa p. 169)

Subject-Otabr. a game "Tea Party" (K.Z. Veraksa p. 77)

Game situation "Toys in Places".

Exercise in spatial orientation "Where does the bear sleep?"

Outdoor play "Mice dance in a circle"

A gameFind by touch.

Didactic game "Whose dishes?" (K.Z. Veraksa p. 149)

Purpose: Classification of tableware and tea utensils (viewing pictures with the image of tea and tableware).

Syuzh.-selection game "Tea Party" (K.Z. Veraksa, 77; Khomyakova. 53)

Illustrations of household items, furniture, household appliances.

Toy furniture, toy dishes.

Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

Attributes to plot, round dance, outdoor games (dolls, dishes, furniture, etc.);


items of clothing for dressing up;


gouache and other materials for visual activities.

Photo newspaper "My best dad!"

Folder - slide "Articulatory gymnastics"

3- 4
a week.

"Clothes, shoes".

Sign. with env. "Clothes and Shoes". ( L.N. Smirnova, p. 19)purpose : Enrich children's vocabulary. Learn to distinguish and name the details of clothing; comment on your actions.

"What are clothes and shoes for?" (K.Z. Veraksa pp. 129, 151, 155).

Purpose: To learn to classify clothes and shoes, to distinguish these items by season, to develop attention. Memory, speech; enrich vocabulary.

Sensorics. "Guess what color?" (color) ( N. A. Karpukhina p. 132)

Purpose: Form color perception; develop attention to the color properties of objects; improve the skill of performing tasks with similar objects, focusing on one property.

"Comparison of clothes and shoes" (size) . (K.Z. Veraksa str155).purpose : to train children in the ability to use the names of outerwear in speech. In establishing the similarities and differences between objects.

Drawing. "Scarf" (K.z. Veraksa p. 158)

Purpose: Learn to draw with a brush, painting over the sample, without going beyond the lines.

Molding "Masha's beautiful fur coat" (Golitsyna, 39)

Purpose: Introduce the nursery rhyme; consolidate the ability to roll plasticine with direct movements between the palms.

Poem by N. Saksonskaya "Where is my finger?" (K.Z. Veraksa p. 153).

Purpose:To acquaint with the work of N. Saksonskaya "Where is my finger?", To learn to add words, to finish phrases, to enrich and activate speech.

Russian folk song "Our Masha is small ..." (K.Z. Veraksa p. 115).

Purpose:To acquaint with the content of the Russian folk song.

Poem by Z. Alexandrova "My Bear"(K.Z. Veraksa p. 164). Purpose: to acquaint with the content of the poem; keep teaching how to ask and answer questions.

Didactic game "What for what?" ( K.z. Veraksa page 152).

Game "Pick up the doll's shoes" ( K.z. Veraksa page 120).

Game "Colorful clothes" ( K.z. Veraksa page 111).

Di. "Guess by the description" (K.Z. Veraksa page 85)

Game "Buttons for a dress" (Borisenko, 63)

Game situation "We will teach the doll to undress after a walk."

A game"Comparison of clothes and shoes". (K.Z. Veraksa p. 155)

Pictures depicting clothes, etc. Algorithms for dressing and undressing.

Dolls, a set of clothes and shoes for them.

Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

Attributes to story, round dance, outdoor games

Consultation “Choose the right clothes for children”.

Information for parents "Features of speech development in children 2-3 years old"

MARCH “My friends and relatives”.

March 8: Foster love for mom, grandmother, sister, respect for educators. Expand gender perceptions. Involve children in making gifts for mom and grandmother. Giveidea about the composition of the family, about oneself, about the main parts of the body, their purpose. Reinforce the knowledge of your name, the names of family members. Form the skill of calling the teacher by name and patronymic. Teach children to call the names of their relatives.

1 -2

"Mother's day".

Sign. with env. " Mother's holiday. "(N. A. Karpukhina p. 61)

purpose: To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bthe mother's holiday, create a joyful mood, a desire to choose and give a gift, develop visual perception and foster love for loved ones and relatives.

"What will we give Tanya?"(N. A. Karpukhina p. 60)

Purpose: Understand and follow basic instructions: find an item by name; develop visual - motor coordination; foster friendly feelings for others.

Sensorics. "Dress up dolls" (color)(Ya.A. Yanushko p. 26)

Purpose: Learn how to choose colors according to the principle "like this - not like that"; find an object of a certain color according to a sample; introduce the names of colors

"Let's feed the dolls" (value) (Ya.A. Yanushko p. 44)

Purpose:To acquaint with the value in the course of practical actions with objects, with concepts large, small, medium-sized.

Drawing. "Gift for mom" (At the teacher's choice.)

Purpose: For the holiday of the mother, together with the educator, the children make a gift.


Purpose:We fix the blue and red colors. Improve finger drawing, learn to place beads along the drawn thread.

Modeling. "To my beloved mommy, I will bake gingerbread cookies" (E.A. Yanushko p. 61)

Purpose:Raise in children a love for their mother, a desire to take care of others. Divide the lump of plasticine into two parts, transfer the disc-like shape by rolling the ball and flattening it between the palms.

Reenactment of the verse “We decided to help mom"(K. z. Veraksa p. 244)

Purpose: Develop general motor skills, auditory attention, expand vocabulary.

Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear".(Gerbova p. 80 K.Z. Veraksa p. 224)

Purpose: To acquaint with the content of a fairy tale, to teach to consider drawings - illustrations, to understand the plot of a picture, to answer questions from a teacher.

Mom's helpers. A game“Guess and name.” (K. z. Veraksa p. 244)

Di"Mom bathes the child." (N.A. Karpu-

hina p. 104)

Di"Where is my mom?"

(N. A. Karpukhina p. 65)

D / control "So or not?"

life safety fundamentals "Cheburashka got his feet wet."

Round dance game "At Malanya's at the old woman's ..."

Game situation: "Mom feed the doll Katya"

Didactic games "Warm - cold", "Light - heavy".

Attributes for the role-playing game "Family". Finger games. Various theaters.

Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

Didactic finger games

Viewing photographs of illustrations, books about grandmothers, grandfathers, family photo albums "My family" ("My grandparents ...").

Actions with items of clothing in the corner of the dress

Card file of poems and stories about mom and dad;

book coloring.

Celebration for International Women's Day

Conversations and consultations on the topic: "Gender education"

3-4 weeks.

"Dad, mom and I are a friendly family"

Sign. with env. " A family".(E. E. Khomyakova p. 86)

Purpose: Learn to retell small episodes of a familiar fairy tale. Repeat names with the children of their immediate family. Foster love, respect for family members. Develop general and manual motor skills. Develop visual attention, memory.

"Who lives next to us?"

Purpose: To acquaint with the characteristic features of appearance,

behavior, imagefor home life them animals and their babiesaccording to the description. Educate caring attitudepetting

Sensorics. "Who hid where?" (space) (N. A. Karpukhina p. 155)

Purpose: Develop orientation in space, encourage children to act on a signal, find objects by name and description, educate observation and accuracy.

"Find a match by shape" (form)(Ya. A. Yanushko p. 36)

Purpose:Learn to select the desired forms by visual reference.

Drawing. "Beautiful umbrella . " (K.Z. Veraksa p. 187)

Purpose: Learn to hold the brush correctly. Dip the brush with all the nap in the paint, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar; to consolidate the ability to recognize and correctly name yellow and red colors, paint over a drawing without leaving for the contour.

Modeling. "Beads"(E.A. Yanushko p. 48)

Purpose: Teach children to press details into a plasticine base, creating an image.

Reading a chapter "Friends"from the book Ch. Yancharsky "The Adventure of the Eared Bear".(V.V. Gerbova p. 81)

Purpose: Make children happy for the Eared Bear. Found friends, and the desire to learn something new about a cute bear.

Poem by A. and P. Barto "Girl - a roar".(K.Z. Veraksa p. 256)

Purpose: To acquaint children with the work, help to understand its content, continue to teach to consider pictures, answer questions, ask questions, listen to explanations of the teacher or peers.

D / control "Fasten and lace up", "Show the cat - Murka, where your things are"

N / a"We play"

D / control "I am looking for children who would love me ..." (Gerbova. P. 81)

Games with dice and bricks.

Reiteration songs "The cat went to market ..."

Di "Roll the ball into the gate" (Gerbova, p. 57)

N / a with bell

D / control "So or not?"

Finger gymnastics "This finger is grandfather ..."

Role-playing game "Family".

Conversation "How I Help Mom".

Joint physical culture entertainment "I want to play with my dad, I want to play with my mom!"

Information on the stand "Whims of a 2-year-old child"

APRIL "Spring"

Form elementary ideas about spring (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothing, at the kindergarten site). Expand knowledge about pets and birds. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the spring. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bliving and inanimate nature. To acquaint children with the elements of experimenting with water, snow, etc.

1 - 2 weeks.

"Vodichka, vodichka."

Sign. with env. " Why is the snow melting? " ( N. A. Karpukhina p. 62)

purpose: To form in children the skill of observation, to name objects and phenomena of the surrounding world (water, snow, icicles); develop tactile perception, educate accuracy and diligence.

"Let's dress the doll Katya for a walk." (K.Z. Veraksa p. 230, Karpukhina p. 63)

Purpose: Learn to distinguish and name the signs of the seasons; Form the concept of "Spring has come" in children. Learn to select items for their intended purpose, name the color.

Sensorics. "Colored water" (color) (Ya.A. Yanushko p.16)

Purpose: Consolidate knowledge of colors.

"The boat is sailing, sailing." (E.E. Khomyakova, p. 69)

Purpose: Form an idea of \u200b\u200bsize. Teaches you how to compare two objects in length, understand and use words correctly: long, short.

Drawing. "Icicles hung from the roof"

Purpose:Learn to draw lines of different lengths (ice floes), strokes (droplets).

"The wind walks on the sea ..." Sea ... (K.Z. Veraksa p. 206)

Purpose: To continue to teach to consider illustrations-illustrations, to enrich speech; improve the ability to work with paints. Practice drawing wavy lines.

V. Bianchi's fairy tale "The Fox and the Mouse" (K.Z. Veraksa p. 248; V.V. Gerbova p. 89)

Purpose: To acquaint with the content of a fairy tale, to teach to listen carefully to a literary work without visual accompaniment, to distinguish between animals, to guess them by description.

Poem by A. Brodsky "Sunbeams". (K.z. Veraksa p. 278)

Purpose: To acquaint with the poem, to encourage the desire to tell the poem with the teacher.

Reading the fairy tale "Kolobok"

purpose: To acquaint children with a fairy tale, teach them how to answer questions, make them want to play a fairy tale.

Experimentation. Experiments with snow"That's the trouble - there was snow, but there was water"

Water games.

Consideration of the plot picture{!LANG-e12a07db1fecf223a36512e2d47113f2!}

Didactic game {!LANG-3c5054546dd8df0bc1647a1390ebad94!}

{!LANG-a12b1417fe86447617bb0a6b3a1b67dd!} Purpose: {!LANG-efc6ac9a8b3990b64133c7862953bc65!}

Didactic game


Di. {!LANG-033b57c3411d7e10ddcb58efec6cda99!}

{!LANG-31b98516798ecad972539e1b299e2510!} {!LANG-fdb1f85f0fbff1a39bff6789047b7638!} {!LANG-ecf0f5638c81973afece7b50010426ca!}







Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"








3 - 4



Sign. with env. " {!LANG-46c25a70bf64c3272fadf100ab67cf06!} ({!LANG-576a7d3fdeb0c6ec5afdf2c90454bd1c!}







Sensorics. {!LANG-3630c3b348bed6323ce787c3e103f3c9!}{!LANG-c8aae7c9c7aa396be1ed00f6da501a8c!}

Purpose:{!LANG-63b5d415012b562227f07f431ebe7b40!} a lot, a little.












Di. {!LANG-ce737a2310797e6bc9d83fa510171e43!}Purpose: {!LANG-aea4cdedd095d67c513de49ea123dca1!}

{!LANG-896d19f447e65632d34a0ebac4eb0a3e!} {!LANG-c8006554c8831bb44b9692ad97491768!}{!LANG-849116e3cc5b673b5d632c0d5513a5e7!}

{!LANG-fa460c34b920e37e7816d45416851d0a!} {!LANG-c3eb3fd711cce195a8598608b9e16827!}

Game situation {!LANG-0550bac80f061e8916659acfa4ad2a38!}

{!LANG-5a7ac1533fdacdff87e243b1a25a8b6d!} {!LANG-4cdf78dbddcb922fa5f5f869c8896723!}

Didactic game {!LANG-bd79c8e3fe23ad1d123a26a235807a80!}

{!LANG-0b1d22d38afc2a62154b7a070591e160!} {!LANG-3d3fb5638fda499145c6c20fcf135a49!}

{!LANG-2d47ff2c074494e0cd08d67f6b408895!} {!LANG-ec445502b8f93c468301bb5a68d614ce!}

{!LANG-a515701b408c5c06c3597f5302f748d1!} {!LANG-1e1c3938010a94ade9e4da77bb442644!}



1 – 2



{!LANG-38439b3719973da6fdba3ff7741fb6ae!} {!LANG-ae13714edc9307e820671bb6a28571f6!}({!LANG-2d643901ad664b082aeafe7eb0ceb1ec!}


{!LANG-226db881096f91661d8c9e6d329457fd!} {!LANG-f0b1003bb3710b943ab528a769baba70!}




{!LANG-f6b63896bb14a1502167e00300dda8d1!} {!LANG-261a925132ec0deff76cf4f1d062500a!}{!LANG-3930eb75f04d6a85e813aa24c2698c87!}


{!LANG-03356a0764d2b9d4085e70dc87a7c729!} ({!LANG-a5b1ce047163b389c36cde91cc4e74ad!}


{!LANG-10354d4e739253fe3071fb59b5edc42a!}. {!LANG-088c55de10dbca95041ccaf2d18880c3!}{!LANG-72b658111874fac2e323f9ec72a0b83c!}




{!LANG-690de25285ec2682cbac72e639b0d93b!}E.A. Yanushko





Modeling. {!LANG-3ac0190ff53057572b792ac1c4b4b7e8!}


{!LANG-edec5222003496c7eefc538b6e5168c5!}{!LANG-0e1a19341bd1fdb6658d99ae58361660!} purpose{!LANG-98fce62f84aa2e982dc9eee0970cbb3f!}







Didactic game


{!LANG-dbcba0bcef2f395cdecc5b936b40c9d8!} {!LANG-f8b5f286d698556ad921e68ed34f03bd!}

{!LANG-5b20ef9c5b91be551070f981cdb909f0!} {!LANG-e00c53d0c45f3a2d84897ce2f6b86448!}V.V. Gerbova


{!LANG-c31fdcc66587d8020a8611b4390bc440!} {!LANG-4ebd0f14d4c9430ef2cf9e15cac887df!}

Didactic game {!LANG-c82a610dbb575db23c6e2fc6eac4b654!}

{!LANG-a77c806206366f4f5c3b90cf544cdf2d!} {!LANG-c7294c298930b910998259e9ab986168!}

Outdoor play {!LANG-82c2679b96614c024e0e2fcd49008afc!}

{!LANG-980068ee23b88a19d35134e6d2181b89!} {!LANG-f2b2f78cd62fd74496f1671ccb1409f1!}

{!LANG-fee8b4e8f0a8e3789913ec8a0805a7c9!} {!LANG-dfa5458ffe528d80715596bb832b3e39!}

{!LANG-a0dd59345ff09e0c932e634bc6e96a14!} ({!LANG-f64947452c9a4fc2d91367efda0eee86!}, 58)

purpose {!LANG-c33bfccb7fd26adffb0dad9cbf9e6b35!}

{!LANG-dcfb0fe35fd4f65e57318711feef1079!} ({!LANG-f64947452c9a4fc2d91367efda0eee86!}, 67).





Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

{!LANG-ab96b5df8d7558fce875570372ffd2c2!} {!LANG-5b4d1c75762fb1918271f31b8e9b9d1a!}







3 – 4


{!LANG-11f2ae5ae96c80cbe1b2527705e0df5a!} ({!LANG-7b2505a7dd92d1b82d67c8e32a508480!}


{!LANG-1b37ba1e235697cd1f4089d65cffdbaa!} {!LANG-cfdc84603767fd107043deaf3d8a6ae9!}


{!LANG-10354d4e739253fe3071fb59b5edc42a!}. {!LANG-5c11fcc8bd23a3289665ffd6dc794ef8!}{!LANG-fdc64c630e760ceded3b3bcd18759c63!} )


{!LANG-5a0e3df7384d657738465c013af8184d!}». Purpose:{!LANG-eb008db8f66c1f86744f062c1be2e26a!}



{!LANG-fc970d8207371222a5d83e41ec98f473!}Purpose:{!LANG-955c800469966b2acccd3d3c9cac9b62!} {!LANG-4e9b599cbcc2a4b1603cd14d13232586!}{!LANG-73de6eb4698a245bc34e07da81fa6aed!} {!LANG-cbcc26e710f81206fa4f86320241df6c!}

{!LANG-83a8e519d20ed4f9a080d735697b53ac!} . {!LANG-aa60dc4e454f421825ccb758f1fe1810!}

{!LANG-7cc44bc878e1445688f7f7d612ea68d6!} {!LANG-ec530a621aff50ec52835e767047cf9d!} Purpose:{!LANG-079b0bab107c304db8da3e8deed0b359!}

{!LANG-b0e153837ffbec3911431ff7d68ebd9a!} {!LANG-21eb4584c00f6f4a30a253b727af331a!}{!LANG-a2965b78d3f79d5f6b6b2b6a84aaa596!}


Didactic game {!LANG-6459ac55185180ed2f1e5f17f84a4e83!}

{!LANG-63edb57a051ed1a249b882ec8291dc0b!} ({!LANG-35c44e4a862ccacea271ba500a0ac40b!}, 52)

Purpose: {!LANG-e18ce10016a5e2c6d2c3a2cde063ee5a!}

{!LANG-38020908245ef4d844ce61c67ce8414f!}- {!LANG-b142bf73ec5bd76556a1c15f6ff1b073!}{!LANG-699390c9300a12321de1cb0f6756c003!}{!LANG-b210970f415e5f44c0231b6ce0e58e23!}

{!LANG-06dc873e68c988ab8ab96583d369e7fc!} {!LANG-3a26c7e34b7ab2ef5dd30ab14b8f7576!} purpose {!LANG-c7acf93a3c94de40dfe634d34d2f233d!}


Game situation: {!LANG-a197ee84d659b2d9b428894aee5e9eec!}

Didactic game {!LANG-24b850d13ac07bceef2e4dc7c38fbc86!}



Card file "Morning gymnastics", "Finger games", "Outdoor games", "Walk"

{!LANG-1317b3de6b17b09e8eaa233f88f6d362!} « {!LANG-98e54c9a2bbf425cdd63ad6fdc44bd6f!} »












{!LANG-1f19fd6cdcc78533e9ca3606be165052!} {!LANG-a33e16ef6fe9b3a04e07d06cf7fc5481!}

{!LANG-e1e2aaa8e161de4028c4b5bb9f381e54!} {!LANG-8fef9cbf660ab233a5a7b6d2a06d3a8b!}














{!LANG-133d7112e8dbe1ce643b41dce668d1ec!} {!LANG-7607e7b01dcae681557696e8044f60ce!}





{!LANG-14f58219391c3e765c023c2149787d4e!} {!LANG-183871d47abaaafbf0e31f8deecbda1d!}












{!LANG-1b9d4e50b5c596a25afe402ca0ea784a!} « {!LANG-98e54c9a2bbf425cdd63ad6fdc44bd6f!} »





























{!LANG-237485d89d80bfea526bc3a692e6cea8!} {!LANG-bdd5a35f6df9e4c4a405f53b9a06f107!}





















{!LANG-9df31150c11b5028e6f8ac8fe76cd4dc!} « {!LANG-98e54c9a2bbf425cdd63ad6fdc44bd6f!} »






















































{!LANG-d357869956d45651ffbe7059b0ea0669!} {!LANG-a57719f705ccb40633d238eb1c21c25a!}{!LANG-1f79644f4ce275d55cce075e443b673b!} {!LANG-b4e0fffd84d5ba4d54221076bbbf257d!}

3. {!LANG-0eafcf33120e10c1be685ffb5914af74!}{!LANG-ae6c9dae03636c955be39fc5ea0d8e43!} {!LANG-a76b331508a263c2a73f70336e6b38bb!}

4. {!LANG-d939788c6f03b101368bdb14ef39984e!}

{!LANG-a8ce6fdc8418cf7b3503881bec8c74fb!}{!LANG-58170c45f2ba9467b072448fc21e4642!} {!LANG-ea3d56d8a1095cffe9ece234b44486d0!}{!LANG-956fed0f140183d7caafb1732163fa97!}

{!LANG-cf5cfbbe9a9beae7e94f96be1c06c9c8!} {!LANG-430e3fd8ea02c122701cd3a90cce696e!} {!LANG-56da70fcf4444534a9896a310980662d!}{!LANG-f4d178f56cb1fe49fe89743dc6f802e8!} {!LANG-69fdd505af1a7adac8bc501b89bcb5d2!}

5. {!LANG-8eb2f4b90e17983014cba7b56b530965!}{!LANG-5d1311ae61cd8f6f86983c978a9eba37!} {!LANG-a0a945437bef44b3f18b4fdfb901d02d!}{!LANG-e3214d6223cf315cfd560acaf30169fb!} {!LANG-ff2423fd136ca53dab1ca6a7c25d7d4c!}

6. {!LANG-035595e38a1e33debb86b367da793d04!}{!LANG-6017609562cd1fe4a0f929c7b46318ae!} {!LANG-071959459ff0e9c0f44e581e1b763435!}: {!LANG-5a2d5bc9df2bb38de2c4b8f6b8b527b3!} {!LANG-91cc3ce09554c59c3612c728676a2905!}

7. {!LANG-7b15065849c4b5c286320d207a516a87!}{!LANG-9f1cf2d6df4db147ee557af67c9a8240!} {!LANG-e46d0d8e2e488f7cd8a56f24d2560775!}. {!LANG-071959459ff0e9c0f44e581e1b763435!}: {!LANG-087210fb6707b0776646ecbed74a5cac!} {!LANG-cdc66e6909adc37c1475b94e7595b6e4!}

8. {!LANG-c78017c88b509d34a59b00f1b05ac7f4!}{!LANG-e27a25da370342e5d6c7f7134ad7ef83!} {!LANG-21764b48bee6c44147f818f1c2e61812!}{!LANG-24dc3345b07e3726d303c94834f13b6d!} {!LANG-66da021d9586baed5ec8031eb1d19c71!}{!LANG-82aa6962f3d534d7c3420dc21f4f322b!} {!LANG-aa1450d8574e0bffc3d7f4db5e0abffb!}{!LANG-226c0f7e8d6957639ceeee9b6460f81c!} {!LANG-e2fe4583347b5dafe7107fc2ebb917d9!}

9. {!LANG-354149c96076e5551e0e7c2027be9b7c!}{!LANG-27cbefd948854a6c5b36a0cc9255d80d!} {!LANG-696bef1fc5e9b5528dcc1d1f43c72563!}{!LANG-acd20cf6e30bbff794744ee6955c2065!} {!LANG-d295638c88723e3b81ba22d0106d6622!}

10. {!LANG-9601fcc1a74595d34dd4e312d73638ed!}{!LANG-f019b2d8a941f4ce6a51c6c2a4462dce!} {!LANG-0c2cf32ae2bf0507f1497db2dfeea5ca!}

11. {!LANG-1894907c3c22023e0349f7f623a21574!}{!LANG-008b372a14253ca852a630f7cc3051d6!} {!LANG-e0d2b2a85caf9167666ec14ccd789628!}{!LANG-15bae34ab34920a63f9d93cef10c94d8!} {!LANG-69e6b9a225535e4e08c0cf56618ef0f2!}

12. {!LANG-c87c644fc8af73f2cd358f3291a184b9!} {!LANG-52dce5c29d38c5939f00b60127eda1a3!}{!LANG-0805fe8ed30e5773aaae350ad1b1c1b2!} {!LANG-dff4b34ec93531a7bd7b80edc60b9cab!}

13. {!LANG-14860ec45172e7ebff225f8ddc7ba50f!} {!LANG-23f9880ed42a464dbd3048875a10489d!}{!LANG-d408a46b33c6d6e64e58f16f448862ca!} {!LANG-5f32efc0669084857696a2ca8a521131!}: {!LANG-1d35e688faad9bcfed37a029cff7ff63!}

14. {!LANG-53d3e67c4b59e7ddfcba19af03e4cbf8!}{!LANG-bde2ec3aba822c98006631b708673733!} {!LANG-c9ad3643a38db5ae0caf3de46ea9afbc!}.

15. {!LANG-9fd533fe242c762ca0066b8fe23bd4a9!}{!LANG-3c2ae8529da1d83bcb28dffb1f8b39c9!} {!LANG-b3e3a5f893901884c39609d18cddd05a!}

16. {!LANG-d3d5575b83e2c712c16cca5952924174!}{!LANG-19e7aa20ec786968afc8188b7e4014a5!} {!LANG-c4ecd3c8b391730b37bf3be73240228b!}{!LANG-e6a0e5c13c985a6d5482f334027ceaa7!} {!LANG-c4ecd3c8b391730b37bf3be73240228b!}{!LANG-21855a0abe2ba371bd99ead8a8552d1e!} {!LANG-73435df0130069baf591f96904ffc200!}: {!LANG-6c1f1f72cd8af9dd4017a0cc6db21965!}

17. {!LANG-9e05066b128c1a83ac11bbf8ddb3dfeb!}{!LANG-ffcfde885e17a7f132080d2484e00af7!} {!LANG-73435df0130069baf591f96904ffc200!}: {!LANG-6c1f1f72cd8af9dd4017a0cc6db21965!}{!LANG-fe6e3c3ad9619a7c9adb07797033360c!} {!LANG-ee4fa1bf8b2f0a43a59dca6778b88a83!}{!LANG-8c9136b0cc3d0d78d7f65ca7a18c3811!} {!LANG-5019e67bfc75af0217ac99065a4ee806!}

{!LANG-423e140c4da43ae0280de577152d9cf7!}{!LANG-3a1fdd696cb16fe7d8d9b8d70b819cd2!} {!LANG-8bac5d726ac22ad0eecb94140c90c49c!}

19. {!LANG-4de2c2025d5ec35474bd32e2999cad92!}{!LANG-50bec1d75fccbead787398ea42ab2e0b!} {!LANG-9eadf15852c387db35f30916f2d4f84f!}.

20. {!LANG-7a22160dec4d3326be5b493ee2f785ed!}{!LANG-e9320787a307851bd37e83f4168182ef!} {!LANG-807719311f311ed8142b126b7f2ac0f7!}{!LANG-3a55bd15ea02c1aa5a1489c1843e219e!} {!LANG-dc343d6ba4ce544cdf8ceaa2fa0d7f4f!} {!LANG-e05996834091c2ed3e1731a70c29818a!}.

21. {!LANG-5c753f0874862c0b889ea9ddeb441e89!}{!LANG-67c017c9b587b6bac92c1fe101f02094!} {!LANG-1ce282d8d46df4d92a7d748f44e9b7ac!}{!LANG-a51516007597084a4516e61afb58fb81!} {!LANG-89c8941d3d90db31d2aac4fe0eab8680!}{!LANG-73365e38bf2b65234d77914e34d9fae0!} {!LANG-3dfb3a082a925f163f2d2852cf506de9!}{!LANG-b6034f6f879acdfab19934db19dbc8b2!} {!LANG-31fc6d372f5f0c93a938f0fe24c09ad5!}.

22. {!LANG-5219a970504db975c54e71da72732883!}{!LANG-5e6a26b154e8d4c82843c3c9b7cdf999!} {!LANG-3d8de734467e14b1c390145b3db9b48d!}{!LANG-58c192a89c68567b1e874e63ded2c4d6!} {!LANG-5995e362a8d0f741006b02795477ba39!}{!LANG-b8b8183ce3ac96d4f3501b0fa3e6c892!} {!LANG-a537ad3da276e7bf0aba74e6617ab6d8!}.

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