Two different eyes in color. Heterochromia - Why do people have a different color of the eyes? Types of ophthalmological studies

Heterochromia (from Greek. ἕτερος and χρῶμα What does "different color" mean) is a rather rare phenomenon when a person has a different eye color. What is characteristic, the heterochromy of the eyes in humans can manifest themselves not only in the different color of the right and left visual organs, but also in the color of the iris, which may arise due to the uneven distribution in the melanin shell (staining pigment).

Eyes of different colors. What should I know about?

On a note! If the melanin is unevenly distributed in one or two eyes, or it is too little or much, it leads to such a phenomenon like heterochromia.

A specific color depends on what color the pigment in excess / disadvantage (it happens blue, yellow and brown). As noted earlier, the phenomenon is rare (about 1% of the inhabitants of the planet) and, which is characteristic, more often in women than in men. However, no physiological / anatomical prerequisites for such gender "inequality" were not identified.

Heterochromia is not considered pathology, because, in addition to the external effect (the eyes of different colors do not always look attractive), not accompanied by any visual disorders. But this applies only to those cases when the state is congenital, that is, not related to accompanying eye diseases.

The main varieties of heterochromia

Depending on the factors that cause heterochromium, it can be hereditary or acquired. On another classification, it is divided into three types, get acquainted with them.

Table. The varieties of heterochromia.

Name, photoShort description

The rings on the iris differ from the main shell color are clearly visible.

In one eye, areas that are painted by a pigment of different shades / colors are noticeable.

Rainbow shell of one eye painted completely. As a rule, in such cases one eye is a carial, and the other is blue.

People with eyes of different colors. Photo

In the photo below you can see the various types of the phenomenon described in the article.

Why heterochromia appears

So, why can a person have different colors? To basic reasons, as well as to the prerequisites for the development of this phenomenon, can be attributed:

  • heredity;
  • miscellaneous race of injury, for example, hitting foreign objects into organs of vision. Because of such injuries, the eyes can darken. And if, say, a gray / blue rainbow shell occurred, it may eventually become a brown or;

  • fuchs syndrome. It is characterized by developing inflammatory processes in the tissues of organs of vision. Other features include blurred vision, as well as full / partial loss;
  • side effects of a number of drugs that are used to treat;
  • neurofibromatosis.

Note! In most cases, hereditary heterochromia is observed. But if the phenomenon was revealed from one of the parents, then it will be like more than 50% in a child (less or more).

Depending on the cause of the occurrence of heterhrochromy, it may be simple, complicated and acquired. Acquired form - This is when the color of the eye has changed after applying drugs from glaucoma or due to injury. In addition, it may appear after entering copper or iron in the eye - in the first case, the phenomenon is called a chalchosis, and in the second-siderosis.

Complicated heterochromia Developed due to fuchs syndrome, although it is difficult to diagnose it in some cases, because the eye does not always tolerate significant changes. Although there are also additional features for which the complicated form of phenomenon is determined:

  • impairment;
  • the appearance of precipiates (these are floating white formations in the eye);
  • dystrophic changes in the iris;
  • cataract.

What concerns simple heterochromia, it develops without any diseases; Often revealed a simple congenital form, the most brightly manifested in children under the age of 2 years.

Although the causes can be different, not quite normal - for example, Gorner or Vaardenburg syndrome.

Video: Why do people have a different color eye?

On diagnosis and treatment

Important information! The treatment of heterochromia is not always compulsory, although after a number of diagnostic measures, a certain scheme of therapy may be assigned (it all depends on the specific cause of development).

As a rule, experts define all this visually. Then, if required, a special examination is prescribed, due to which you can identify pathological changes in tissues, which led to heterochromia. If, in addition to changing the color of the iris, other symptoms are not observed, and the vision does not deteriorate, then no treatment is required. By the way, in such cases, even with medicines or operation, the natural color of the iris is no longer changed.

If an anomaly is provoked by a violation of the integrity of the iris, or some eye diseases, then steroid preparations will be used for treatment. When clouding a lens, if the steroids did not give any effect, vitratectomy is prescribed (surgical removal of the vitreous body - partial or complete).

Note! If the color of the iris has changed due to the fact that metal chips hit the eyes, the problem is solved by the elimination of the foreign body and the subsequent conduct of drug therapy. After that, the color of the eye should normalize.

Video: Change the color of the eyes without lenses

As we can see, in the case of the acquired form of heterochromia, it is mandatory to visit an ophthalmologist. A qualified specialist will evaluate how dangerous anomaly, and, if necessary, prescribes the appropriate therapy. And with an innate form, such intervention is not required, because heterochromia does not affect vision, neither positively nor negatively.

Celebrities with heterochromia

The media pay special attention to the appearance of celebrities - athletes, singers, actors - and are looking for the slightest hints for deviations. At Wikipedia, for example, you can find a large list of famous personalities with different color of the eyes (more or less pronounced). This, for example, Mila Kunis - the actress of Ukrainian origin is a blue eye, and the other is a car. Jane Seymour, a popular British actress, also has a heterochromy eye, as well as Kate Bosworth, Sutherland Keefer, Benedict Cumberbelt and many others. And David Bowie, by the way, this anomaly acquired - it appeared after an injury received in a fight.

On a note! If you believe the ancient Greek historian Arrian, then Alexander Macedonian also had a different color of the eyes.

As a conclusion. Heterochromia among animals

But animals have such an anomaly much more often than people. Heterochromy can be seen not only in dogs or cats, but also in cows, horses, buffaloes.

As a rule, anomaly manifests itself in white (partially or completely cats). As for dogs, they can have an anomaly from representatives of such breeds as Siberian Husky. In horses with heterochromia, one eye is usually white / blue, and the second is a car. And one more curious fact: the eyes of different colors are observed mainly in animals with Peg color.

Video: Multicolored eyes in humans (heterochromia)

One of the amazing features of a person who immediately draws attention is the eyes of different colors that are called heterochromia in medicine. This is something mysterious, unknown and even mystical, it seems that their owner owns unique knowledge and information inaccessible to ordinary people. The probability of meeting a person with multicolored eyes is small, because, according to statistics, out of 1000 people only 11 has such a color.

brief information

Since ancient times, people with such anomaly were concerned with the fear of others, they were considered sorcerers, witches and even the descendants of the devil. They were persecuted and accusations in all misfortunes and troubles that occur around. So, if a fire, flood or other natural disaster happened in the village, the owner of different eyes was always guilty to blame. Mothers who gave birth to children with different colors of the iris, got no less - they were attributed to a love relationship with Satan. People with different color eyes caused fear among others, so the superstitious man always tried to bypass them. If the meeting with them was inevitable, then special prayers and conspiracies from damage and the evil eye came to the rescue.

Currently, science stepped far ahead and doctors can answer the question of why people have different eyes. Now persons with heterochromia are not subject to persecution, but, undoubtedly, attract the attention of others. Most eye owners with different iris colors are complex and consider it their drawback.

However, some of them turn an anomaly into dignity and are proud of their uniqueness, they are alien to them.

What is heterochromia?

Scientists have long investigated this phenomenon and found the answer to the question of what heterochromia is. Multicolored eyes do not appear due to obsession or other exposure to the otherworldly forces. Such an unusual color arises from too much or insignificantly small content in the rinet of the pigment of melanin, which is responsible for a certain shade of the eyes in humans.

The color of the iris is formed only 3 pigments: yellow, blue and brown. Depending on the concentration of each of them, a person has a specific eye color. Every man suffering from heterochromia has a unique form, but scientists share an anomaly for several large groups, each of which will be called in their own way. So:

  1. Complete heterochromia - the most multicolored eyes. Most often there are combinations with blue eyes.
  2. The sector, which is also called partial heterochromy of the eye, while the deviation for the iris is characterized by painting in several contrasting shades.
  3. The central is the deviation at which there can be several pronounced rings on the iris, each of them differs in color from the rest.

Heterochromia is not a disease, but an anomaly of the eyes, so it's not worth afraid. It does not represent any danger: does not affect vision, does not distort the color and shape of the surrounding items.

Occasionally, the presence of this deviation may be a sign of other problems with eyes.

Why arises heterochromia?

Definitely answer why some people have a different color, it is impossible. Scientists converge that such an anomaly - nothing like the game of nature. However, it is possible to highlight 3 the main reasons for its occurrence. Among them:

  1. Simple heterochromia, or congenital, when a person has different eyes from the moment of the appearance of the light, the violations in the functioning of this body are not observed. Such anomaly in its pure form is rare.
  2. Complicated heterochromia is often developing against the background of Fuchs syndrome. With such a disease, people are affected by one eye, while heterochromia can be weakly pronounced or not at all.
  3. Acquired heterochromia, when a change in the color of the iris is caused by an injury, inflammatory process, a tumor, improper intake of eye medicines and various mechanical damage. For example, this happens when the microscopic particle of copper or iron is hit. In the first case, the probability of the development of chalcosis, in second-seater, and the color of the iris eye will acquire a greenish, bluish, brownish or rusty shade.

Diagnosis and treatment of anomaly

The diagnosis of an anomaly occurs by observation, its signs are noticeable with a naked look from the moment of manifestation. After discovering a different color of the eyes, the doctor conducts a comprehensive examination with laboratory studies and special techniques aimed at identifying violations in the work of the visual apparatus. Only after that the specialist puts the diagnosis, says the name of the disease, and prescribes treatment.

In the event that a different color of the eyes is the only anomaly that is observed in the patient, and there were no other violations during the survey, drug treatment and operational intervention are not prescribed. This is simply not necessary, because it is not possible to correct this defect in modern medicine. If, during the survey, diseases will be detected, the consequences of which heterochromia is considered, the doctor will appoint the necessary treatment.

Thus, if heterochromia is an acquired deviation, then restore the color of the iris will be able to restore, but it can take a decent amount of time. But people with multicolored eyes from birth will never be able to fix their color. As practice shows, most consider such a feature with a withdrawal appearance, a few wants to attract the attention of others. Such people can be advised to adjust the shade of the eyes using color contact lenses. Nowadays, they can be purchased in any optics and even try before buying. Competently chosen lenses will be completely invisible to others and help a man with heterochromia to get rid of the complexes. Before going to the contact lenses, it is recommended to consult with an ophthalmologist to make sure there are no contraindications to their wearing.

Heterochromia and human character

Folk wisdom says that congenital heterochromy is postponing a handprint on a person's personality.

There are no people without flaws, are no exception and representatives with multi-colored eyes. Their main drawback is egoism. This explains the extremes inherent in their behavior - they are or closed in themselves and consider this feature with a huge disadvantage, or in every way emphasize it, seeking to be in the spotlight. Such people want a special relationship and increased attention to their person. However, this does not prevent them from having a narrow circle of close friends, whom they truly love and are happy to spend time with them.

Different color of the eyes in humans indicates their hazardiness, so you need to be extremely careful with the statements to their address. Of course, they know how to forgive, but the insult will be remembered for a very long time. Also, they do not know how to talk with hints and do not understand them, they always say everything that sometimes they think, thereby the offense around.

In addition, these are very creative personality: they love to sing, dance, write poems and draw. Holidays are very valued, hiking and take them in your home. In general, there are definitely not worth a comprehensive and interesting people. They are very committed to those who love, and always extend a helping hand if it is required.

Each of us at least once in life had to see a person of different colors of the eye. This attracted all the attention, as it seemed something abnormal. Suddenly it is some kind of disease? Why does this happen? Why do people have a different eye color? What is the name of such a phenomenon?

Everything is not so difficult as you think. This phenomenon can be called heterochromy. What is heterochromia? This is a scientific term. They call the different color of the rainbow shell of the left or right eye, also its site, which arises from the insufficiency of melanin or excess. Also changing pigment can affect the color of the skin or hair cover.

Wonder people

The percentage of such people on the planet is extremely small. Moreover, the most different eyes are in women. This in ancient times played a cruel joke with them.

It was mistaken to be that people with different color of the eyes are sorcerers and witch. They were subjected to persecution, burned on the fires. But after a while everything fell into place, as such a phenomenon was studied by scientists.

Causes of different color

Heterochromia is a disease during which the human body suffers from insufficient quantity or an excess of melanin. This is a pigment that is responsible for the coloring of human tissues. It happens complete and partial heterochromia, even less often occurs. The first is characterized by different coloring eyes, most often there is blue and brown color. But with the second, partial change in the color of the iris, which is not immediately striking. The latter has different color rings that are clearly pronounced.

What does heterochromy appear because of what? It can be initially born with her. It is transferred from relatives by inheritance. This feature is not always manifested in every generation, breaks are possible. Sometimes very long. Then such a special child is born, and parents cannot understand how this happened. As long as one of the family will not remember that there were already relatives with a different color eye. Such an anomaly can be one of the symptoms of a completely different disease. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately examine such children from an ophthalmologist.

People have changes in the rainbow shell, which are purchased throughout life. This is promoted by injury, tumor or drug use by people for the treatment of eye diseases. It can cause completely different diseases. Among them: Vaardenburg Syndrome, Gunner and Duin, Lymphoma and Melanoma, leukemia and brain tumor.

What are the forms of heterochromia

The disease can flow in three forms:

  1. Easy. It can trigger the weakness of the cerhythical nerve or Gunner and Vaardenburg syndrome. In rare cases, it is congenital, while the vision of man does not suffer.
  2. Complicated. It provokes fux syndrome, it is complex in diagnosing. At the same time, a person begins to see worse. His crystal eye is muttered. Other eye diseases may develop.
  3. Acquired. It is obtained in injuries of the eye, tumors and improper use of drugs. If particles of iron fall into the eye, then a person may get sidelion, and if copper, then a chalchosis. These diseases will affect the color change. It will become saturated green or bright brown.

How to treat

Usually, when the eye color is different, there are no global changes in their work. Well, it is, of course, if there are no side diseases. The acuity of vision does not change. Therefore, it makes no sense to treat this ailment. It is important to cure the concomitant diseases that led to it. Many people are concerned about the presence of a cosmetic defect, not everyone can accept changes with their appearance. Contact lenses will help to cope with this problem. They reliably disguise such a lack.

In serious diseases, surgery, hormonal therapy is carried out, laser use. The attending physician, based on the testimony, will pick up proper treatment.

The ICD-10 MKB-9 OMIM should not be confused with heterochromatin. Do not be confused with heterochrony.

Heterochromia (from Greek. ἕτερος - "other", "different", χρῶμα - color) - different color of the iris shell of the right and left eye or unequal painting of various sections of the iris. It is the result of a relative excess or lack of melanin (pigment). Also under heterochromia, it means different color of the skin or hairproof.

Eye color, that is, the color of the rainbow shells is determined primarily by the concentration and distribution of melanin. An affected eye heterochromy can be hyperpighanges either hypopaigmented.

Newborn children's eyes are often brighter than usual. Almost always with the age of the eye fusels. But sometimes can save the color depth. This is a rare phenomenon, but more often occurs with complete heterochromia, although the chances of this phenomenon are still small.

Classification and causes of occurrence

Heterochromia is classified primarily as genetic or acquired. Although it is often a distinction between the heterochromy of the eye: full (Greek. HETEROCHROMIA IRIDIS) and partial. For full heterochromia The color of one iris is different from the color of the other. For partial heterochromia or sector heterochromia The color of one part of the iris differs from the color of the remaining part.

Congenital heterochromia

As a rule, it is inherited by autosomal dominant sign.

  • Simple heterochromia - a phenomenon characterized by the absence of other eye or systemic problems. Abnormally bright eyes are usually considered as a heap of the iris. It can manifest as completely and partially.
  • Wardenburg syndrome
  • Syndrome Gorner
  • Pyabaldism - the presence on the skin of the limbs, faces and some other parts of the body of congenital white, completely devoid of melanocytes, stains; It is inherited by autosomal dominant type and due to various mutations
  • Girshprung disease
  • Bloch Sulzberger Syndrome
  • Parry-Romberg disease (Romberg syndrome)

Acquired heterochromia

It is usually acquired due to injury, inflammation, tumors, or using certain eye drops.

Abnormal darkening of the iris

  • Corneal sediments of iron - Siderosis (iron deposition in eye tissues) and hemosiderosis
  • Certain eye drops that are used externally to reduce intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma. Arises due to stimulation of melanin synthesis in a rainbow sheath
  • Tumor
  • IridoTornal endothelial syndrome

Anomalous clarification of the iris

  • The heterochromic iridocyclite of Fuchs - as a result of intraocular inflammation, the iris atrophy occurs and the heterochromy characteristic of this state occurs
  • Gunner syndrome - usually acquired due to neuroblastoma, but it happens and congenital
  • Melanoma may also cause brightening rainbow shell

In addition, heterochromia can be caused by Schtchillyang-Dwayin Syndrome, Mosaicism, Uvete, Juvenile Xantogrant, Leukemia and Lymphoma.

Heterochromia in animals

Full heterochromia

Disagreement Black Cat

Heterochromia in animals is more common than people. It usually leads to a blue color of one eye.

The eyes of different colors can be found in completely white cats or cats with a large percentage of white in the color, especially in such breeds, like a bathtub cat and Turkish Angora. Cats having eyes of different colors are called disagreement. In disagreement cats, one eye is orange, yellow or green, and the other eye is blue.

According to legend, the favorite cat of the Prophet Mohammed - Muizz had eyes of different colors.

Home dogs heterochromia is often found at the Siberian Husky breed.

Horses with complete heterochromia usually have one carial, and a second white, gray or blue eye. Complete heterochromia is the most common in the horses Peg's masta. She is also found among cows and Asian buffaloes.

Sectoral heterochromia

Sector heterochromia is often found in dogs of breeds Australian Shepherd Dog, Husky and Border Collie.

Famous cases of heterochromia

Heterochromia is available at Kate Bosworth, Tim Makilrot, Mila Kunis, Alice Yves.

Among the literary examples of heterochromia - the books "Magses can be all" (all magicians with congenital abilities of various color), "Four tankers and a dog" (in the book various eyes at the commander of Tank Vasily Semenova), "White Guard" (Lieutenant Viktor Mumylaevsky) and "Master and Margarita" (Woland) Mikhail Bulgakov. In the literary TV series "Ethnogenesis" heterochromias is used as an indicator of wearing heroes of a magical artifact.

Many heroes of computer games, cartoons and anime have heterochromy.


Different eye color

The eye color depends on the blood flow of the iris and the amount of pigment contained in it. This subtle diaphragm with a pupil is located in front of a lens and behind the cornea. Pigment color may indicate any disease in the body. For example, with liver disease, a rainbow shell becomes yellow or brown. The natural color of pigments depends on the genes and race. He can also be a characteristic sign of any nationality. There are only three colors of the pigment. It is brown, blue and yellow. Mixing in blood vessels of these pigments and determines the color of the eyes. For example, mixing blue and yellow gives green kel.

Different eye color

Sometimes an excess or lack of melanin is observed in the rainbow shell. Then maybe a phenomenon called heterochromia, the manifestation of which is a different color of the eyes. This state is also found in people, and in animals. Most often, the color of one eye is Karim, and the other blue. But after all, each person has its own, unique form of heterochromia. Such people look mysteriously and unusual, standing out from the crowd.

Heterochromia happens:

1. Complete when the colors of the Rainbow Eye Shell are different.

2. Partial, at which one pupil combines two spokes.

Different colors of the eyes of cats no longer cause surprise. This phenomenon is wearing a familiar character for us. The eyes of different colors in humans are much less common. Heterochromia can be congenital, which is a consequence of an excess or lack of melanin. But there is an acquired condition as a result of injury, in people with tumors or glaucoma.

From a psychological point of view, people with different eyes are considered extraordinary, unpredictable and fearless. However, they have egocentrism in pronounced form. Requires much attention to his personality, they love to be alone with them. As a result, they have a very narrow circle of close people.

Women having a different eye color always strive for perfection. They love to enjoy their appearance, considering it perfect. Possessing a subtle taste, fond of poetry, music, dancing and are great optimists.

People having a different eye color lead a dimension lifestyle. Bright events they have quite rarely. But it does not cause chagrins. Thanks to his inexhaustible fantasy and wonderful organizational abilities, they can always arrange a holiday.

Women who have different color of the eyes are always looking for their unique and only. And only with him will be wise and wonderful hostesses, creating such comfort and comfort in the house that her husband can only be envied. But with that, these women will never forget closely follow their appearance.

In such lanes, Nature laid an addiction to alcohol. But because of his wisdom, they will easily win this crave. But trying to smoke, they are unlikely to quit.

When communicating with people having a different color of the eyes, do not forget that they are very capricious and stubborn. It is unlikely that you can get out the winner in the dispute with them. They can even be coarse in their desire to prove their right.

In communicating with such people it is necessary to carefully select words. They will quickly wait, but the insult will continue for a long time.

Heterochromy does not have to perceive as a disease or mutation. Different color eye does not affect health. Having heterochroma absolutely normally perceives the colors of the surrounding world and sees as an ordinary person.

Interesting and explained: man with different color eyes

First of all, it should be noted that such a phenomenon occurs in the animal world an order of magnitude more often than in the world of human. For example, among the cats of the Persian breed, a very common feature is considered to be different color of the eyes (usually one happens bright orange, and the other is blue, which looks very unusual). A person with different color of the eyes can rightfully be proud of its peculiarity, because if you believe research, the nature of such individuals is distinguished by unpredictability and Bustiness. Often, such people are fearless, they love to surprise, make an impression. From the disadvantages, you can note the hypertrophied ego: "differences" are often docked on themselves. They just can not live if the surrounding do not pay sufficient attention to their person. If your new acquaintance is a person with a different color of the eyes, you can be sure of: He loves loneliness and prefers to spend his free time in a narrow circle of close friends. Perhaps on the outside it looks stubborn and capricious, but as soon as you learn it closer, then make sure that it is not so.

Women with multicolored eyes

According to statistical studies, girls with eyes of different colors are prone to completeness. However, this does not interfere with them applies to themselves with the pitue: "differences" love themselves and are configured to receive maximum pleasure from life. They adore holidays and entertainment and will never lose the opportunity to "shine". Another positive quality is patience. A woman with multicolored eyes, most likely, will not be long and tediously complain about life; She will prefer to do everything to solve the unpleasant situation. Most of them are creative nature. Everything, for no matter what they put the hand, brings fruit. They sing, dancing, engaged in drawing, sewing, knitting - in all such areas "differences" awaits success.


A person with different color of the eyes is likely to be inconstant in love. However, it lasts only until he encounters his second half. As soon as this happens, your friend will change so dramatically that it will be difficult to learn. From this moment he will only live for his beloved creature and will do everything to surround his care and attention, make his life as comfortable as possible.

Relationships with parents

If a child has a different color, you can rejoice: according to statistics, people with multi-colored eyes are very warm about their parents, never conflict with them, with pleasure spend time with family. They are offended, but easily forgiveness and never make offense.

Causes of phenomena

Probably, every person with different color eyes wants to learn about the causes of their "features". By and large, their two: the phenomenon may be congenital (and explained by genetics) and acquired (this indicates changes occurring in the body, most often unhealthy).


To the question of what is called different color of the eyes, you will be answered by any oculist: heterochrony. In most cases, it is due to an excess or disadvantage of melanin and accompanies diseases such as glaucoma or even a benign tumor. In addition, the change in eye pigmentation can be a reaction to medicines.

Why do people have two eyes of different colors?

i saw people who have one eye green, and the other jet-green and so on. Why does this happen ??


Heterochromia Iris (Heterochromia; Hetero- + Greek. Chroma Color, coloring; Sin. Heterophthalm) - Different color of the iris and left eye iris or unequal painting of various sections of the iris one eye.
People who have eyes of different colors are called mosaic.
Different color is explained by the mutation of the embryo after the fertilization of the egg. That is, the mutation in Blastuly even before the formation of the Endoderma. The sooner the mutation happened, the brighter it is manifested in appearance.
There is nothing to hold the owner of a different color - no matter what disease it does not say. This is just a game of nature. In some people and animals, although this phenomenon is quite rare, there are eyes of different colors. Despite the seeming asymmetry of the face caused by various color of the eyes, such animals and people may have features that distinguish them from other individuals, but with the eyes of the same color.
Recently, it was noticed that people and animals with such a multicolored combination of the iris eye possess some "magic force" to attract the opposite sex of their species. For example, the "differences" cats are very easily achieved by the attention of their work. As for people, many who are familiar with disagreements, noted that they have some kind of "highlight" and charm.
So, those who were born with multi-colored eyes should not be desirable, and use their natural external charm for their own purposes to achieve success in business and in personal life.
But a concrete example is David Bowie.

If a person has different eyes?

* Kisnya *

"Heterochromia of iris (heterochromia; hetero- + Greek. Chroma color, painting; blue. Heterophthalm) - different color of the iris and left eye or unequal painting of various sections of the iris one eye. People who have different eyes are called mosaic.

It is the result of a relative excess or lack of melanin (pigment). Partial or sector heterochromy is less common than complete heterochromy, less than 4: 1000000.

Different color is explained by the mutation of the embryo after the fertilization of the egg. That is, the mutation in Blastuly even before the formation of the Endoderma. The sooner the mutation happened, the brighter it is manifested in appearance. There is nothing to hold the owner of a different color - no matter what disease it does not say. This is just a game of nature. In some people and animals, although this phenomenon is quite rare, there are eyes of different colors. Despite the seeming asymmetry of the face caused by various color of the eyes, such animals and people may have features that distinguish them from other individuals, but with the eyes of the same color. For example, it is noticed that the "differences" cats are very easily achieved by the attention of their work. As for people, many who are familiar with disagreement, noted that they have some kind of "highlight" and charm. "

Heterochromia (from Greek. Heteros - "Other", chromos - "color") - this is the difference in the color of the left and right eye or the inhomogeneity of the color distribution in one eye. This is due to insufficiency or excess of melanin content in the iris one eye compared to another. With that such an anomaly occurs in just 2% of the world's population.

The hint of the iris is formed immediately after the birth of a child during the first half of the year is the process of saturation of the eye iris melanin, after a year to two years there is a stable eye color. At the same time, the more hormone in the iris, the color will be richer and darker. But melanin can distribute unevenly in the eyes, which will cause the appearance of heterochromia.

The reasons

In the absolute majority of cases, the occurrence of the heterochromy of the eye is caused by heredity, but there are cases of occurrence after mechanical damage and diseases.

To basic reasons include:

  • Vaardenburg syndrome is the uneven distribution of melanin in the upper layer of iris.
  • Neurofibromatosis - relief distribution of melanin.
  • Inflammation of non-critical nature is only in one eye.
  • Traumatic lesions of the iris.
  • Treatment of glaucoma or its stay in the shell.
  • Finding in the eye of foreign elements.
  • Genetic or hereditary color difference.
  • Hemorrhage in the eyeball or scler.

Who may have

Statistical examination of the issue made it possible to determine that the absolute number of heterochromic manifestations was found in women. But the scientific substantiation of the fact that sexual sign is the cause of the phenomenon - there is no.

But it is in men that the heterochromia eyes bears the most interesting character. There are atypical varieties, which will be written below.


In addition to the most typical species - simple, allocated other, characterizing more developed forms and abnormal manifestations of heterochromia.


The most frequent phenomenon case. Heterochromia arises from birth and is not related to other possible eye diseases or vision. It is expressed by the fact that one eye can be green (blue, gray), and the second must Karim in different shades. In addition to the genetic nature of the prerequisites, it can also be caused by the weakness of the neck beam of nerves. This condition is characterized by a horner syndrome. Patients have astigmatism and or a small peripheral squint with a more "light" eye.


The main premise of such a phenomenon is a fux syndrome, which is characterized by the strongest inflammatory process in the upper layers of the shell of the iris and sclera. An eyeness is exposed to one eye, and it is associated with a sharp drop in vision and "clarification" of color due to saturation of the eye lymphatic compounds. Diagnose the disease is difficult, it is practically not amenable to treatment. The core etymology symptoms include:

  • Scrolling reduction of vision. That is, the vision is reduced by jerks for different periods of time.
  • Crystalik is undergoing tinning
  • Rainbow shell undergo anemia.
  • In the iris appear muddy formations, as if the iris becomes "in Krapinka."
  • Gradual eye blindness.


Inflammation, tumors, swelling or traumatic lesions can lead to the development of this type of anomaly. The abuse of chemicals and pharmacological means can similarly can harm the iris by changing its color to brighter shades from the burn.

Forms of heterochromia

It was found that heterochromia can be purchased or attended from birth. Over the shape of the color and the location of the "color spots" phenomenon can be divided into various forms.


The easiest case is complete heterochromia. A person has eyes of different colors, but anatomically and aesthetically, each eye separately is right and without aberration. The most common brown and blue eyes in a pair.

Partial heterochromia

Due to staining of one eye in different colors. The so-called sector heterochromia eyes. The iris can be separated by flowers in half, on quarters or to have wavy boundaries, which is extremely rare. This is due to the uneven distribution of melanin even during the formation of chroma in the first six months of life. At the same time, the iris may have a color not to water range, but be, for example, brown-gray or green brown.

Partial heterochromia can be observed in the period from six months to two years, and then the state of the melanin distribution is normalized.

Central heterochromia

This form has the greatest distribution in people with the phenomenon of the chromaticity of the eyes. It is usually characterized by changing the color of the iris one eye. The most acceptable aesthetic appearance. It also happens that the color in the eyes is distributed by rings around the pupil. It resembles the effect of the rainbow, when in one eye two rings of different colors, and the second eye is painted monotonously. All over the world there are no more than a dozen.

Metal cloth

The most unique view caused by mechanical damage. It often occurs in cases of lesions of the eyes of copper or bronze abalina, but can be called and hit iron sawdust. Thin sawdust falls into the top layer of iris or sclera. The scler is not sensitive, and if there is no discomfort, then the scale of several microns remains in the iris. With a long-term room of the scale on the iris medium, which is a wet environment, it occurs its oxidation and formation of pigment. This pigment leads the iris to change the color to the foci. Usually the eye acquires a rust-green or lightweight shade. When the scale is removed, the anomaly does not stop. Pigment does not disappear from the eye.

Heterochromia in animals

The phenomenon is most common in animals, with a species diversity. Almost all the fauna, except for birds and reptiles, can be exposed to distracted eyes.

  • In cats, the case is detected with a completely black, white or smoky color without color enclosures. This is explained by a genetic error in the formation of color of wool. Since the color of the wool and eye of the cat is formed by the presence of melanin.
  • Dogs meet only at the polar breeds of dogs, for example, husky or Malamutes.

The only difference from a person is that animals in animals are strict full of sectors or sectors.

Cause for concern?

The phenomenon itself is considered anomalous and atypical for the structure of the human eye, but if it is not caused by diseases or damage, it is not the reason for concern. In order to eliminate all possible concomitant complications, in priority medical examination. It will be carried out in order to detect hereditary diseases and anomalies in the development of the body. In hereditary reasons, often different color of the eyes is adjacent to the gray strand of the hair on the top or forehead. A similar condition is observed with a uniform coating of human skin with a coffee-milk stain or focal coating. Scler and eye iris are also covered.

It is also necessary to realize the appeal to the clinic with minimal damage to the eye with sorinks, skills, or as a result of strong shocks on the head and eyeballs. Brain concussion is the most common indication for examining the eyeball.

Diagnosis and treatment

It should be noted that the phenomenon itself cannot be characterized as a disease. But in order to identify the consequence and reasons that can wear an outpatient nature, it is necessary to spend a thorough study from the ophthalmologist.

Types of ophthalmological studies

  • Biomicroscopy - a slit lamp is used to carry out this method. The object of the study is the shallow primary layer of iris. With the help of highlighting, the frame structure can be studied for the location of foreign bodies, inclusions, clots or damage. Primary method of detection of heterochromia backgrounds.
  • - Study aimed at studying the system of capillaries and retina. The procedure does not contact with the eye, a remote lens is used. Absolute accuracy allows the identification of cropped vessels and capillaries.
  • Electrophysiological study (EFI) - allows you to effectively appreciate the state of the pupil, lens and reveal the chemical balance of the vitreous body and iris on external signs. Initially, a judgment may be delivered to the number of melanin in the eye. The eye is exposed to point electrical effects in a thousandth percentage of power. In this case, the color is condensed or the identification of inclusions. When removing the conversion of the bunch is absorbed within a few minutes.
  • Campimimetry is determining the reaction of the eye to various levels of light and chroma. The study is performed using a special white screen. Color markers appear on the screen in chaotic order, the brightness of which is enhanced and weakens. At this moment there is an active study of the reaction of the iris and pupil with the lens. The fact is that the eyes with different colors of the iris can perceive the color of the surrounding world by different way. What is Dalton Syndrome. The method with absolute success allows diagnosing glaucoma.
  • Ultrasonic research of the eyeball () - if the face is mechanically damaged the eye, then an ultrasound study is carried out. The method allows you to explore the eyeball from the inside and also thin outdoor layers.


All research methodology can be used both separately and in the aggregate. A comprehensive study is often carried out in order to more accurately determine the prerequisites and the effects of heterochromia.

Depending on the cause, which led to heterochronis, adequate therapeutic or surgical treatment is prescribed by doctors. Congenital pathology cannot be subjected to medical correction, only colored contact lenses apply.

Human's eyes are the mirror of his soul. Someone has blue and good, green with chickrink, burning and black, melancholic and gray, and someone has heterochromed and multicolored. All people are individual in their appearance, but only "Healthy heterochromia" is an image of an individual donated by nature itself. The main thing is to know that the anomaly of multicolored eyes is not a reason for complexes and dissatisfaction with themselves.