Word order in questions упражнения. Упражнения на построение предложений в английском языке

Упражнения для начинающих

Упражнение 1.
1. good, I, student, am, a.
2. famous, he, footballer, is a?
3. Mary, very, looks, happy.
4. The dolls, very, are, pretty.
5. clever, she, girl, is, a.
6. Bella, a, is, not, good, cat.
7. sings, well, he.
8. will, rain, it, soon.
9. listened to, teacher, the, they.
10. English, have, they, Wednesday, on.

Упражнение 2. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке.
1. Sunday, went, to the Zoo, we, on.
2. How, do, have, pets, they, many?
3. Not, I, will, see, friend, soon, my.
4. he, what, do, will, weekends, at?
5. Uses, the, at, work, he, computer.
6. does, he, not, know, the girl.
7. English, they, not, do, study.
8. was, I, not, school, at, yesterday.
9. there, many, people, in, the, were, park.
10. at, cinema, the, were, they, week, last.

Упражнение 3. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке.
1. in, town, are, there, houses, a lot of.
2. go, yesterday, they, did, where?
3. country, usually, goes, with, Mary, to, who, the?
4. what, banana, colour, is, a?
5. are, leaves, there, on, trees, the, no.
6. there, is, a, dog, door, near, the.
7. snow, it, winter, last, didn’t.
8. book, was, interesting, very, the.
9. can, draw, well, they.
10. we, not, must, eat, on the bus.

Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения в Present Simple на английский язык. Не забывайте от том, что порядок слов в английском предложении ПРЯМОЙ.
1. Я каждый день хожу на работу.
2. В 7 часов я встаю.
3. Мой брат вечером читает.
4. Я хорошо говорю по-английски.
5. Конфеты я люблю!
6. Моя сестра любит собак.
7. Дети каждый день играют с собакой.
8. Приходим домой мы обычно в 2 часа.

Часто сравнивают порядок слов в английском и русском языках, утверждая, что в последнем можно расставлять слова, как бог на душу положит. Это облегчает использование языка. Вроде как, хоть одной головной болью меньше. Я согласна с тем, что в русском языке и без этого есть, над чем задуматься, но точно знаю, что в нем существует определенный порядок слов, только для нас он неочевиден. Я не специалист русской филологии и ничего сказать по этому поводу не могу. Но, вообще, мой опыт изучения китайского языка, в котором порядок слов "нужно чувствовать", мне подсказывает, что проще, когда в языке все-таки четко установленный порядок слов присутствует. По крайней мере, ты уверен хотя бы в структуре своего предложения, в своем подлежащем и сказуемом, в том, что ты точно сформулировал вопрос или отрицание. Английский сделал нам большой подарок в виде определенного порядка слов. Этот язык - математика. Вам дается формула, вы подставляете свои переменные x и y. В итоге выходит предложение, понятное вашим слушателям и передающее ваши мысли.

I. Порядок слов в утвердительном предложении

Подлежащее Сказуемое Косвенное дополнение Прямое дополнение Предложное дополнение Место Время
I will tell you a story about my father at school tomorrow.
He gave the book to Catherine in a cafe last month.
Joanna was thinking about you last night.
Bred has been reading a newspaper in the hall.

*Direct object – прямое дополнение, аналог нашего винительного падежа. Указывает на предмет, на которым осуществляется действие. Дополнение отвечает на вопрос “who?/what?” Например:

The ball hit her . – Who did the ball hit? – Her (direct object).

He is making pancakes . – What is he making? – Pancakes (direct object).

Indirect object – косвенное дополнение. Не используется без прямого дополнения. Указывает на получателя косвенного дополнения. Например:

He bought her flowers. (для кого он купил цветы? – для мамы.)

They told me the news. John is writing her a letter. She gave her boyfriend a present.

Object of preposition
- предложное дополнение. Присоединяется к глаголу при помощи предлога. Например:

Be careful with fire . (with fire – предложное дополнение)

She wrote a book about the war . (about the war – предложное дополнение)

Обратите внимание на то, что порядок слов, начиная с косвенного дополнения, сохраняется в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях. Поэтому в дальнейшем буду называть их просто «остальными членами предложения».

II. Порядок слов в отрицательном предложении

Глагол TO BE в Present Simple и Past Simple

Остальные глаголы и времена

III. Порядок слов в вопросительном предложении

Вопросительные предложения с глаголом TO BE в Present Simple и Past Simple

Вопросительные предложения с вспомогательным глаголом

Вопросительное слово (если есть) Вспомогательный глагол Подлежащее Смысловой глагол Остальные члены предложения
Do you work at weekends?
What is he doing in the kitchen?
What books did your grandfather use to read when he was young?
Where can I find information about it?
Why haven"t you spoken to him yet?

Вопросительные предложения без вспомогательного глагола

Если в вопросе вопросительное слово является одновременно подлежащим, то порядок слов сохраняется, как в утверждении.

IV. Порядок слов в подчиненных предложениях

Порядок слов в подчиненных предложениях прямой, что особенно важно при использовании косвенной речи. Сравните:

“Do you love me?” I asked. -> I asked if she loved me.

“What are you going to do next?” she asked. -> She asked what I was going to do next.

V. Положение наречий в английском предложении

Наречия частотности (often, always, seldom, never, hardly ever, sometimes, usually etc.) располагаются перед смысловым глаголом, но после глагола TO BE:

I often go to the cinema. I don"t often go to the cinema. Do you often go to the cinema?

He is usually happy to see me. He isn"t usually happy to see me. Is he usually happy to see me?

В сложносоставных сказуемых:

I have never been to China. Have you ever been to China?

I will always love you. Will you always love me?

Usually, normally, occasionally и sometimes можно переставлять на начало предложения или конец.

Самое главное, о чем нужно помнить при переводе предложений на английский язык, это строгий порядок слов. Мы можем сказать по-русски «Пишет стихи он просто прекрасно!». А вот на английский перевод обязательно должны начать с подлежащего, затем употребить сказуемое, дополнение и, если есть, обстоятельство. Итак, получится «He writes poems just brilliantly!»

Потренируйтесь в переводе, выполняя онлайн упражнения на составление предложений на английском на нашем сайте. Это просто, быстро (проверка онлайн) и дает хорошие результаты.

Не забывайте про «обратный порядок» слов в вопросах и . Успехов!

Онлайн-упражнение на составление предложений


п.1-п.2 - Выберите правильный перевод предложений.

п.3-п.4 -Подставьте в пропуск подходящее слово.

п.5-п.10 - Из предложенных слов составьте правильные предложения.

    Через неделю она сюда приедет
    ... She will come here in 2 weeks n 2 weeks she here will come .

    На празднике было много народа
    ... At the fest were many people There were many people at the fest. .

    They went to school ... yesterday teachers play every day .

    Prepare Granny Tomorrow Usually will make a big cake for your birthday.

    Late bed went he to ... late bed went he to ... late bed went he to ... late bed went he to ... late bed went he to .

    Have octopus eaten I ... have octopus eaten I ... have octopus eaten I ... have octopus eaten I .

    Very in school our teachers strict are ... very in school our teachers strict are ... very in school our teachers strict are ... very in school our teachers strict are ... very in school our teachers strict are ... very in school our teachers strict are ... very in school our teachers strict are .

    Italian are they ... Italian are they ... Italian are they ?

    Vegetables you like do ... vegetables you like do ... vegetables you like do ... vegetables you like do ?

    Is scratch arm your on a there ... is scratch arm your on a there ... is scratch arm your on a there ... is scratch arm your on a there ... is scratch arm your on a there ... is scratch arm your on a there ... is scratch arm your on a there .

Умение быстро и правильно строить предложения в английском языке позволяет начать говорить гораздо быстрее, чем чтение сотен текстов. Ведь зная порядок слов, можно построить любое предложение самостоятельно, не завися от преподавателя и учебника.

Пройдите упражнения на построение предложений в английском языке на нашем сайте - и вы запомните, в каком порядке должны идти английские слова.

Мы уверены, что вы помните три основные правила на порядок слов. Если вы их забыли, загляните сюда . Не забывайте, что если к существительному относится определение, то оно всегда ставится перед ним (nice skirt).

Онлайн-упражнение на построение предложений


п.1-п.3 - Выберите правильный перевод предложения на английский.

п.4-п.5 - Подставьте в предложение пропущенное слово.

п.6-п.8 - Составьте предложения из слов.

    Все по своему вкусу выбирают профессию
    ... Everyone according to their taste chooses a profession Everyone chooses a profession according to their taste > .

    У нас в городе два лицея
    ... There are two lyceums in our town We have in our town two lyceums .

    Где живет твоя сестра? ... Where lives your sister? Where does your sister live? .

    What are you ... tomorrow box hiding they behind your back?

    She lost her ... purse nice with money two weeks ago in the park.

    Have work stressful nurses very ... have work stressful nurses very ... have work stressful nurses very ... have work stressful nurses very ... have work stressful nurses very .

    Are sky the in there clouds ... are sky the in there clouds ... are sky the in there clouds ... are sky the in there clouds ... are sky the in there clouds ... are sky the in there clouds .

    Did quit job your why you ... did quit job your why you ... did quit job your why you ... did quit job your why you ... did quit job your why you ... did quit job your why you .

Content – Содержание
Порядок слов в английском повествовательном предложении … 4

Имя существительное ……………………………………………… 5

Артикль ……………………………………………………............... 6

Местоимение ……………………………………………………….. 7

Some, any, no …………………………………………....................... 8

Many, much, few, little ……………………………………………… 9

Прилагательное ……………………………………………………. 10

Числительное ………………………………………………………..12

Предлоги ……………………………………………………………..12

“to be” ………………………………………………………………...14

‘There+be’ ……………….……………………………………………15

“to be, to do, to have” …………………………………………………15

“have/have got” ……………………………………………………….17

Времена глагола в активном залоге ………………………………...18

Времена глагола в пассивном залоге ……………………………… 26

Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты ……………………………. 28

Типы вопросительных предложений ……………………………… 32

Причастие …………………………………………………………… 33

Причастные обороты ……………………………………………….. 35

Герундий. Герундиальный оборот ………………………………… 36

Инфинитив. Инфинитивные обороты …………………………….. 37

Согласование времен ……………………………………………….. 39

Прямая и непрямая речь ……………………………………………. 40

Условные предложения ……………………………………………. 42

STOP & CHECK YOURSELF………………………………………. 44

К таблице 1 :Порядок слов в английском

повествовательном предложении

Задание 1.

  1. Is, a, table, book, on, there, the. 2

  2. Library, very, is, good, our.

  3. Are 35, pupils, class, our, in, there.

  4. Like, I, read, to, books.

  5. She, to, goes, Pete, with, school.

  6. Study, in, we, winter.

  7. In, room, is, there, telephone, my, a.

  8. Visit, uncle, to, went, to, his, Pavel, Moscow.

  9. They, with, play, Saturday, every, basket ball, friends, their?

  10. He, fond, always, English, he, because, is, well, language, of, this, knows.

  11. Datum, blackboard, was, this, on, formula, the, of, there, this.
Задание 2. Составьте предложения из следующих слов, соблюдая порядок слов в английском предложении.

  1. Usually, it, me, to get, takes, my, an hour, to, office.

  2. There, any, are, on, the blackboard, figures.

  3. A picture, there, over, the bookcase, is?

  4. Countries, the, metric system, European, use, most, now.

  5. This, the, to, have, no, I, to, time, gym, go, afternoon.

  6. Winning, players, a lot of, among, team, has, of, friends, he.

  7. Farmers, club, built, last, students, new, for, year, collective.

  8. See, cinema, time, to, go, I, new, the, have, when, free, the, the, film, to, I.

  9. There, are, United, situated, the, Atlantic, States, the Pacific, between, Oceans, and.

  10. Will, a, be, laboratory, in, there, this, next, room, year.

  11. Had, our, finished, we, experiment?

  12. Are of, full, news, newspapers, our, interesting, USA, about, the.
Задание 3. Составьте предложения из следующих слов, соблюдая порядок слов в английском предложении.

  1. In winter, study, we, and, in summer, rest.

  2. A library, we, at, have, very, school, good, our.

  3. Many, factories, are, at, there, town, our.

  4. Friend, Donetsk, studies, my, at, University, the, in.

  5. Is, for, friend, this, letter, your, I, which, received, yesterday.

  6. To, Victor, four, wrote, days, a, his, letter, ago, friend.

  7. See, often, we, library, them, our, at, local.

  8. Morning, at, o’clock, in, usually, up, woke, the, six.
9. Group, will, students, the, of, go, State, to, Museum, tomorrow, History, the.

10. The, is, the best, famous, one, museums, world, the, in, British, of, museum.
К таблице 2: Имя существительное
Задание 1. Выберите правильную форму множественного числа существительного

1. a school (A – schooles, B – schools, C – school); 2. a sheep (A – sheep, B – sheeps, C – sheepes); 3. news (A – newes, B – newses, C – news); 4. a child (A – childs, B – children, C – childrens); 5. a baby (A – babys, B – babies, C – babis); 6. money (A – money, B – moneys, C – moneis);7. A goose (A – gooses, B – geeses, C – geese); 8. advice (A advice, B – advices, C – advicis); 9. a handkerchief (A handkerchiefs, B – handkerchieves, C – handkerchievs); 10. foot (A – foots, B – feets, C– feet); 11. sugar (A– sugas, B – sugares, C – sugar); 12. hair (A–hairs, B – hair, C – haires); 13. A box (A – box, B – boxes, C – box); 14. information (A – informations, B – information, C – informationes); 15. a housewife (A – housewifes, B – housewifs, C – housewives).
Задание 2. Выберите форму существительного в притяжательном падеже. .

1. The tooth of my little brother 2. The toys of my sister
A. My brother"s little tooth; A. My sister"s toys

B .My little brother"s tooth B. My sisters" toys

C. My tooth"s little brother C. The toys" my sister

3. The wages of my father 4. The text-book of my friend

A. Father"s my wages; A. My friends" text-book

B. Wages" my father B. My friend"s the textbook

C. My father"s wages C. My friend"s text-book

5. The people of this country. 6. The goods of that office.

A.This country"s people; A. That office"s goods;

B.These people"s country; B. That offices" goods

C. Country"s these people. C. The goods" that office

7. The instruments of his father. 8. The children of my aunt.

A. His father"s instruments; A. My aunts" children;

B. His instrument"s father; B. Children"s my aunt;

C. The father"s instruments. C. My aunt"s children.

9. The geese of my Granny. 10. The trousers of those boys.

A. Geese"s my Granny; A. Those boy"s trousers;

B. My Granny"s geese; B. Those boys" trousers;

C. My geese"s Granny. C. The trousers" those boys.
К таблице 3: Артикль
Задание 1. Поставьте неопределённый, определённый или нулевой артикли перед следующими существительными и словосочетаниями.

House, ... Petrovs, my ... sister, ... butter, ... knowledge, ... Asia, ... Caucasus, ... Apennines, much ...water, by ... tram, ... Transvaal, any ... pen, ... sugar, ...

Bermudas, ... milk, in ... morning, at... school, on ... right, by day, to go to ... bed, to tell... time, ... sun, at... time, to have ... cold, ... tea, ... Azores, ... Black Sea,.... snow,... British Channel,... Australia,... Doctor Brown, that ... boy, ... Professor Pavlov, ... coal, ... Titanic, ... I Geography, some ... books, ... music, ... Pacific Ocean, this I... dictionary,... Rostov (hotel), ... Paris, little ... milk, ... moon, ... best boy, ... second lesson, ... United States of America,... Scotland,... Appalachians,... America,... Florida, ... Bahamas, ... Rocky Mountains, ... Alaska, ... Sunday Times.
Задание 2. Подберите вместо пропусков необходимый артикль: А – а; В – аn; C – the, D – (нулевой артикль)
А. Имена существительные нарицательные
1. You"ve got... cold. Stay at... home and have ... apple. 2. Give me your ... pen, please. This ... pen is bad. 3. What"s ... time? Oh, it"s high time to train and play ... piano. 4. To tell ... truth, I am not ready for ... lesson. 5. In ... spring we like to go for ... walk in ... park. 6. Come to see me ... day after tomorrow in ... evening. 7. We had ... good time on ... board ... ship this ... summer. 8. As ... result of our
... walk we"ve got ... lot of beautiful autumn ... leaves. 9. Don"t be in ... hurry, take your ... seat and tell me about... school. 10. Take ... care of your sister, she has ... bad headache.

Б. Имена существительные собственные

1. On ... Wednesday ... Times published an article about the events in ... Caucasus. 2. ... United Kingdom includes ... Great Britain and ... Northern Ireland. 3. ... English Channel is between ... England and ... France. 4. My father is from ... Ukraine. He was born in the town of Cherkassy on ... Dnieper river. 5. ... USA is the fourth largest country in the world after ... Russia, ... Canada and ... Republic of ... China. 6. ... Lena is ... longest river in ... Siberia. 7. My relatives live in ... Crimea, not far from ... Black Sea. 8. Sometimes on ... Sundays we enjoy a wonderful journey on board ... «Ivan Polsunov» along ... Don. 9. Show me ... Canary Islands and ... Azores on this map. 10. ... Browns speak ... Russian very well because they often visit... Moscow and other cities of ... Russia.

К таблице 4: Местоимения
Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык, стоящие в скобках притяжательные и возвратные местоимения.

1. This is (наш) Institute. 2. These are (их) drawings. 3. I don’t know where I have put (свой) pencil. 4. I don’t know where is (мой) pencil. 5.Give me (вашу) pen, please. 6. She must write (свой) translation. 7. He wants to read (свой) translation and they will read (свои) translation. 8. He has no idea where (его) ticket is. 9. I shall give him (свой) ticket as I don’t want to go to the cinema. 10. Here is the table I want to show you; one of (его) legs is broken. 11. I gave her (его) book. 12. We shall give them (свои) tools. 13. I’ll do this (сам). 14. The experiment (сам) was very important.

Задание 2. .

1. I often meet (his, him) in the reading-room. 2. Will you give (I, me) your text-book, please? 3. I received a letter from (she, her). 4. We saw (they, them) in the theatre. 5. Give me (you, your) ball-point-pen (шариковая ручка), please. 6. (Me, my) sister teaches (them, their) mathematics. 7. (Our, us) students were present at the lecture. 8. (Many, much) students were present at the lecture. 9. He reads (little, few). 10. She spends (many, much) time on this kind of work.

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, выбрав правильную форму местоимения.

1. I used (her, hers) bicycle; (my, mine) is broken. 2. I recognize you but I have forgotten (your, yours) name. 3. (Your, yours) suitcase is bigger than (our, ours). 4. (Their, theirs) dog ate its dinner. 5. Is this bicycle (your, yours)? No, it’s John’s. 6. Is this one (our, ours)? I’m not sure. 7. This is (my, mine) typewriter. 8. That is (her, hers) problem. 9. Those glasses are (my, mine). 10. Are these (your, yours) shoes? No, they are (their, theirs). 11. Show (we, our, us) these pictures, we like (their, them, they). 12. Whose books are these? They are (we, us, our) books. 13. Look at the picture, (it, it’s, she) beautiful. 14. Come to see (my, I, me) today. 15. His sister likes to read (she, her, his) books on history. She reads (they, them, their) after classes. 16. Help (I, my, me) with this translation, please (he, it, his) is difficult. I cannot do it without (you, your) help. 17. Ivanova is (our, we, us) teacher of English. (She, her, it) is not old. 18. Read the text, please. (He, she, it) is easy. 19. This letter is from (his, he, him). 20. I am going to (he, him, his) sister.

Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, поставив предложенные ниже личные и притяжательные местоимения в правильной форме.

A .Местоимения в единственном числе: my, me, mine, his, his, her, hers, it, its.

1. Give (мнe) (ee) book to read. (Moя) - is not interesting. 2. Are these (eгo) text-books? No, they are (ее). 3. Show (мне) (его) magazine, please. 4. (Его) sister is here, and where is (моя)? 5. Give (ему) (его) pen. He likes to write with (ею). (Она) is always with (ним). 6. Please, help (мне) to write a report for (него). (Он) needs (в нём) for tomorrow. 7. (Это) is not (его) key. (Он) is (ее). 8. Give (мне) (ее) photo and I’ll give (тебе) (мое). 9. I asked (ее) to help (ему) to do (его) home-task. 10. Is (это) (ее) map? (Я) am not sure. (Я) think, (она) is (его).

Б. Местоимения во множественном числе: we, us, our, ours, you, your, yours, they, them, their, theirs.

1. (Мы) are (их) relatives, not (ваши). 2. Show (нам) (нашего) new teacher. 3. Whose girl is this? The girl is (наша). 4. Are the boys (ваши) friends? No, (они) are (их) friends. 5. All (ваши) suitcases are in (их) car. Take (их). 6. What is (ваш) address? (Их) is the same. (Они) live not far from (вас). 7. How long are (вы) waiting for (нас)? 8. (Мы) asked (их) to live with (нами) at (нашей) summer cottage. 9. Where are (их) glasses? Show (их) to (нам). 10. We know (их) very well. (Они) are the friends of (наши).

К таблицам 4.2-4.4: SOME, ANY, NO и их производные

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски местоимениями SOME или ANY.

a. 1. There are ____ photographs in the cupboard. 2. Here are ____ lines from a poem by Wordsworth. 3. There aren’t ____ good films on this week. 4. Don’t take ____ tablets this evening. 5. They’re building ____ new houses in the next street. 6. I don’t have ____ clean shirts. 7. Please buy ____ stamps for me on your way to work. 8. I met ____ old friends at the station yesterday. 9. I won’t leave ____ windows open tonight. 10. She hasn’t written ____ interesting books recently.

b. 1. We wanted to make ____ sandwiches but we found we hadn’t got ____ bread. 2. I left ____ meat on the table and the dog ate it while I was out. 3. He got out his pen to sign the cheque but there wasn’t ____ ink in it. 4. Please fetch me ____ dry wood to get the fire started. 5. The expansion plans sounded wonderful, but unfortunately the company didn’t have ____ money to pay for them. 6. Don’t leave ____ food in the fridge when you go away on holiday. 7. At the concert last night they played ____ music I had never heard before. 8. To try to save money, the firm bought ____ secondhand machinery at a sale. 9. You haven’t done ____ work so you can’t expert ____ pay. 10. ____ French wine is quite sweet.

c. 1. Let me give you ____ advice about learning a language. 2. Try to do ____ studying every day. 3. Even when you think you don’t have ____ time, try and find ten minutes, and learn ____ words. 4. ____ people think that learning a language is something we can do without ____ difficulty. 5. We know that there isn’t ____ truth in that idea. 6. You have to do ____ hard work, or you won’t make ____ progress. 7. With the linguaphone course we’ve tried to make even the hard work enjoyable. 8. So you won’t forget ____ of the exercises, will you?

d. 1. I see … bread. Why haven’t you bought …, Nick? – I had … time to do it. 2. Have … soup, Helen. – No, thank you. I had … soup at dinner. I don’t want … more. 3. Were there … mistakes in your paper? – Yes, there were…. (No, there weren’t ….). 4. Will there be … concert after the meeting? – No, there won’t be … concert. 5. Why didn’t they give us … postcards to send?

Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант.

For example :

I’d like some /any tea please.

1. I’m sorry, Sir, but we haven’t got any/no fish. 2. Natalya ate some toasts/toast but I didn’t have any. 3. There’s/There are some cheese on the table. 4. I didn’t give Fiona an/any apple. 5. We had some/any hot chocolate last night before we went to bed. 6. They didn’t see some/any bread in the market. 7. Oh dear, there’s no/any milk. 8. I haven’t got some/any money for new clothes.